
Ruthless and Decisive 1

Before Bill mutter a word Jake reached in front of him quickly and gripped his face then he whispered in his ear :

" Don't think that you can escape after what you did " Jake's voice was cold and calm sending shivers down to Bill's spine making him afraid to mutter a single word.

Jake tightened his grip over Bill's face making some cracking sounds from his head.

He immediately put his other hand on his mouth making him unable to scream and just feel the pain increases.

Bill was struggling to get out of Jake's grip but he couldn't as Jake's grip was strong and firm.

Then Jake's cold voice sounded again in his ear " This is just the beginning so don't worry . There is a hell awaiting for you after that but now go to sleep "

Bill couldn't take it anymore as the pain was too much for his mind to endure so he passed out .

When he passed out Jake released his grip letting Bill's body fall on the ground like a lifeless doll .

The woman he saw this was about to scream but Jake put his finger on her mouth and smiled coldly " scream and I will break your neck , okay "

The woman nodded with tears falling from her eyes.

" Good , then ... " Suddenly his eyes turned silver with a hint of pink around his pupils .

" Wear your clothes and go home , after that you will forget what happened here "

The woman whose eyes turned pink said in a lifeless voice " Yes " and Jake let her while she went and wore her clothes and left .

" Now, it's time for your hell to begin " muttered Jake while looking at Bill who is passed out on the ground.

Jake took Bill's body and went out of the room towards the elevator. After he went out of the elevator he left the love hotel right away to his car in the parking area beside the hotel .

Surprisingly no one gave them a glance on the way as Jake's eyes were still silver with a hint of pink around his pupils controlling the minds of the people around him so they mind their own business.

Jake tossed Bill at the back of the car and closed the back door at him then he went to the driving seat and drove the car.

On the way Jake called Jane through his phone .

" Hello , how are you dear ~ "

" I'm fine honey , how are you and the others ? "

" We are fine and sound . Dear is there something wrong ? "

" No , I just want you to go back to your apartment and wait me there alone, I will arrive in ten minutes "

Jane seemed confused and worried but she decided to listen to her husband .

" Okay dear "

" I love you Jane "

" I love you too dear ~ "

Then he hanged up and the warm smile that was on his face moments ago disappeared and was replaced by a cold ruthless expression.


< Ten minutes later >

Jake arrived and took Bill out of the car then went to Jane's apartment.

Knock! Knock!

Jake knocked the door and immediately Jane opened it. When Jane saw Jake she was happy but when she saw Bill on his back her face turned gloomy.

" Why did you brought him here ? " Jane asked Jake with a hint of discomfort.

" To settle old matters " he replied with cold voice making Jane shudder and a look of surprise adorned her face as she didn't believe that her husband can speak like that .

Jake didn't want to wait and went inside while Jane snapped out of her thoughts and closed the door then followed behind him.

He put Bill on the sofa and went and brought a chair and put it in front of the sofa.

" Do you have a rope "

" No, but I have an adhesive tape "

" That will do , bring it to me "

Jane went and brought it to Jake who took it then he lifted Bill and put him on the chair then he used the adhesive tape to bind him to the chair.

" Dear , what are you doing ? And why are you with him ? "

" You will know after a while " Jake said and didn't elaborate making Jane more confused.

Then he took out his phone and called someone .

" Hello , I want to make a reservation tonight "

" Bill Maxwell .... Okay that's good for me "

Then he hanged up .

" Who did you call ? "

" Someone you don't know. Just don't ask questions and you will know everything , okay honey ? " Jake said while holding her cheeks with both of his hands and caressing them with care and love while a warm loving smile adorned his face .

Jane felt the warmness and nodded while putting her hands on his with closed eyes enjoying his caressing.

Jake smiled and kissed her forehead lovingly.

" Come on " he took her and sat on the sofa while Jane sitting on his lap hugging him by his neck and resting her head on his shoulder , she was sitting sideways by the way .

Suddenly they heard Bill's voice as he seems to wake up .

When Bill opened his eyes he felt pain in his head and was confused by what happened. He looked around him to see that he is in his apartment which made him wonder how the heck did he get here ? .

Then his eyes fell on the sofa in front of him to see his 'wife' sitting on the lap of an unknown man .

" Jane ? What are you doing "

Jane who was sitting on Jake's lap turned her head to him and snorted " it's not of your business "

Bill became angry by his 'wife' attitude and decided to stand up in ager but he couldn't, he looked down to see that his body is bonded to the chair with adhesive tape, he struggled to get out of it but no matter what he did , he can't do anything.

" You bitch ! How can you do something like this in my apartment!! " Bill shouted in anger .

" And you fucker ! Who the hell are you ? "

Jane felt angry when Bill badmouthed her husband and looked at him with disgust and threatened " Don't you dare to talk to him like that "

" Shut up you bitch! I didn't allow you to speak ! "

" Enough! " suddenly a cold ruthless voice came from Jake making Bill shudder in fear as when he looked at Jake's eyes he felt like he is in front of Hades himself .

" Another word about MY WIFE and your life is done , am I making myself clear ?! " Jake said coldly making Bill even more afraid.

" b...b..."

" AM I MAKING MYSELF CLEAR !!!!" Jake's voice became more colder and colder as if it was coming from the deepest part in hell .

" Yes sir " Bill said while gulping his saliva .

" Good , now we can have a good conversation before you go to them "

" W-What d-do you m-m-mean by that ? " Bill said with a shaky voice .

" It's not of your business "

Bill nodded with fast speed in confirmation but anger can still be seen in his which made Jake smile a little.

What Bill didn't know is that his life will be a living hell after some minutes.


Author ; if you find it cringe don't read if don't like it as I write while imagining the situation in my mind.

enjoy it of you didn't.

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