
What Documentary?


Malia had rolled off my body in the middle of her nap and was now spread out like a starfish next to me as she softly mumbled in her sleep. It was a habit I had discovered the first time she had spent a night at my house. She could have a full conversation in her sleep which made no sense and her Trinidadinian accent could sometimes be so strong I could not debunk her words. 

It had been an hour and I was still finding it difficult to just let my body relax and drift into the much needed sleep I needed. I constantly looked at my phone hoping Ethan would send a message but he would probably respect my space in fear Malia might see. 

Her and I shared everything therefore it would be strange if I suddenly put an off limit to my phone which would just scream 'I'm cheating on you'. Therefore I had to be smart about it and make sure I left no trace. 

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