
122: Pale face, directly abusing scum! _2

The last four words landed with impact.

Betty Cooper frowned imperceptibly.

How did Jasper Moore know that there was someone else who made the Soothing Pills?

Could it be...

Did he hear something?

Betty Cooper laughed, "I would like to hear who this person is."

Was it Viola Thompson?


Even she needed time to study, how could a disciple of a veterinarian possibly create something as advanced as the Soothing Pills?

As she spoke, Betty Cooper continued, "Since there is someone else, why didn't this person come along with Mr. Moore?"

It was obvious.

Jasper Moore was trying to deceive her.

But was she so easily deceived?

Would she believe him just because he said a few words?

That was simply beyond imagination.

Jasper Moore followed up, "Betty Cooper, since you are so certain that you made the Soothing Pills, are you willing to cooperate with me?"

"Cooperate with you on what?" Betty Cooper asked.

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