
Contractual Obligations 1

CYOA Used: Waifu Catalog By Swiftroenthal

(Third Person POV)

"Are you sure you want to do this?" A voice asks as a being that looks eerily similar to the genie from Aladdin asked.

" I am, as long as The Company keeps up their end of the bargain, I will offer myself to The Company. It's not as if I am losing out exactly by becoming a contractor. I was never one for thinking too hard about things. Maybe that's why I am here." A man who looks no older than 23 days.

After saying this, a catalog is summoned onto the table along with a contract. The contents of the agreement are simple: as long as the contractor sold their wares and fulfilled their duties, the contractor and their family shall be given boons in relation to the work ethic of the contractor. To put it simply, the man here today was signing up to join the company in order to help his family.

He was selling himself to work for this Omniversal Organization in order for his family to survive. Since the company offered $10,000 in cash every month, the contractor would not be poor, and his family back in his old world would benefit from the same. An account would be created for the family where they would get $10,000 as long as the contractor remained loyal to the company.

The man sitting in the chair and reading the contract tries to live his life by the book. He went to school, rarely, if ever, got in trouble, got good grades, and tried to go to college, but that fate would not favor the man. The costs to go to any of his desired schools were too high, and even though he was determined, his intellect did not keep up with his determination.

While his scores were not terrible, being a student who had a final average of 90%, he could never have been prepared for what came next. His mother, whom he loved dearly, had retired from her work as a teacher after 37 years of service, yet even in her seventies, she still worked to pay for her day-to-day.

And since the man was the youngest of all of his siblings and without many options in terms of work due to his lacking ability, he saw an out. An offer was extended via an email from The Company to have him work for them and in their business of selling and enslaving all manner of people from across the omniverse. If a person existed within the realm of possibility, The Company had it and their gender-bent version for sale.

It was a job that would cost someone their soul, and for the man reading through the catalog, it was quite literal. As the man finished reading the contract, he signed it in his blood with the wound he made to sign it rapidly closing. "It is all for them." he would say in his mind, and for his siblings, so they need not worry about him.

Another boon from the company was that his family would not worry about where he was, and thanks to time dilation, his journey which may take days to years for him, would be months if not hours for his family. There would be a cost, though, as due to the rules of the company, he could not return until he gained enough credits to purchase his world from The Company.

After the contract was signed, it disappeared into nothingness as the man felt the chains on his soul form. It was nothing uncomfortable, but it reminded the man of the chains from A Christmas Carol.

They then disappeared, and the genie shook his hand and said, " Welcome to the Company, kid, so since you decided to join up, we need to get you started on a world. So, newbie, which one will you choose?"

The catalog in the man's lap began to glow, and hundreds of worlds appeared before him. Still, one stood out as the best option for a starter world, that being RWBY, as it had low enough power that he wouldn't get destroyed immediately, and the only threats to him were an immortal witch and her ex-husband, along with the Brother Gods and they only show up if the relics are brought together.

World Name: RWBY

Rating:6 (365)


[ Isekai Genie ]


[ Me and My Girlfriend(s) (PvE)(Team), 25%/75%(Payment), Standard(Bindings), Only One(Heritages), Standard(Template), Immunity(Defenses), Potential Connection(Leveling), Standard(Personal World), Delayed(Worlds), Standard(Warranty), Standard(Death), Legacy Difficulty(Legacy) ]


You, as Jaune Arc (Substitute) of T5

Binding & Lure


[ Company Stamp[free] ]


[ Sticky Fingers[-5], Faerie Feast[-10], Zenryoku Zenkai[-20], Don't Stand So Close to Me[-15] ]

Other Controls:

No Other Controls

Heritage ( Your tier - T5 )

No Heritage

Talents & Perks

Ride: No Ride

Home: No Home


[ Body Tune-Up[-5], Martial[-10], Communication[-10], Soul[-10], Template Stacking I (You as Jaune Arc has Yato Kamiya (Class ga Isekai)) [-20] ]


[ Trace(x2)[-100], Destiny[-50], Paradox[-50], Mind[-25], Stress(x2)[-10], Body[-5] ]

The man then finalized the build and handed it to the genie. As he looked it over and stretched his face to look closely at it, he nodded in satisfaction. " Well, everything looks to be in order, and I do appreciate a guy who knows when to buy Trace defense when dealing with worlds with gods in them. You even started understanding that you may have some issues starting your new life, so you bought the mind and stress defense. Yes, prep work is key here. And a Jaune Arc substitute, huh? I have seen this before, so it is understandable."

" Well, you probably heard this a hundred times before, but this guy is essentially in the middle of the action all of the time and basically has a clear relevance to many plot-related events. So it's just an obvious pick for most." The genie nodded in agreement and clapped his hands together, and as he summoned a portal from behind where the man was sitting, the genie came up behind him and patted him on the back.

"I know the first couple of days are going to be a bit rough, but just keep your eye on the ball, kid and you will go far, oh and try not to get Ozzy on your trail, as while he is diminished, he can still kick your substituted butt six ways to Sunday. But I have to ask why Kamiya Yato for a template stack?" The ma looking into the portal simply shrugs.

"The kids got an overpowered ability in the form of super growth, so when added on to my talents, it should make me learning martial combat and various magics a breeze as I get my template up higher. And his ability to create magic skills for a mana cost will pay dividends later on." The genie nods in agreement and then heads back behind the desk.

