
First game 2

'I-it's gone!'

'Home run!'

Mio jogged passing the bases seeing the ball go over the fence. The seido band and bleachers cheers seeing that the ball go over. The Maimon's starting pitcher was shaken.

'He hit it? That's my best pitch!' He's having a mental breakdown not only the home run give him a big blow on his mental, the pitch that Mio keep fouling off also taking toll on his body. The catcher take a time off.

'Mamoru are you okay? You can keep on?'

'I'll try hold on!

'You got this'

Seido is celebrating their run.

'Woah flower boy that's a good taunting'


'You teach them a good lesson Mio-chan' Jun with an elated expression pat his head.

'Nice batting' Captain Yuki praise him

'Wait for me Fujikawa. I'll joining you soon' Kuramochi ran off, it's his turn to bat. Mio sat down next to Chris.

'Nice run'

'It's all thanks to Senpai's menu' Mio genuinely feel indebted to Chris. His menu help him to improve his lower body and increase his power. With such small physique compare to his peers, now he can hold a candle to them. Chris only smile.

'It's my menu but you're the one that follow it with discipline. Be proud on yourself, don't be too harsh' Chris gave a small advice.


The coach listening to their little conversation felt that Mio is similar to him in some way. Their little pep talk got interrupted when a loud exclaim fill the dugout. Kuramochi hit it obove the center head. When the center just want to throw, kuramochi with his speed goes straight to second base.

'The center can't even throw him with that speed!'

'Seido is really serious this time!'

'BATTING THIRD, KOMINATO RYOUSUKE' The announcer announce.

'Ryou-san you can do this!'

'Harucchi's brother hit it!'

'Come on Ryou-san, send me home'

Come to think it off, Ryousuke is the type of batter pitcher hate the most. A stupidly persistent batter. Pitcher number 10 tried his best, throwing his pitches but with his endurance he can't stop seido's momentum.

'Another hit by seido! it landed perfectly on the right field' Even the announcer is excited. Kuramochi stop at third base. Playing it safe.


The opposite team make a pitcher change when it's Yuki's turn to bat. The team seems consoling the pitcher. Then Maimon ace came out. Yuki look at this scene, he can't even pity them when such action will cost his team a lost. The Ace do his motion and throw.


Yuki swing his bat. The ball flew past the second baseman. Ryousuke run toward the second base.

Kuramochi on the third base run heading home. With his early take off, he manage to score. The captain stand on the first base proudly.

'It's a hard inning for Maimon but seido's offense has yet to cease!'


'Come on! I'm gonna do it'

The catcher give a sign but the pitcher shake his.

'Then this?'

*nodded nodded*


A fastball coming.


Jun missed.


Jun glanced towards the dugout and see the coach give sign. Hit and run. Yuki and Ryousuke also preparing themselves to run as soon the ace throw again.


Jun hit the ball but it popped towards the pitcher. One out but runner on the scoring position. And the person coming up is catcher, Miyuki Kazuya. The band play nerauichi, Miyuki's batting theme song. The catcher look towards miyuki stance.

'Give me your cutter. Low and away'

*nodded nodded*

The ball drop, it's basically impossible to hit but miyuki manage to swing his bat big.

'Go over!'

'Senpai home!'

The ball go over the center head. He run near the fence and tried to time his jump with the ball, unfortunately the ball go over the fence.

'I-it's gone! Miyuki Kazuya hit a two-home run!' The commentor announce. The bleachers and fans going wild by Seido's aggressiveness. The score, 5-0. After that, seido offense stop when batter seven and eight hit grounder to shortstop and first baseman.

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