
Arc 2: The Douchebag Phenex

Over the past few days things have been interesting in the house of the Makasha's ever since Nawin brought Asia to his home and make up a story to his parents saying that her jerk of a parents abandoned her so he decided to take her in consider she is a close friend of his.

Ever since then Jonathan and Yao have welcomed Asia with opened arms and treating her like their second daughter. As for the young blond, ever since the incident she was forced to stay in bed for a couple of days trying to get her strength back making Nawin skipped school to keep a close eye on her just in case making Asia constantly apologize for being a nuisance which make Nawin bump her in the head saying that big brothers should be looking after their little sister making the blonde smile happily.

While his parents accepted Asia with opened arms Lucy on the other hand don't take the news to happy, Nawin begins to notice that Lucy was glaring at Asia whenever she sees her and never said anything to her fellow blonde just ignoring her which starting to annoyed to him, but he decided to have a world with her when Asia gets better.

One day Nawin finally decided to tell Asia the whole story of him being a devil along with the rest of the Occult club and how she was brought back to life, he was quite surprise when she took the news well saying that she still sees him as her big brother and nothing is going to change that making the black haired smile happy that she doesn't hate him or sees him as a monster.

After 3 days Asia has finally recovered and was ready to join the Kouh Academy with her big brother and meeting the rest of the Occult Club members which she is a little nervous, but Nawin reassured her that they will become her with opened arms like his parents did.

Present Day

'Why does this keep happening to me?' Nawin who just woken up looks to his side to see a naked Akeno sleeping peacefully next to him 'Brat I think it's time I tell you about the bird and the be-' the black haired cuts the link before Tairex could continue.

"Akeno time to get up" Nawin mutter softy shaking the raven haired girl. Akeno opens her eyes blinking a few time before sitting up and turns to the black haired who held an unamused expression on his face "Akeno I'm starting to think the reason you did this is to have sex with me" he jokes a bit making the raven haired smile sexily as her violet eyes flash in lust making the Makasha regret what he said.

Suddenly Akeno push Nawin on the bed and sits on his lap, straddling her hips around his pelvis, the Makasha tries to get up but she grabs both his hands and pin it down "A-Akeno knock it off" he stutters, as blush start spreading on his cheek making Akeno giggles "You're so adorable Nawin-kun"

"Onii-chan! It's time for school" A happy Asia yell from outside the room, the young blond start calling Nawin Onii-chan since she likes the sound of it and she found out that Nee-chan means sister making the blonde blushed when her brother first told her that.

When Asia open the door and her happy expression turn to horror and shock seeing her brother being pinned down on the bed with a girl sitting on top of him. Nawin look at Asia shock while Akeno smile "Asia-chan it's nice to finally see you in full health" she said releasing Nawin's arm.

"T-thank you Miss, O-Onii-chan i-it's breakfast" Asia stutters "Thanks Asia, close the door me and Akeno will be down in a minute" Nawin said smiling nervously seeing his sister face turning redder then a tomato, before she quickly shuts the door.

"Asia-chan sure is adorable isn't she Nawin-kun" Akeno turns to the black haired who nod "Yes she is and that show you just put on probably damage her innocence's that I'm trying to keep safe" he said annoy making her giggle.

"Well I'm going to take a shower so get dre-"Nawin couldn't finish his sentence, when Akeno suddenly grabs his hands and drag him into the bathroom with her. When the two are inside the bathroom the raven haired locks the door "Akeno what the hell!" "I'm just going to help you wash your back Nawin" "No stop I can do it myself!" "Don't be shy Nawin-kun" "Hey! Watch where you're grabbing no stop!"

Time Skip

"I feel violated" Nawin mutter walking down to the kitchen with a smiling Akeno beside him "I don't see what the problem was Nawin-kun I just wanted to help you wash your back" she replies innocently making him sigh.

