
Chapter 182

Penemue was looking excited as we stepped out of my portal directly outside of Fallcorp. 

A supernatural portal opening in the middle of the sidewalk wasn't hard for anyone nearby to miss. It didn't take more than a few seconds for the humans to all notice us.

"Look! It's Layla! It's the Angel!" It took only one person to shout, before everyone else joined in.

"Oh my god! It is her!"

"Another Angel is next to her! She was there when Layla met the Aliens!"

Cars driving by on the road all slammed on their brakes as people started gawking at us!

Penemue sighed. "Next time teleport us directly into the building."

"Sorry. I've never actually been here…" I trailed off.

"Unbelievable! It's YOUR company!" Penemue said as she pushed forward.

"Yeah, but I made you CEO because I know nothing about running a company. You're the best at it!"

Penemue blushed at my compliment. A subtle aura was released around Penemue that kept the humans from getting too close to us. The couple security guards at the front of the building immediately opened the doors and ushered us inside. Once we were in, people outside tried to follow but were denied entry. Penemue told them to not allow anyone inside who wasn't on the shareholders list.

"So what's the requirement to be on the list?" I asked her as we made our way to the elevator.

"You own 31% of Fallcorp's stocks and I own the other 20%. Together, that gives us controlling interest. That doesn't mean we're all powerful, though. When it comes to making decisions. Anyone with at least 3% still has a seat on the shareholder's board. That's who we are meeting with today." Penemue explained. 

We'd be going over the future of the company with everyone at this meeting and hope they don't flip out. We were planning on stopping Oscorp's weapons divisions. A group of our top scientists would be presenting their ideas and inventions to the whole board today to see if we would continue funding them. That was Penemue's idea. She was an excellent judge of character and wanted to see which of Oscorps former scientists were worth keeping.

About an hour later, after waiting for everyone to arrive. Penemue and I stepped out of her office and headed down the hallway to the meeting room. We, of course, had to be the last ones to arrive. It was some kind of powerplay that Penemue explained to me.

A few security guards were standing outside the doors to the meeting room. One of them held it open for us and we stepped inside. Immediately, all eyes in the room turned towards the two of us.

I was doing my best to see if I could recognize any of the people here and surprisingly I did.

In the center of the room was a large circular table with plenty of open spaces. Penemue sat down at one of them and I sat next to her. A few spaces down from us, Tony Stark gave us a smirk. 

Of course, he would jump at the chance to buy stock in our company. If nothing else, just so he could sit on the board to troll us one time… He'd probably never show up to another meeting after this one.

"Welcome ladies. I see you're both fashionably late." He pointed to the clock in the room. It said 11:05 and the meeting was supposed to start at 11:00. 

An older asian man at the end of the table harrumphed at us. "Punctuality is important. I expected more from beings thought to be myth before now. I hope you don't disappoint further." 

I wanted to scowl at the rude man but Penemue placed a hand on my arm. "I apologize, Mr Lee. We were held up with other important matters. We will try to be on time the next time we all meet." Penemue said smoothly and convincingly.

Important matters? We were literally having coffee and eating donuts in her office while doing nothing for an hour…

The older man nodded and went silent. 

"I suppose introductions are in order for everyone here?" Penemue started as she looked around the table. "I suppose that I can start. I am Penemue, the right hand of the Grigori and the current CEO of Fallcorp. Thank you all for investing in our company." She said while looking around the table.

"OUR company!? You stole this from MY family!" A teenage boy stood up from his seat angrily! "This was Oscorp, my family's legacy!"

I thought he looked familiar. It was a young Harry Osborn. I thought Norman had lost everything, but it looked like he still kept 3% of his stock.

"It was your family's legacy, but your father was foolish and sold away the controlling shares of his stocks. At that point, everything was up for grabs." A beautiful woman with blond hair and brilliant blue eyes said to the teen dismissively. Her tone came off as cold, but it was the hard truth.

Harry scowled and sat back down while crossing his arms angrily. I assumed that he was here in place of his father. The man's illness had apparently taken a turn after losing his whole company. I would feel bad about that, but Norman wasn't a good person so I didnt. 

"And who might you be, lovely?" Tony asked from across the table. He couldn't help his flirtatious ways even if he was in a committed relationship. I didn't blame him though, this woman had looks and a body that put most supermodels to shame. She was wearing an all white business suit that had been clearly modified to show more of her curves.

She scoffed at Tony dismissively before turning to me. Her gaze locked with mine and her eyes softened a bit. "I am Emma Frost. CEO of Frost Industries and I now own 5% of Fallcorp." She said curtly. She stopped gazing at me and turned to the teenage girl sitting to her right.

[Another teenager?…Do none of these kids have school?]



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