
-||chapter one hundred eight - my love, my life, my forever (1)||-

"From the halls of the healer's sanctuary, the Crown Prince emerged, leading the First Princess to the palace of his dreams. A haven crafted just for them and their twin younglings. As she gazed upon the grandeur of their new abode, he unfurled a confession long held captive within his heart. The enchanting words of love danced upon his lips, surprising and delighting his beloved princess beyond measure.

In a moment of unbridled vulnerability, the Crown Prince bared his heart to her, confessing a love that burned with the intensity of a thousand suns. With every syllable, he painted a portrait of a love that would defy the ravages of time and adversity. Overwhelmed with emotion, the First Princess vowed to protect and nurture this sacred bond, swearing to keep it unbroken, no matter the trials that may arise.

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