
An Unfulfilled Promise - IV

Ansel always appears at the most opportune moments, in the most suitable of places. 

It is precisely for this reason that Ravenna refuses to dismiss any incident between them as mere coincidence; it is also why she can steadfastly cling to her convictions amidst the most perplexing of circumstances.

Yet now, no matter how lucidly she perceives the situation, it is all to no avail. 

Or perhaps… it is precisely because her vision is so unobstructed that the mundane, "by-the-way" challenge pierces through her defenses. 

Relationships, standings. 

The disparity between past and present relationships, the difference in standing between her and Seraphina — it's not out of jealousy, but rather... loss.


Ravenna rose, her gaze demurely cast downward: "Do you seek anything in particular by coming here?"

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