
A Good Man Can Change

At first, Rane was quite excited to see the magnificent Zon in action again. Although he wasn't a particular fan of fighting, every time Zon did something, he was amazed.

And although he was amazed this time, he never expected Zon to go so far. With the condition the warriors were in, he felt like there was no choice but to quickly close up the shop.

He wanted to stop rumors from spreading, and even though there were many witnesses who could claim it was the fault of the others most of the time, this case didn't seem so much like that.

Especially since this group of warriors had been going around buying food and drinks for everyone.

They were all quickly cleared out of the restaurant, and Rane even told most of the workers to go home for the day.

The only ones left in the restaurant were Kelp and his injured group, Zon, Skyler, and Tinson, the person with the red headband that had appeared.

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