When both of them reaches the kitchen the family greeted them with Asia still holding a light blush on her face after seeing what happened earlier, Nawin and Akeno take a seat beside each other. "So Akeno are you dating Nawin since you've been sleeping in his room a lot lately… I hope you aren't doing anything bad" Yao ask darkly in the last part while hearing that made Nawin choke on his orange juice startling Asia who began petting his back while Akeno face form a small blush.

"Yes we are dating and don't worry we don't do such thing like that since it's too early!" Akeno said without thinking while in her mind she is wondering how could this woman scare her so easily, hearing Akeno's responds makes Nawin look at her like she's lost her mind "Ahhh finally my boy becoming a man and she seems to come in a full package I am so proud" Yao said squealing like a fangirl 'I feel like a sense of dejavu' Nawin note looking at the scene blankly.

"Where is Lucy?" the black haired ask finally noticing his other sister are not with them "Oh she left earlier this morning" Jonathan reply.

"I have to say Asia you look adorable wearing the school uniform I'm sure the boys will be swarming all over like the girls do with your brother" Yao said making the blond blush while chills went down Nawin spine thinking about the fangirls.

"Thanks Mama I'll do my best in school" Asia said making Yao smile "I'm sure you'll do great and if any of the boys do trouble you just give your mama a call, she will deal with them personally" Yao said asher eyes glint with danger scaring Asia "That won't be necessary since I will be there with her Mom" Nawin reply finishing his breakfast then heads to the door with Akeno and Asia following him "Bye Mama" "See you Ms Makasha I hope we get to talk more in the future".

Time Skip

"Akeno what the hell was that about?" Nawin ask looking at the raven haired "Is there a problem with me being your girlfriend Nawin-kun" she reply smiling sadistically making him shiver "No Ma'am it's completely fine"

Akeno turns to Asia and smile "So Asia-chan how are you feeling?" she asks kindly "I'm feeling much better now, with Onii-chan helping me I was able to recover faster… oh and I want to thank you for helping my Onii-chan saving me even though you didn't know me" the blond said bowing "It's okay Asia-chan we can see how much you meant to Nawin-kun so we helped, is what family are for" Akeno reply.

As Akeno and Asia continue having their friendly conversation, Nawin spots a familiar face "Hey old man" he greets seeing Akira cleaning the bakery windows "Well if it isn't the punk… are you here to buy some buns or what" the older man asks then notice Akeno and Asia "Well seems like you're a player ha, I should have expected this" he comment ticking Nawin off.

Moka walks out of the bakery and smile seeing the Makasha "Oh Nawin-san it's been awhile how have you been?" she asks "I been good thanks for asking… By the way Moka-san do you have any sweet buns?" he asks making her nod "Yes we do I'll go fetch some for you".

"Nawin-kun you know these people?" Akeno ask, "Yeah their the parents of a friend of mine by the way old man where is Misako?" Nawin turn to the older man "She already left to school" he replu making the black haired nod "Shame I was going to asked her to join us" Akira glare at Nawin "I don't want my girl to be a part of your harem kid" he said.

"This is not a HAREM!" Nawin exclaim before pointing at Akeno "She is my friend" then points to Asia "And she's my little sister you idiot" Akira takes a good look at Asia then back at Nawin "You two look nothing alike" "She's adopted" the black haired reply tired as Moka comes back holding a bag full of sweat buns and hands it over to Nawin who thanks her.

"Can I pay this when I come back from school since I want to spend some time with Misako" Nawin said making the two parents smile and nods "Sure thing Nawin-san" Moka said as the three trio left to the Academy.

"Who is that bun for Nawin-kun?" Akeno ask "It's for Koneko considering she only eat candy so I thought some buns will be good for her" he reply "Well, well, well seems like you're finally trying to getting along with everyone Nawin-kun" "Oh shut up Akeno" "Language Onii-chan!" "You two will be the death of me I swear"

Time Skip

After Akeno said goodbye to the two, Nawin and Asia heads to their class room, as soon as the two arrive they were immediately become the center of attention. The entire class stare at them making Asia nervous which Nawin notice and glares at the boys "Hey stare at my sister anymore and I'll rip your eyes out!" He yells causing the entire boys in the class to pale then looks at their text book not wanting to anger the Makasha.

