
Shaokao and Spicy Food

"Wait, don't send reinforcement!——Blown the entrance! Don't worry about us commander——"

As the static sounds continuously played, everyone in the crowd felt powerless to speak up.

"Everyone is dismissed... You may take a break until next Monday."

The officer reattached his walkie-talkie to the side as all the soldiers started heading out of the camp center.

Everyone could feel the grim mood as they still couldn't believe their comrades would just die like that.

The fresh recruits were the most nervous as they headed back inside their tent with their comrades.

Even though the veterans could tell the newbies were nervous, there wasn't much they could do besides letting them tough it out on their own.

Any words wouldn't change the fact that they had experienced the losses they had today, but life must move forward.

Numbness already had filled their heart.

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