
Chapter 8: Third Legacy Challenge




When I returned the system notified me of the completion of the legacy quest.

[Legacy Quest "Test of the worthy and worthy" (COMPLETE)]

Complete conditions:

-Lift Mjölnir and return it to its owner



-Stat points(+10)

-mark of Thor

Extra reward conditions

-return Thor's hammer to him unscathed

-Entertain Thor

Extra reward:



The battle of Ragnarök quest was also updated almost immediately after.

[Quest "Battle Of Ragnarök"]

Quest details:(Complete the legacy challenges and survive. Time will stop in the outside world. One legendary weapon will be unlocked for every challenge you have completed.

Complete conditions:

-complete the legacy challenges of the gods 2/5

-Time limit 100 days (Time remaining:75 days)

Fail conditions:

-fail the challenge's

-exceed time limit

Fail Penalty:

-All weapons are sealed forever

-possible death


-shop token(1000 per challenge)

-adjustable dragon saddle blueprint

-dragon ability x3

-low quality dragon essence(60 per challenge)

-mid quality dragon essence(20 per challenge)

-high quality dragon essence(10 per challenge

-perfect quality dragon essence(2 per challenge)

Extra reward conditions:

-Complete the legacy quests first try

Extra Reward:

-System function: [Legacy Challenge]

Seeing that I have three more legacy quests to finish I walk over to Tyr to see how many days have passed. His answer shocks me to my core.

In complete and utter shock I ask, "How long?"

He repeated, "25 days. Which means you have 75 days to complete my quest so you're making good time. Keep up the good work."

Confirming the amount of time I have left I rush to the third pedestal. The pedestal depicts a man sitting on his throne and is made purely out of gold. The man was a hero in ancient Mesopotamian mythology and was possibly a historical king of the Sumerian city-state of Uruk and was posthumously deified. He's is a demigod of superhuman strength who befriends the wild man Enkidu. Together, they embark on many journeys, most famously defeating Humbaba and the Bull of Heaven, who is sent to attack them by Ishtar after Gilgamesh rejects her offer for him to become her consort. After Enkidu dies of a disease sent as punishment from the gods, Gilgamesh becomes afraid of his death and visits the sage Utnapishtim, the survivor of the Great Flood, hoping to find immortality. Gilgamesh repeatedly fails the trials set before him and returns home to Uruk, realizing that immortality is beyond his reach. His rule took place in the beginning of the Early Dynastic Period and he became a major figure in Sumerian legend during the Third Dynasty of Ur.

In a rush I say, "Gilgamesh."

When I finish saying his name a golden portal appears in front of me. I step through and I find my self in a throne room in front of Gilgamesh on his golden throne.

Gilgamesh says in a haughty tone, "You finally made it. Your late mongrel."

I tell him, "I apologize. Thor held me up so you can blame him."

He scowls and says, "Understandable. He is quite annoying so I'll let it be this time."

When he finishes speaking he snaps his fingers and a servant brings out a table and a checkered board.

Confused, I ask, "I apologize for my ignorance but why are you taking out a chess board and does this have to do with the legacy quest?"

"No. This is for me when you leave. Your legacy quest is simply to answer five questions with honestly. Only then will you pass."

The system chose, at this time, to give me the quest.

[New Quest]

[Legacy Quest "Test of the Wise and patient" has been created]

Complete conditions:

-Answer the questions honestly and correctly


-Stat points(+10)

-Mark of Gilgamesh

Fail conditions:

-answer dishonestly or incorrectly

Fail penalty:

-Legacy weapons locked forever

Extra reward conditions

-beat Gilgamesh in chess

-Entertain Gilgamesh

Extra reward:

-Gates of Babylon Legacy quest

On the outside my face hasn't changed, but on the inside I am freaking out.

'Gates of Babylon?! I can get the gates of Babylon?!

He begins to say, "So first question…"

I cut him off by saying, "I am sorry if this is rude of me to ask but would it be possible to play you in chess while I answer. I believe it would be more entertaining for you."

He pauses for a bit to think about it before saying, "I'll allow it."

He gestures for the assistant to bring me a chair and he begins his questioning while making the first move.

He moves a pawn D2 to D4 and asks, "What is the purpose of Babylon?"

I move my knight G8 to F6 and respond, "Would you like the short or long answer?"He moves his queen D8 to D6 and says, "The short."

