
Chapter 8: Pokemon Voltage Academy

A day has gone by since Troy and Fuecoco were saved by Jasper's Charizard. Troy had been watching Fuecoco like a Pidgeot, making sure Fuecoco didn't run off into danger again.

Getting ready for class Troy returned Fuecoco back to its pokeball and started to get dressed. While getting dressed, a photo fell out of Troy's pocket. Seeing the photo, he saw Troy and another person hanging out together, putting it back into his pockets. Troy had left the dorms to get to class.

Today's class will practice battles to learn how to command your Pokémon in battle and come up with strategies. "Thank you for coming. Today I will be teaching about Pokémon moves, and the best way to learn them is to battle each other. The names Professor Kukui and I specialize in Pokémon moves."

Everyone, surprised that today's class was taught by Professor Kukui, the founder of Alola's Pokémon League, started talking amongst themselves. Kukui, hearing this, smiled and said, "Alright, instead of wasting all your time, let's move to the battle grounds and start learning about moves!"

As Troy was walking out to the battleground, Baker came up to him and said, "Hey Troy, do you want to practice moves against each other in a Pokémon battle?"

Troy thought, "I don't know if Fuecoco would still listen to me?" "Well, who knows? Maybe Fuecoco will just listen to you this time." Troy also said to Baker, "Hey Baker, by the way, what Pokémon do you have as your partner?"

Baker replied, "Well, you're going to have to wait when we battle."

Once everyone was outside, Kukui made sure everyone got a partner and said to everyone, "Alright everyone, pull out your phones to check your Pokémon moves. First, I want you to remember your Pokémon's moves and get ready to battle your partner with the moves you can remember."

Everyone hearing this pulled out their phones, with Troy just pretending that he was seeing Fuecoco moves with the pokedex app when he already remembered the moves. Ready to battle Baker, Troy had sent out Fuecoco and was waiting for Baker to send out his Pokémon.

Baker telling Troy if his ready, had sent out Eevee. Troy, seeing this, was surprised to see what Pokémon Baker had sent out and look at its stats.


Pokémon: Eevee

Aura: Sapphire

Moves: tackle, helping hand, tail whip, covet, detect, double kick, mud-slap


Troy, seeing Eevee's moves and aura, also brought up his phone to see the Dex info. "Its ability to evolve into many forms allows it to adapt smoothly and perfectly to any environment."

Both trainers got ready to have a practice battle, sending both Pokémon out to the field. Troy, thinking about what move to use to start with, wasn't expecting Baker to attack already. "Eevee, use tackle, then mud-slap."

Still trying to think of what move to use, Fuecoco was hit by a tackle and failed to dodge a mud slap. Troy panicked saying, "Fuecoco, use ember." Fuecoco listening to Troy used ember at Eevee but missed, and with mud in its eyes, Fuecoco kept spamming ember randomly at Eevee, with Eevee dodging most of the embers being fired out randomly.

With Troy and Baker's battle going on, Professor Kukui saw what was going on and started to watch their battle. Seeing how Troy was not able to be calm like Baker was, Kukui could only shake his head in disappointment at how Troy was doing and started walking away to see how the other students were doing.

Just as Kukui turned around, he heard a melody being whistled. Turning around, he saw Troy whistling a melody he hadn't heard before, but what surprised him more was that Fuecoco stopped randomly attacking Eevee. Kukui had seen Fuecoco with its eyes closed, waiting to see what was about to happen. Troy's melody changed into a bit of an aggressive tune, and Fuecoco then started to fire embers quickly where Eevee is.

Baker, seeing this, had a smirk, like he knew this might happen. Not waiting for Eevee to get hit by the embers being shot at, Baker had commanded Eevee to dodge, then use a double kick, hitting Fuecoco. Fuecoco had taken a good amount of damage.

Troy, snapping out of his whistle, saw how injured Fuecoco was. Wanting to stop the battle, Troy was about to surrender until he saw that Fuecoco was not ready to give up. Seeing Fuecoco's determination, Troy thought to tell Fuecoco to make one more attack. "Fuecoco, use tackle!" Baker, hearing this, had told Eevee, "Eevee finish this with a counter," upon hearing that Eevee had dodged the tackle from Fuecoco and countered it, knocking Fuecoco unconscious.

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