
Volume 25: Struggling Against the Current, Chapter 10: Malicious Speculation is Often Reality

When the banner of the Homer Knight Order was raised again in Cyprus City, the shock to all social classes of Cyprus City was indescribable; the once-lost knights seemed to have found their place of belonging. In barely the shortest time, a thousand knights assembled under Lecler's banner, which amazed Lecler himself. He had not expected the knights to be so eager to prove themselves that they would welcome him so enthusiastically after he had made clear the responsibilities and goals of the Homer Knight Order.

Komer did not choose to return to Cyprus City at this time, just as Fran had suggested. Now was not the best moment to enter Cyprus. Although the allegiance of the knights had already caused the voices calling for Komer's return to Cyprus City to rise among the citizens, Komer still planned to wait for a more suitable time to complete the final ceremony.

Before that, Komer had many troublesome matters to resolve, such as the pressure from Cartin.

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