
Chapter 296: Zombies from Foshan and Dongguan

When it finally got to the binocular range, all the soldiers lowered their weapons as the person on the motorcycle turned out to be a scouting soldier just reporting back to Luoping.

But as the motorcycle got closer and closer, Mingxu's walkie-talkie suddenly received a transmission.

"Close the gate as soon as I come inside! I repeat, do not keep it open longer than ten seconds!"

Two of the sergeants instantly turned towards Mingxu for order as both the Major and Lieutenant Colonel were busy attending a meeting.

Without any hesitation, Mingxu decided to trust the person sending the transmission and ordered the soldier to follow through with the request.

As the motorcycle drove closer and closer to the wall, one of the soldiers with a thermal detector suddenly detached heat trails, running almost at the same speed as the motorcycle.

"Sir! Something invisible is chasing after the motorcycle!"

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