
The Last Awakening....

Back at the event...

Everything turned eerier. The ground beneath cracked, with people falling into them, despairing and fear filled screams ringing with air, as the nature's indifference declared death uncaring for who they were, what they did, what they held, and what they could do....

A scent of death a few were far to familiar with, lingered within the air, making their blood run cold.

Cadets and populace with stories tragic, stood at the face of death with differing emotions yet the most dominant one that were being rekindled within all, was fear.

A stampede took place, with more than a few plastered dead....

Warriors and adventurers who had faced and survived death regained their bearing within a matter of seconds, but were rendered in capable of doing things that benefited the situation, for strength wasn't always the way.

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