
Ch 72 I Am Spartacus

I had spent the last two weeks with my women and visiting Bear Island every few days.

Today I received a distress signal from Dacey's bracelet.


I immediately mounted Ancalagon I asked her what happened she said that wildling raiders were attacking one of the villages and she along with her parents and Mormont warriors were on the way there to fight them off.

Ancalagon flew at Max speed towards the beautiful isle.

Although It usually took an hour to make the flight this time it took twenty minutes as my Dragon was angry that someone was attacking his favorite place.

he loved the seals and large squids that lived on the coast of bear island so he enjoyed when we flew there as he thought the food tasted better....I also thought the food was better there.

I sensed Dacey's amulet and honed in on her position.

I spotted about forty Mormont Guardsmen battling against a horde of eighty or more savages.

when the people fighting below heard the angry roar of a dragon they all stopped fighting to look at the Monstrous beast in flight.

Immediately the wildling Raiders ran in fear which made showering them in sticky flames much easier, as they had separated from the Mormont warriors.

Ancalagon made sure to power down his sticky flames so that those who were sprayed cooked instead of immediately being turned to ashes.

The Wildling raiders rolled on the ground while screaming for the pain to stop as their flesh crisped and bubbled while the fat on their skins was rendered by the sticky flames.

When they moved to pat the fire to turn it off they found that it now spread to the hand that did the patting.

Some raiders dropped on the ground to roll but the flames merely spread and covered more of their bodies as their friends watched on in horror.

Many eyes melted and dropped from their skulls as those who remained untouched dropped their weapons en masse and surrendered to the angry Mormonts.

I jumped off of Ancalagon and floated down to where Dacey was standing.

 the Mormont soldiers rounded up the Dozens of raiders and stripped them naked while piling up their weapons and clothing and tying them up tightly.

I saw my beautifully Dacey in full armor with a shield and bloody Mace as she smiled sweetly at me.

"You stole my fun Dragonrider~" She purred as she approached me seductively.

I pulled her helmet off and started kissing her deeply as the screams of burning Wildlings filled our ears.

After a few minutes we separated and I looked at the battlefield around us.

There were some wounded Mormont soldiers who were injured by the weapons of the wildings.

There were scantly any iron weapons but these savages fought with unmatched ferocity before the Dragon showed up.


I healed the wounded soldiers and got them on their feet as they thanked me for the assistance.

there was one young man holding his severed arm so I took it from him and placed it back on his bloody stump while casting a healing spell.

When he saw his limb working again he cried deeply since he thought her would've been a cripple for the rest of his life

I even spotted Arnulf the Big Bearded Softie in full brigandine armor with a bearded Greataxe in his hands, he was drenched in blood and human gore but when he saw me he smiled and waved like a little kid.

I greeted him and asked how many he killed to be ending up so dirty. "Only ten and three this time." He spoke softly... This guy was the gentlest cold blooded killer in the world I guess.

I greeted Maege as well and soon we all headed to where the Wildlings were being rounded up by the guards.

"WE'LL NEVER TALK TO YOU KNEELERS!!!! I HAFNIR TWO BEARDS WILL PISS DOWN YOUR THROATS!!!!" The rowdiest one in the group spoke and spat at the guards who smacked him in the mouth with their shields.

"Let me handle their questioning." I asked the one captain who was questioning them without success.

Maege agreed and I got a few guards to head into the town and bring firewood.

I withdrew a large roasting spit from my Dimensional store and set it up just a few feet from the tied up wildlings.

I lit the flames and took Hafnir who seemed to be the leader of the Wildlings and tied him to the roasting spit while completely naked.

At first I placed a gag in his mouth and we heaved his tied up body on the stands over the makeshift rotisserie.

I took a young crying wildling who seemed to just be approaching manhood and forced him to turn the handle of the spit while roasting his leader.....

at first the young wildling denied but when I threatened to chop off his little cock and cook it as well he dutifully turned the spit slowly as Hafnir Two Beards was roasted.

I didn't even ask Hafnir any questions and the others who were tied up looked on in horror as their leader was roasted alive, he screamed and begged through the gag but i ordered the spit keep spinning with a smile on my face.

First his hair was singed off as the low flames licked his skin, then his flesh started to turn bright pink for about ten minutes as his screams increased and his fight against the bindings increased.