"Nawin-kun you have another sister!" one of the girls ask as a bunch of them swarm the two saying how adorable Asia looks hoping to get on the black haired good side "Yes and now would you please make way, the class is about to start and you all are making Asia nervous" Nawin said in annoy tone making the girls scramble away.

Asia sigh in relief and thanks Nawin who nods back "Your table is next to be Asia, that's where you will be sitting for the rest of the year" he informs pointing the table that is next to his.

Asia walks and sit at the chair putting her bag on the table with Nawin doing the same thing "Onii-chan how did you and mama get me into this class? I thought I would be in the First Year?" Asia ask turning to her brother.

"Believe me Asia you don't want to know… When it comes to mom she can pretty much persuade anyone to do whatever she wants" Nawin reply shivering a little don't get him wrong he love his mother but the woman when anger can make Satan himself wet his pants and run to the hills screaming like a bitch.

Nawin looks out the window and spots Lucy walking next to Sona Shitori and Tsubaki Shinra making his eyes narrow 'I will get the answer today and I hope for your safety Sona Shitori that it's a good one' he mutters as the bell rang signaling that the class is about to start.

Time Skip: Lunch Break

Nawin is currently trying to find a peaceful place for him and his sister to enjoy their lunch while Asia head to the toilet and told him to go ahead.

After 5 minute he find a peaceful spot near a tree with shade to cover them from the sunlight, he was about to take a sit, but is interrupted by a familiar voice yelling "Onii-chan! Help!" Nawin turns to see Asia running towards him and behind her is group of boys chasing after her "Asia-chan we just want to talk to you" "You're so adorable" "Come have lunch with us!"

"HEY!" Nawin shouts as Asia run behind him the group of boys immediately pale seeing the Makasha glaring at them as an image begin to form behind him showing a demonic Hindu mask with red glowing eyes "I will give you one warning leave now or you all will be eating your food with a straw for the rest of your life" Nawin threatens as a snake appears sliding out of the Hindu mouth making the group boys run away to probably wipe the shit out of their pants.

Asia peeks and sighs in relief to see the group of boys left making her let go of her brother shirt "Thank you Onii-chan" Nawin nods then takes seat opening his lunch with Asia doing the same.

As the two sibling eats in silence enjoying each other company "Onii-chan I want to say thank you for everything" Asia said suddenly making Nawin turn to her to be surprise seeing Asia start tearing up "You did so much for someone like me wh-" Asia is cut off by Nawin placing his hand on her head.

"You idiot how many times do I have to tell you… It's a big brother job to protect their little sister… Listen Asia even though you're not related with us by blood, we still care for you because of the bond you form with me, Mom and Dad, and all of us think of you as family" Nawin comment whipping away her tears.

"You're now Asia Makasha Argento understand" Nawin said smiling making Asia smile and nod "Thank you Onii-chan" she replies then goes back to eating her bento.

'Well, well, well looks like someone has been getting soft lately' A voice taunt 'Shut up Tairex I know you have a soft spot for her too' Nawin counter back 'Ha why would a powerful dragon like me feel soft for a devil' 'Really what about all that hellish training you put me through to prepared me to save her… I can see you want her safe as much as I do' Nawin point out.

'Yeah keep dreaming brat I only did it because I enjoy seeing you hurt' 'Whatever you say Tairex' the Makasha reply ending the conversation with the tsundere dragon.

Time Skip

After school ended Nawin and Asia begin making way to the Occult Club with the blond holding her brother's shirt nervously "Asia don't be so nervous, you already met Akeno this morning and she's nice wasn't she" "Y-yeah" "The other will be as well so don't worry" Nawin reassure his little sister.

When the two reaches the club Nawin opens the door and enter to see an interesting scene "Issei what the hell happen to your sacred gear?" he asks looking at Issei's gauntlet which seems to change into almost more dragon-like theme with the red gauntlet covering more of his arm.