I move my knight B8 to C6 and answer, "It was the capital of southern Mesopotamia from the early 2nd millennium to the early 1st millennium BCE and capital of the Neo-Babylonian empire in the 7th and 6th centuries BCE, where it was at the height of its splendour."

He moves his Bishop C1 to G5 and says, "Correct. Question two. How did my friend die?"

I move my knight F6 to D5 and answer, "Enkidu dies of a disease sent as punishment from the gods. You become afraid of your death and visit the sage Utnapishtim, the survivor of the Great Flood, hoping to find immortality. You repeatedly fail the trials set before you and return to Uruk, realizing that immortality is beyond your reach."

He moves Queen D3 to F5 and again says, "Correct. Question three. How long is my reign?"

I move knight C6 to B4 and answer, "Your rule started at the beginning of the Early Dynastic Period and it became a major figure in Sumerian legend during the Third Dynasty of Ur."

He takes knight D5 and I take his queen. He then says, "Correct. Question four. What am I most famous for?"

He moves pawn A2 to A4 and I move pawn E7 to E5. I then answer, " You are most famous because of your status as a demigod of superhuman strength. You befriended the wild man Enkidu and together you embarked on many journeys. The most famous of which is about you defeating Humbaba and the Bull of Heaven, who was sent to attack you by Ishtar after you reject her offer for to become her consort. This leads to enkidu's curse and untimely death."

He takes my pawn and I move Queen D8 to G5. He gets angry and moves knight G1 to H3. He then asks the final question, "Question five. Am I the strongest being you know?"

I pause at this question because I know that if I answer this question truthfully then it will be a double edged sword. I ponder on what to do and when I come to a conclusion I move queen to C5. Winning the chess match.

I say, "Before I answer, I want your word that I will remain unharmed in any way, shape, or form."

He pauses before yelling, "Fine!"

I squint my eyes and say, "I would like to hear you say the words."

He gets angrier and yells, "I, Gilgamesh of Uruk, solemnly swear. I shall let this boy walk away without harm to his person by my hand! Should I ignore this promise, may the heavens strike me down and incinerate my being."

When he finishes his promise we hear thunder in the sky signifying and solidifying his promise.

Hearing the thunder, in the gentlest way I can, I answer him, "You are not the strongest being I know of. If I had to rank you, I would put you in the top twenty strongest beings in the Omniverse."

Hearing me, his face reddens in anger. He goes to grab my throat and stops, remembering his promise. He takes a moment to calm down and realizes that my assessment of his strength is accurate.

He sighs in defeat and says, "Is Emeya in that top twenty?"

I shake my head and he smiles, saying "That's good to hear."

He regains his composure and smiles saying, "You have completed my legacy quest. Begone from my chambers Fenrisulfir."

He then waves his hand and a golden portal appears behind me.

Before I leave I say with a bow, "Thank you for your kindness, lord Gilgamesh."

I step through the portal and head towards the next pedestal thinking, 'This next one is really gonna suck.'

As I'm walking a golden necklace appears in my hand and the system gives me the completion messages.

[Legacy Quest "Test of the Wise and patient" (COMPLETE)]

Complete conditions:

-Answer the questions honestly and correctly


-Stat points(+10)

-Mark of Gilgamesh

Fail conditions:

-answer dishonestly or incorrectly

Extra reward conditions

-beat Gilgamesh in chess

-Entertain Gilgamesh

Extra reward:

-Gates of Babylon Legacy quest

[Quest "Battle Of Ragnarök"]

Quest details:(Complete the legacy challenges and survive. Time will stop in the outside world. One legendary weapon will be unlocked for every challenge you have completed.

Complete conditions:

-complete the legacy challenges of the gods 3/5

-Time limit 100 days (time left:65 days)

Fail conditions:

-fail the challenge's

-exceed time limit

Fail Penalty:

-All weapons are sealed forever

-possible death


-shop token(1000 per challenge)

-adjustable dragon saddle blueprint

-dragon ability x3

-low quality dragon essence(60 per challenge)

-mid quality dragon essence(20 per challenge)

-high quality dragon essence(10 per challenge

-perfect quality dragon essence(2 per challenge)

Extra reward conditions:

-Complete the legacy quests first try

Extra Reward:

-System function: [Legacy Challenge]

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