

Unnoticed, the topic among the survivors gradually shifted, from initially discussing the dangers posed by the Bugs Clan to the Officials concealing the truth and ignoring their right to know. They demanded an explanation from the Officials.

Seeing the mood adequately stirred, with the majority of survivors united in their condemnation, the Official remained calm.

With the Official staying silent and gazing calmly at the fervently discussing survivors, the atmosphere at the scene slowly reached a stalemate. Under everyone's scrutiny, the once vocal survivors began to lower their voices and then stopped speaking altogether.

When no one else spoke up, the Official finally said, "Tell you for what reason? To heighten your panic?

What good results could come from informing you other than making more people afraid?

We have already found the weakness of those Bugs, and if Martial Artists are present, the Bugs would not dare to appear.

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