Rias turn her attention to the black haired "Well Issei shows us this when he came in, it's seem like it's not just a twice critical as I ordinarily thought it was" she said examining the gauntlet closely.

Rias looks at Issei and smile "Well Issei-kun seems like your sacred gear is in a Longinus class" she said with excitement "What is a Longinus class?" he ask confuse.

"Longinus is a unique top-tier class of the sacred gears in other words it's the strongest and the most unique out of all the sacred gears Issei, it says to have enough power to kill god himself" Nawin explain shocking Issei and Asia.

"Nawin-kun may I asked how you know this" Rias ask looking at the black haired "If you think Issei is the only one with a powerful sacred gear then you're wrong Rias" he reply smirking making her eyes narrow.

"But enough of that… which Longinus does Issei's have?" Nawin ask looking at the gauntlet "It's called the Boosted Gear a sacred gear that doubles its user's power every 10 second and have the spirit of the welsh dragon reside in it" Rias answer shocking Nawin.

"Ha what do you think of me now Teme!" Issei boast pointing at the shock Makasha 'I don't see why you're so shocked brat the Boosted Gear is powerful, but it's only on the Mid-Tier class of Longinus while yours are on the High-Tier not to mention you have two while he has one' Tairex said.

'I swear you're too arrogant sometimes Tairex' Nawin shoot back 'His right brother even though Nawin-kun may have us doesn't make him invincible and he hasn't even begun training with my power yet and hasn't mastered your power also' Sairex said making Tairex grunts.

"I still think you're a homosexual pervert' Nawin comment making Issei floor palm while the others laugh "Anyway Asia why don't you introduce yourself to everyone" he advises lightly pushing the blond forward.

"I-it nice to meet all of you, I hope w-we can get along well and I also want to say thank you for helping my Onii-chan with saving me" Asia said bowing while the others smile at the shy girl even Issei couldn't be perverted around such a sweat and innocent girl though silently cursing the teme for having such a cute sister.

"It nice to meet you Asia-chan, I'm glad that you recovered well and welcome to the family" Rias smiles at the shy blonde "Thank you Buchou" Asia smile remembering her brother telling her to call the crimson haired lady Buchou.

"Rias I remember you said something about the word peerage when we were in the church and how you'd brought Asia back to life with those chess piece mind explaining that to me and Asia" Nawin comment taking a seat on one of the coaches.

"Ah yes" Rias bring out different type chess piece and place them on her desk "They may look like an ordinary chess piece but we devil call it the Evil Pieces they also known as the Devil's Pieces, these were created by a person name Ajuka Beelzebub to help replenish the number of devils after the Great war which had caused the death of countless devils" she informs showing the red pawn piece.

"Evil Pieces are commonly given to Pure-blooded High-class Devils, so they can gather servants of their own." Rias explain.

She then points to the Pawn Piece "Pawns are worth 1 Pawn each. You may think pawns are weak but the trait of the Pawns is the ability to promote into a Queen, Rook, Knight, or Bishop in an enemy territory or with the permission of their king."

She then points to the Knight Piece "Knights are worth 3 Pawns. Knight gain increase in speed and mobility, enabling them to perform high-speed attack and maneuvers. However there is a risk for being a Knight which is their low defense, making them vulnerable to powerful attacks if they are not careful, also another weakness among the knights is their legs, if their legs are injured, their mobility will greatly be reduced."

She then moves to the Bishop Piece "Bishop is also worth 3 Pawns, Bishop Gains enhanced magical abilities which they can use to conjure up to multitude of spells. However the more powerful the spells are the more they consume the user's magic power, which takes a long time to regain, forcing them to use their power wisely and carefully or risk becoming vulnerable to physical attacks."

She then moves to the Rook Piece "Rook is worth 5 Pawns, Rook gain superhuman strength, leading to high offence and defense. However, they are slow and can be beaten easily by high-speed opponents like the Knights for example."

She then moves to the final Piece the Queen "Queen are worth 9 pawn, Queen posses all the characteristics of Rooks, Knights, and Bishops, making them the most balanced piece as well as the most powerful."

