
[121] Small Sum

Chapter 121: Small Sum

"Miss Erina, you've arrived," Hachiman approached the group, nodding in acknowledgement.

"Hmph, if it weren't for your incessant invitations, this lady wouldn't have come" Erina couldn't hide her tsundere tendencies.

He had grown accustomed to her demeanor and simply smiled while shaking his head.

At this moment, Alice felt a twinge of embarrassment as she spoke, "I apologize, Hikigaya-kun. Originally, I intended to come with Ryo-kun, but who would have anticipated that my mother, this middle-aged lady, would insist on joining us upon hearing of our seaside excursion?"

In her view, everyone on this trip was of the same youthful age, so she couldn't fathom why her mother, this older lady, wanted to be part of the excitement.

"Hoho, Alice, how can you speak of your mother in such a manner?" Leonora, upon hearing her daughter's words, pouted slightly, displaying her displeasure.

It was worth noting that despite being the mother of the 15-year-old Alice, Leonora's complexion remained fair and unblemished, devoid of the rough pores typically associated with Westerners. Her visage still retained the delicate allure of a young girl.

Standing alongside Alice, they appeared more like sisters than a mother and daughter.

"It's true," he thought, "2D waifus never seem to age."

"No need to worry," he reassured them, "one more person won't make a difference; the more, the merrier." After all, he had already reserved the entire beachfront, so the addition of one more person wasn't a concern. While Leonora was a bit older, she still possessed her own charm, and it would provide an additional opportunity to appreciate a beautiful woman in a swimsuit. Why not?

Seeing that Hachiman, the host, harbored no ill feelings, Alice felt relieved. She knew she was essentially tagging along thanks to Erina's invitation, but her mother's sudden inclusion had taken her by surprise.

"Very well," he suggested, "let's make our way there. It's a perfect opportunity to introduce my friends to you."

Erina and her group nodded in agreement, following Hachiman as he led them toward the designated gathering spot.

When the two groups converged, Hachiman took it upon himself to introduce everyone. As Erina and the others learned about their backgrounds, aside from Saeko and Kotonoha, the rest of the girls were noticeably taken aback. The gap between them and the heiress of a top conglomerate was truly immense.

Erina also took the opportunity to approach Saeko, offering her warm greetings and congratulations on her recent achievements in Kendo.

At the same time, Shizuka playfully nudged Hachiman with her elbow and commented, "I didn't expect you to have such diverse connections, even knowing the Nakiri heiress."

Hachiman sighed and responded, "What you call 'diverse connections' is simply having a wide network."

He brushed off the topic and redirected their focus. "Alright, everyone, let's drop off our belongings first."

Given their three-day stay, Hachiman had thought ahead and rented a villa in advance.

The group readily agreed, and before long, led by Hachiman, they arrived at a three-story beachfront villa, surrounded by a protective fence, with a charming garden in the courtyard.

Upon entering the villa, they were greeted by an impressive hall. It was tastefully decorated with simple yet elegant furnishings. A magnificent crystal chandelier hung from above, and the polished hardwood floor gleamed, a practical choice for the seaside environment. Plush European-style sofas, a generously sized television, and a vast floor-to-ceiling window that offered a captivating view of the beach completed the scene.

"It's incredible!"

"Yes, it's absolutely beautiful," Yui and the others exclaimed in admiration.

Even Erina nodded in approval, tilting her chin slightly.

"It is indeed quite lovely. How much is the rental fee?" she inquired.

"This villa, along with three days of beach access, comes to only a million yen. It's not expensive," Hachiman remarked, casually disclosing the amount.

"Just a million? That's really reasonable," Erina thought it over and found the price fair.

However, for the girls from ordinary families, it was somewhat hard to fathom.

"A... a million! Hachiman, do you come from a wealthy family?" Yui asked cautiously.

Considering Hachiman's background, it didn't appear that he hailed from an affluent household. Furthermore, his nonchalant tone made the million yen seem like a trivial sum, leaving Yui perplexed.

Except for those who already knew about Hachiman's identity as a novelist, the others wore curious expressions.

"What's going on, kid? Haven't you told them yet?" Shizuka chimed in, also finding it puzzling.

In her perspective, the girls who could accompany Hachiman to the beach were those with strong connections to him. Moreover, being a light novelist was nothing to hide or keep low-key.

"Not yet, there were quite a few things to deal with before, and I didn't have time to explain," Hachiman shook his head.

"Sensei, do you know something?" Yui noticed that their homeroom teacher seemed to be aware of something.

"Haha, well, I'll explain on behalf of this kid today," Shizuka chuckled and then continued speaking.

"In fact, this kid here is now a well-known light novel author. You've probably heard of 'Sword Art Online,' right? Well, he's the one who wrote it."

"'Sword Art Online'? You mean that light novel that has sold over five million copies?" Hina was somewhat surprised.

Being a fujoshi, she had some connections in the otaku world. Apart from indulging in fujoshi manga, she naturally kept tabs on the world of light novels. As the most popular new book in recent months, "Sword Art Online" had definitely caught her attention.

"That's right, it's 'Sword Art Online.' And with the upcoming manga adaptation and anime, this young man, Hachiman, has truly become quite prosperous. This one million yen is but a trifle to him," Shizuka explained.

After Shizuka's explanation, the girls comprehended the situation. When they gazed at Hachiman, a newfound admiration shone in their eyes.

"Hikki, that's incredible!" Yui's eyes seemed to twinkle with admiration.

"I never expected Hikigaya-kun to be so remarkable," Yumiko's eyes held a hint of surprise.

"He's Wakamono-sensei, isn't he?" Hina's glasses reflected a glint of curiosity, concealing her thoughts.

"So, Hachiman not only excels in kendo but also shines as a novelist," Kotonoha's gaze held admiration, but then she let out a sigh tinged with melancholy.

In comparison to Hachiman-kun, she felt exceptionally ordinary...

Glancing at Hachiman and then at her own sister, who harbored a secret admiration, Kokoro pondered to herself, "Hachiman nii-san, whom my sister holds in such high regard, is truly remarkable. It appears that I must put in some effort to ensure he smoothly becomes my brother-in-law."

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