

Due to the recent events, Truly Adorable Day Care's branch in Verdanturf Town had temporarily suspended its operations. Whether it would reopen remained uncertain for Yuga.

Afterward, Yuga contacted Reggie Grandfather, who resided in Sinnoh region. He arranged for the prepared Taillow and Swellow to be transported there.

Yuga had prepared two Swellow and eight Taillow. Among them, two Taillow were conveniently a male and female pair.

On Reggie Grandfather's end, based on the Pokémon sent over by Yuga, he also prepared a pair of Staraptor and eight Starly. However, evolving Starly into Staraptor was significantly more challenging because it has three stage evolution than evolving Taillow. Yuga feel that he has taken advantage of it.

By bringing back two Staraptor and eight Starly to the Ecopark and entrusting them to the leadership of Swellow and Honchkrow, Yuga's Flying-type Pokémon group continued to grow stronger.

It wouldn't be long before he could arrange for his Flying-type Pokémon to be put on the shelves.

Notably, in the Ecopark, the original three Taillow had successfully evolved into Swellow, making a total of six Swellow (excluding the Boss). Additionally, the only two Zubat had evolved into Golbat.

However, evolving these two Golbat further into Crobat would likely prove to be challenging. Evolution for Golbat into Crobat relied on friendship, and Yuga's relationship with them was merely average, far from what was required to facilitate their evolution.

Nevertheless, he still had the Soothe Bell in system backpack, which was a reward for Eevee Friendship Task. Yuga decided to equip one of the Golbat with it, hoping to hasten their evolution.

Recently, Yuga conducted a survey of the Pokémon in the Ecopark that needed to evolve using Evolution Stones. He prepared a batch of Evolution Stones to help them reach their final forms.

Firstly, there were the first batch of Pokémon that entered the Ecopark, Roselia. It evolution required Shiny Stones. Fortunately, Yuga had a Supreme-grade Shiny Stone on hand, which he promptly used for it evolution, eliminating the need for any preparations.

As for the remaining supreme-grade Leaf Stones, Moon Stones, Sun Stones, and Awakening Stones, Yuuga currently has no plans to use them.

(Note: There are no Ice Stones available.)

Next, there are three Murkrows and three Vulpix. They require Dusk Stones and Fire Stones for their evolutions, respectively.

Three Skittys need three Moon Stones, while eight Petilils require eight Sun Stones.

Upon tallying these, it became evident that a substantial number of Evolution Stones were needed. Furthermore, all of them, except for the Fire Stones needed for Vulpix's evolution, were rare Evolution Stones.

However, Yuga didn't intend to purchase these Evolution Stones with money from the market. The cost would be quite substantial when combined.

The average price of one Fire Stone in the market was around 30,000 Pokédollar, while the Dusk Stones, Moon Stones, and Sun Stones were slightly higher, costing approximately 50,000 Pokédollar each. Altogether, Yuga would have to spend nearly 800,000 Pokédollar.

As a result, Yuga chose to exchange these Evolution Stones directly from the League's store using his accrued Merit Points.

He had earned a total of 6,500 Merit Points over time, and the League store offered ordinary Evolution Stones at 100 Merit Points each, while rare Evolution Stones were priced at 150 Merit Points each. Yuga required three ordinary Evolution Stones and fourteen rare Evolution Stones, which amounted to a total of 2,400 Merit Points.

These Merit Points weren't serving any other purpose in Yuga's hands, so he readily used them to purchase the Evolution Stones from the League's store.

Moreover, buying Evolution Stones from the League's store was more reliable, as there was no risk of encountering counterfeit items. Evolution Stones were frequently counterfeited, making the market a risky place to acquire them.

In addition, he exchanged for another Soothe Bell to give to the other Golbat, spending 200 Merit Points.

Originally, there were five Lombre whose final evolution required a Water Stone, and two male Ralts requiring an Awakening Stone. However, they had yet to evolve to their second stages, so those plans were put on hold for the time being.

It was Gardevoir's husband, Kirlia, who needed an Awakening Stone to evolve into Gallade. Unfortunately, given Kirlia's current condition, which wasn't suitable for evolution, Yuga had to set that aside as well.

After Yuga placed his order, it would still take some time for the Evolution Stones to arrive at YoYo Day Care. Therefore, the first Pokémon in this batch to evolve was Roselia.

Roselia's potential was already quite close to Indigo. After using a Supreme-grade Evolution Stone, its potential smoothly transitioned to Indigo.



- Type: Grass, Poison

- Ability: Natural Cure

- Gender: Female

- Potential: Indigo

- Level: 40

- Moves: Absorb, Growth, Aqua Ring, Stun Spore, Magical Leaf, Leech Seed, Poison Sting, Vine Whip, Poison Jab, Toxic, Sludge Bomb, Energy Ball, Grassy Terrain


Initially, Yuga believed that the supreme-grade Evolution Stone would elevate Roserade's potential closer to purple. However, he soon discovered that it wasn't the case. Roserade's potential only reached a moderate degree of Indigo, just about on par with Vivillon and falling behind both Chimecho and Dragonair.

The effect of the supreme-grade Evolution Stone wasn't as significant as Yuga had imagined, making the transition from Indigo to Purple potential an extremely challenging feat for Pokémon.

Otherwise, Pokémon with purple potential would have already appeared in reality instead of being confined to legends. No one had seen such Pokémon in real life.

However, Roserade was diligent in its training, and its level had silently reached 40. It had acquired numerous moves, especially showing remarkable talent in poison-type moves.

Yuga's Roserade was a rare Shiny Pokémon. While ordinary Roserade had one red and one blue petal on its hands, Yuga's was entirely vibrant red, resembling two burning flames.

Yuga believed that Roserade's talent likely lay in its poison-type abilities. After much consideration, he decided to make Roserade his tenth main battling Pokémon.

After all, he intended to inherit his master's legacy, and his unique abilities suited the cultivation of Grass-type Pokémon. With such an outstanding Grass-type Pokémon, he couldn't afford to neglect it.

Indigo-potential Pokémon were incredibly rare, and Yuga couldn't be certain when or if he'd encounter another one.

With ten main battling Pokémon, Yuga had no plans to capture more in the near future.

Roserade was delighted to become Yuga's main battling Pokémon and worked even harder during training.

Among Yuga's four Grass-type Pokémon, Roserade was the only one that couldn't engage in energy exchanges with him. During group training sessions, it had to rely on Florges.

However, its potential was the highest among these Pokémon, so its growth rate wasn't slower than that of Vivillon and the others.

The Evolution Stones Yuga ordered were successfully delivered to YoYo Day Care the next day.

With his assistance, the Pokémon successfully completed their final evolutions. This added three Honchkrows, three Ninetales, three Delcatty, and eight Lilligant to the Ecopark.

Today update is end here! Let's continue again tomorrow!♪ ♬ ヾ(´︶`♡)ノ ♬ ♪

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