Rias then bring out the Red king Piece "King doesn't give me a boost or anything but it does allow me to use the Evil Piece and control them" Rias finish explaining,

"So I'm going to take a guess that goldilocks is the Knight, Koneko is the Rook, Issei is the Pawn and Akeno is the Queen… Am I right?" Nawin said surprising Rias and the others.

"Yes… you're correct Nawin-kun may I ask how you know this" Rias said looking at the him surprise "I guessed" He reply making everyone sweat drop.

"Oh by the way here Koneko" Nawin pass the white haired the bag full of sweet buns surprising her "You eat too much candy so a little of bun will be good for you" he said ruffling the small girl white lock making her blush slightly "Thank you Nawin-senpai"

"Teme stop taking all the girl I will need them when I become a Harem King" Issei yell making the Makasha turn to him "What the hell are you talking about?" Issei smirk "Buchou told me that when a low class devil reaches a high level class we will get our own evil piece with mean we can have our own peerage, and my peerage will be full of woman with huge Oppai!" Issei announce as his face turn perverted and steam start coming out from his nose.

Koneko looks at the pervert with disgust "Like I'll ever be in your peerage pervert" She reply coldly making the brown haired cries in the corner, Nawin pets her head "Nice one" he said making her smile a little.

"Um Buchou I wanted to know what is my sacred gear precisely" Asia ask making the red haired turn to her "Oh yes I almost forget well Asia yours may not be a Longinus but it is very unique and fits well with you being a Bishop, It's called Twilight Healing as you know it allows you to heal any injuries and what's special about it is that you can heal not only human but also Devil, Angels, and Fallen Angels" Rias reply making the blond nods.

"Rias, if Issei a pawn then what am I?" Nawin ask looking at the Gremory "Well Nawin-kun, the interesting thing about you is that when I tried to revive you all of my piece didn't work on you" Rias said surprising the black haired "So I went with the last option which is a special mutation piece, my brother gave me in my 12 birthday I never thought I'd ever use it, but since it the last option I had to try it and it turned out well" she said.

"So I am neither a knight, rook, bishop, nor a pawn?" Nawin says making Rias nods "Yes I don't know exactly what you are Nawin-kun, my brother gave it to me because his peerage is already full so he didn't have any use for it… I will probably have to give him a call" she said.

"How many pawn pieces did it takes to revive the pervert?" Nawin ask "All of them" Rias reply shocking him before his expression turn to his usual stoic look "I'm guessing it had something to do with him having the Boosted Gear right?" the Gremory nod.

"Oh Rias there's one more thing I like to know and I need to you to answer this question truthfully" Nawin said turning serious suddenly making the room air thicken. Rias looks at the black haired also turning serious "What is the question Nawin-kun?" She ask while Akeno look at the Makasha getting nervous.

"… I want to know if Sona Shitori is a devil" He ask looking at Rias greenish blue eyes "… Yes she is a Pure High-Class devil like me, her real name is Sona Sitri" she reply "So that's mean she has her own peerage correct" he said which she nods "Does one of her peerage member consisted of Lucy Makasha" The black haired said dropping the bomb.

Rias bite her lips giving Nawin the answer he needed as he clenches his fist tightly releasing some of his power "Asia stay here" he order making the blonde nod then make his way toward the door "Nawin-kun stop!" Akeno yell grabbing his wrist "Akeno let go it's none of your business" he reply with a dark tone sending shiver down everyone spine.

"Akeno let him go" Rias said surprising the other "But Rias!" Akeno tries to argue but stop when the Gremory glare at her "Let him deal with it… we can't change his mind, but Nawin-kun think about this carefully and if you do go ahead with this there will be heavy consequences in the future considering Sona is a younger sister of one of the Satan's" Rias infrom surprising Issei and Asia.

Nawin yank his hand away from Akeno grips then walks out of the club heading straight to the council club building as his red eyes glares at the building 'Sona Sitri I hope you're ready to pay for messing with my family'.

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