Then his pink skin began to turn red and slowly bubble in certain areas as he began to cook, The bubbles in his flesh burst and soon enough the fat started to render out of his soft flesh

By this point the man was half cooked and I decided it was the time to ask him some questions.

I took off his gag and spoke. "What is the name of your tribe and where are you located?" I asked the still spinning and roasting man.

"WE'RE THE NORN'S FROM THE ICE RIVER CLANS!!!! WE LIVE AT ALONG THE ICE RIVER!!!!!PLEASE MAKE IT STOPPP!!!!!!" The Man screamed at the top of his voice while begging for mercy.

I shoved the gag into his mouth and ordered the boy to keep turning the spit as their leader roasted and bubbled as his skin became crispy.

Eventually the man's heart gave out from the pain and then the Mormont soldiers brought the wildings into a clearing.

They were told that they'd fight all amongst themselves with bare hands and the last one standing would be allowed to live...

There wasn't much fun to be had here in the north and the Men were not going to pass up the opportunity for live entertainment.

Everyone places their bets, I bet a sack of candied pecans, Dacey bet a sack of dried cherries.

The youngest Mormont soldier bet a sweet honey biscuit that his mother baked for him while Arnulf bet a whole nutmeg and a handful of cloves that he carried to season his food....those were much appreciated spices here in the North.

Maege herself placed dice carved out of Bone and another man put up a sack of jerky that was spiced with dry spicy chilies and pepper, a rare item here on Bear Island.

Everyone chose a different man from the survivors and those who were left over had their skulls split with hard and accurate axe blows.

The twenty naked contestants were surrounded by fully armored Mormont soldiers and they stared at eachother with fire in their eyes.

They were each friends, neighbors, brothers, cousins, and sons... But every single one of them would give us their all to make it off this island.

Maege was the one who gave the signal by blowing her battle horn and we all watched in fascination at the naked wildings slugging it out and fighting to the death.

Some fought each other with heavy punches as their knuckles bled and their faces were deformed from the damage.

Another wildling lay on the floor while trying to protect himself as his Clansmen kicked his head and stomped on his limbs frantically.

As the cage match went on it slowly devolved into far more animalistic combat, they grabbed and ripped into one anothers flesh with their yellow stained teeth and yanked each others genitals off when given the chance as more and more wildlings lay on the floor while dead, bleeding out, or writhing in pain as other wildings stomped and bit into their throats.

Eventually there were only two left as they wrestled weakly against each other while attempting to gain an advantage, they were both exhausted and panting while covered in blood and sweat.

One man was missing two fingers and an ear which were bitten off, and another no longer had an eye which was gouged out.

Mine and Dacey's fighters had long since died but we still watched on.... this was a battle for the ages.

Eventually the man with the missing fingers managed to climb on top of the other.

He began to rain down elbows on the one eyed man as his face was slowly torn apart by the heavy blows.

Eventually the one eyed man was too far gone and left his throat unprotected to the other.

The fingerless man saw his opportunity and sunk his teeth into his soft throat and tore into it like an animal while fresh blood spurted everywhere until the struggling stopped.

The last wildling survivor stood victorious and roared into the air while covered in bloody mud and wounds while the Mormont soldiers cheered on.

Then they chanted at the youngest soldier who had bet the Honey cake baked by his mother.....

he was the winner of the bet so he would finish the last wildling which won him the snacks.

The Young soldier approached while blushing at the attention and swung his axe hard on the wildings face as it was brutally split into two halves as blood and juice dripped down.

The Young Mormont raised his axe and a great cheering came out as he walked to the pile of snacks that he won in the betting and started to much on the spicy jerky....

I called Ancalagon over and he began to eat the corpses of Wildlings as he appreciated their succulent flavor.

I talked with Dacey and spoke that I'd visit those ice river clans soon enough.

I spent the next few hours with my beloved Dacey as the soldiers had a small victory feast.

The mead flowed and the snacks were passed around as we sang as a group around a bonfire while Maege arm wrestled some of the men.

I'd visit those ice river clans in a few days..... And become even worse that the wights in their minds..... But for now I'd cuddle with my honey scented warrior woman and fuck my women back at The Black Fortress.

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