
A Good Wife Part 1

Feng didn't sleep too much that first night after Chang left. He laid in bed staring at the ceiling, wondering listlessly about the future. Reality couldn't get any more real for him than at that point. Though he had been the one to support his family for a few years now, it would be the first time that he would be doing so without his father or Chang here to mentor him. 

Thinking of his mother and Tuzi brought on a whole new sense of determination for him. He cared for both women deeply as he considers them his life. Failing to provide for them was not even conceivable. 

No matter what, I must do my best for them, he thought with conviction. 

Tuzi, who was sharing a bed with Yin, was quietly watching Feng from across the room. Each time he looked over at her, the silly girl would shut her eyes, pretending to sleep. But from the few times she stole glances at him, she saw that look of concern on his face.

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