"I'm not one default someone on their choices, but do beware, the template is at tier 4, so you will only have access to a reduced form of super growth and his magic creation skills, and you will not have access to his system until later." I nod. Since Yato is a tier 8 and he got the abilities as a tier 4, he expected this,

So the man walked through the portal and disappeared from the office as the genie waited for the next applicant to join The Company. This happens a bit sooner than the genie would like as the next guy brought in immediately sings the contract and makes their build, and as he heads through the portal, he yells.

"Time to take all those Taiamins for myself! Watch out, Edwin fucker! A contractor shall have words with you!" The genie simply sighs and prepares paperwork and a universe deletion if that guy fails.

He hopes that the new guy going to RWBY can keep his pants on.

-Bullhead Heading To Beacon Academy-

With flowing valleys and endless forests in all directions, a singular flying aircraft carrying multiple passengers flies across the sprawling vistas and endless sights to a looming castle-esque building in the distance. On the aircraft, the passengers wait to arrive at Beacon Academy, but one was just waking up after napping on one of the chairs.

His eyes open slowly so as not to appear suspicious, and the boy, looking no older than 17, then sits up in his chair and looks around. The surroundings are new and compact, as many others who also slept on their way to Beacon were just waking up and rubbing the tiredness out of their eyes.

Jaune does the same and, after doing some stretches, takes in his form in the nearby window as hundreds of memories flood his mind. Two lives worth of memories collide and then coalesce into one being, with the new contractor taking the reins. He had a job to do, and he would let some kid ruin it for him by overloading his mind.

Stress and mental defense were helping to keep the emotions behind the memories at bay, and stress, in particular, kept his facial expressions flat and his emotions hidden.

The process took maybe a minute, but it felt like years. Memories of a new home and family flooded Jaune's mind, and while the process was annoying, he knew what he was getting into, and those five extra years living on his Earth trumped Jaune's life.

So, taking a breath, Jaune stared out the window and saw a large castle in the distance, as he finished his stretches, he walked outside to get some fresh air and saw the stunning views of Vale, a veritable metropolis in a sea of chaos. As Jaune stood against the railing, he focused his mind and soul as if he were going to become a soldier in an unknown war. He needed to focus and get his energy under control.

Thanks to the Yato template, he felt his mana within his body, and as small as it was, it could still be found out. Since magic was non-existent in this world, he used what little he had to create a basic skill.

[Mana Control: Usage Of This Skill Gives The Ability To Hide A Mana Signature And May Also Increase The Effcicney Of Other Magic Related Skills.]

After doing that, the small amount of mana left his being, but Jaune was actually thankful for that as Ozpin could not sense what was not there. But someone notices his tiredness as he feels a tap on his shoulder and sees a small creature staring up at him.

"Are you okay? You seem a bit pale?" The young girl asks as Jaune stands straight and replies.

"I'm alright, just getting used to the heights, you know? I may also get motion sickness from time to time. But thanks for checking up, miss?"

"Rose, Ruby Rose, for that matter, and this is my sister Yang. Yang, why are you staring at him like that?" The blonde bombshell then stares at Jaune with a look of uncertainty.

"Sis, if he throws up on me, heads shall roll." Jaune then thinks he should aim for Yang's hair for their comment, but due to body tune-up, he can't actually get motion sickness. But after a handshake between the three, which lasted three seconds for each, Jaune introduced himself.

"Well, the name's Jaune Arc, and while I would say something cheesy after that, the ground is looking a bit too far for me to say anything more." Jaune then sits down against the railing but asks, " So, you two new students?

'Yes, my sister and I got sent in together." As she says that, her enthusiasm dims, but Yang grabs her in a deep hug and says, " Oh, I can't believe my baby sister is going to Beacon with me! This is the best day ever!"

Ruby, looking to me for assistance so as to not die from asphyxiation, looks betrayed as Jaune whistles to himself as entirely innocent.

'Yang! I do not wish to die before getting there! Besides, going to Beacon is not that big of a deal. We aren't even students yet, technically." Yang then puts her down reluctantly as Jaune tries to keep Ruby from glaring holes into his head.

"Well, even if we aren't students yet, it's not like this is something not to celebrate. Think of it: you, me, and the motion sickness guy over here as new students of Beacon. Is it not exciting we shall be the bee's knees." Ruby, after Yang says this, looks like she wants to devolve into her cloak to hide.

"I just want to be a normal girl with normal knees. Jaune, say something!" Jaune, as he stands back up, looks out to see the landing pad for the school's bullheads.

"Well, it depends on your perspective. As for someone like me who's been looking forward to this, I'm excited even if I may not be entirely qualified, and if the person in charge made a change so that you two can go to Beacon together, you have to be something different. Or you could feel overwhelmed by this new opportunity. I know I am. Trust me. I have an amazing poker face because, on the inside, I'm practically sweating my armor off right now in nervousness." The answer makes Ruby ponder her current state of mind as Yang slaps Jaune on the back in an encouraging way.

"Well, if motion sickness boy is done with his speech, we should really get ready to get our weapons ready because, who knows maybe the test includes fighting Grimm to death." Jaune raises his hand to answer, but Ruby beats him to it.

"Yang, even I know they can't do that immediately as there wouldn't be any students left to teach. But you're right, as we should get going. See you later, jaune. It was nice talking to you. Oh and if you are still sick, try not to look down." Truly, the rose gives the best advice, and as Jaune smiles to himself, he also heads back to the Bullhead to grab his stuff and prepare, as this is only the first step.

As he looks at his Company smartphone, he sees the stamp's progress begin to wind down from 72 total hours. So, to get to use those points, Jaune will need to learn fast.

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