
Ch 65 Men Of Green

I sat at the section for Northern Lords behind Brandon, Benjen, Lyanna, Robert, Jeor and Jorah Mormont and Howland Reed.

Ashara's soft warm ass was on my lap as she fed me grapes with her dainty fingers.

I was in heaven while I squeezed her fit thighs through her dress and watched the Jousting take place.

Horses charged and Lances clashed as men flew from their mounts and into the soft earth below.

The crowds cheered and vendors hocked their meat buns and cups of cheap wine to the spectators.

Lyanna appeared nervous today.... she knew that her actions today will cause a war, but in her mind being with me forever was far more important than anything else.

She sipped cautiously on wine while nibbling on candied Walnuts and salted raisins.

I had to cast illusion spells to reassure her repeatedly as the day went on.

Before long it was Time for lunch so the Jousting stopped for the next three hours.....I dropped Ashara off with Her father and sister then mounted on Ancalagon.

I would visit the Green Men on the isle of faces, they were the avatars of the old gods....and I wanted to see what the old gods thought of me.

R'hollor was wise to bow before the inevitable and hand over Melisandre but what about the tree gods? I wanted to find out.

Ancalagon rose into the air with a roar as we headed towards the isle full of Weirwoods.

after fifteen minutes of hard flying we came over the isle surrounded by thick mist.

i looked down and spotted a dozen antlered men with long green cloaks and Bark masks, they all turned their heads up at me simultaneously.

I stood in the saddle and jumped off as my long dark wings spread, I dropped out of the sky until I was forty feet off of the ground then I spread them and caught air as they took me forwards and to the Largest Weirwood Tree on the island where The Green Men stood huddled into a circle.

I flew into just a few feet away from them and slowed until my feet touched the ground.

My long leathery wings retracted and I looked at the Antler wearing druids.... their wildfire green eyes seemed to stare into my soul.

""Greetings outsider...the Old Gods have a message for you...."" they all spoke simultaneously.

"Good...I was wondering why they were so quiet."

I told them as I eyed them down and wondered what green man blood tasted like, they all shivered for a moment as if sensing my bloodlust.

""Your actions have ensured that the Lightbringer will not be born again..... the old gods request that you partake in the battle for the Dawn in his stead...."" They all spoke simultaneously.

"And why should I?" I asked as my eyes narrowed.

The twelve Green Men looked at each other for a few moments before one nodded and walked to the large Weirwood tree.

The man drew a dragonglass Dagger and stabbed his chest as all the Green Men chanted aloud in the Old Tongue.

Dark blood flowed from his chest and began to coat the base of the Tree as its carved face cried red sap.

The eyes of the other eleven Green Men glowed and came back to normal a few moments later.

Then they all looked towards a single man and he took one step forward before speaking.

"The Old Gods have spoken.....The Great other.... the Night King has a Night Queen.... she retains her maidenhood after Ten Thousand Years...The Old Gods say that if you defeat him you can claim her maidenhood..... One Of The Old Gods said 'You can make him watch if you chain him with Valyrian Steel'... or so he spoke....." The Green Man spoke and sounded a bit uncomfortable, the other Green Men looked away awkwardly.

Hearing him say that brought a smile to my face.

"Sounds like that God is a cool guy, I'll defeat that Night King, but I will still slay the wildings for fun....I need something to do after all." I told them as I neared the dead body of the Green Man who sacrificed himself.

I ran my finger through his dark blood and brought it to my nose..... Aspen sap and pine were its scents.....I took a taste of it as the other Green Men watched nervously.

I quickly spat it out. "Your blood tastes disgusting....like the flavor of old tree bark." I told them as I cast a cleaning spell inside my mouth to remove the aftertaste all the Green Men breathed a sigh of relief.....they knew of my thirst after all.

"Goodbye Green Men take these before I go." I spoke then tossed them a huge bag of Milk Chocolates then spoke again.

"One last question, What do you all think about the three eyed crow?" I asked as my wings extended majestically.

""Kill him"" ""Cut off his cock and throw him to the wight walkers."" ""Shit down his throat"" ""Make him drink your horse's piss"" ""that nasty old man, he kills children you know"" ""Skin him like Dustan Drumm!!!"" ""Make him suffer and we'll be in your debt"" ""Shove Dark Sister up his wrinkly asshole!!!""

I heard their Angry shouts as I flew upwards towards Ancalagon

""Thanks for the candies we've been wondering what King Aerys likes eating so much!!!"" Was the last thing I heard as I flew into the distance back towards Harrenhall.

. . . . . .. .. . . . ... . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . ..

Soon I landed an Ancalagon and hopped off as I got into Shadowmare, There was still an hour for Lunch so I galloped off In the direction of the Dornish Tents.

I soon reached the Dayne dining tent and the guards instantly made way for me to enter.

"Greetings Father in law, My two beauties I'm sorry for being late, I was visiting the Green Men." I spoke as I walked in and Kissed both Ashara and Allyria

I picked Allyria up and sat her on my lap as I always did to her sister.

The Little Beauty blushed up a storm and started hand feeding me little bits of food with her slender fingers.

"That's alright Alucard, at least you made it....did you get the answers you were looking for? I visited the Isle of Faces as a young man and that's how I chose my late wife.....I couldn't have made a better decision." He spoke with sadness in his eyes.

"Aye, I got the answers I was looking for, and guidance for the future." I spoke then gave Allyria a kiss on the cheek as she melted in my arms....she was far more shy than Ashara, nowhere near as much fire in her blood.

We continued eating for another hour until it was time to return....

the jousting would happen for another few hours until it was time for the Championship after all.

When I returned I decided to sit with Lord Dayne and Allyria instead of with the Northern Lord's.

The Dornish section was full of caramel beauties that tried to get my attention but most of them were even more sullied than a lysene whore.

The only pure Dornish women were from certain houses, and there were not many of them.....I noticed that the more modest their mothers were dressed then the more likely the daughters would be maidens.

I also noticed that many of the offspring of the nobles were actually bastards with no relation to their 'fathers' in any way..... must be tough to marry a loose woman I guess.....

I sat Allyria on my lap to spoil her a bit as Ashara leaned into my right, we watched the Fancy Knights clash wildly.

Before long it was time for the main event...Prince Rhaegar Targeryen and Barristan Selmy of the Kingsguard.

Rhaegar's Ruby encrusted breastplate glimmered in the evening sun as his winged helm remained focused on Selmy in front of him...

Barristan's silver armor, the white steed ridden by Barristan chomped at the bit in anticipation of the charge as they waited for the Bugle.


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