
Great as Well


"Waar is mijn grote baby?'' The front door of my house burst open as Pa's large frame dwarfed the foyer. I stood right by the foot of it holding Belli, who let out a massive scream when she saw him and desperately pushed out of my arms to him. (Dutch: Where is my grand baby?)

Pa swooped her into his arms as she kicked her legs out and let out giggle after giggle as she bounced in his arms before he planted kisses all over her face. 

"Ethan! Wat voed je kaar? Ik zag haar gewoon een paar dagen geleden en ze is zoveel gegroeid. Kijk naar deze wangen," he roared as he cuddled Belli close to his chest before he finally let Dad take her. (Ethan! What do you feed her? I just saw her a few days ago and she's grown so much. Look at these cheeks.)

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