
Ch 55 The Severing

(Expect the unexpected)

The wave of Noble Lords and Ladies flocked back into the hall as the tables and chairs were pushed to the edges of the room in preparation of the duel.

Servants on horses ran through the campgrounds shouting that an honor duel was about to commence as Hedge knights, Noble Lords and Ladies and Their Servants rushed into the Feasting hall, The Servants stood on the second story balcony that encircled the hall as they took bets as to the outcome of the match.

I sat with Ashara on my lap as my hard cock dug into her soft fat ass while we whispered to each other as we waited for the Hall to be filled with witnesses and spectators.

Ned stood in the center of the hall with Ice's tip dug into the ground as he eyed me angrily.

"Are you going to kill him? Ahhh~" Ashara asked as I nibbled on her delicious neck then began to lick her lovely ears as she moaned cutely.

"No....but I'll make him wish that I had." I told Ashara then I placed a hand on her large soft breast and gave it a squeeze as I heard Ned audibly Growling.

Eventually the hall filled to capacity and the doors were shut by the guards.

But not before a loud commotion was heard as Targeryen men at arms shoved people aside to make way for the King.

His cane smacking against the stone floor was heard as he laughed loudly as he entered the Hall.


"Get on with it Rhaegar... I'm getting old here!!!"

The King scolded his son then reached into his pocket to pull out a handful of chocolates that I had given him earlier today as he began eating them like a rat.

I didn't miss the nasty look that Barristan was sending me.... he was also in love with Ashara but she was always out of reach.

Rhaegar who was flanked by Arthur Dayne and Jamie Lannister walked to the center of the room as the murmurings in the hall died down.

I pulled Ashara's soft bubbly ass off of my cock and stood up She Took her lilac handkerchief and wrapped it around my arm as her favour before I walked to the center of the Room.

The hilt of my Valyrian steel estoc glimmered in its sheath as I made my way to the dueling area.

Then Rhaegar began to speak. "We gather here tonight to bear witness to an honor duel....Eddard of house Stark challenges Alucard Von Cathicus to an honor duel for the insult of Stealing his dancing partner and love of his life from his hands....." When Rhaegar said this all eyes turned to Ashara who now had four hickeys on her neck from a certain someone....

"Both parties have agreed...in the sights of The King, Gods, and men...I Prince Rhaegar of House Targeryen sanction this duel....may the Gods grant strength to the Just....." as he said that word Ned raised Ice in front of him and I withdrew my long Estoc from my waist as we stared at each other and the crowd stared on in anticipation...

"BEGIN!!!" Rhaegar shouted and sat in a high chair off to the side.

I took three steps diagonally to Ned but in his Rage the quiet wolf charged and swung at me repeatedly with Ice.

I stepped out of range for three of his heavy swings then on the fourth I took a step forward and stopped the Greatsword in its tracks as a thunderclap spread throughout the room from both of our Valyrian steel blades colliding...

He looked shocked at me stopping his Greatsword so easily with my thin one handed sword but he shoved my sword and started swinging again as our blades clashed as he enacted a tempest of strikes as I parried, deflected, and sidestepped each of his angry blows with my one handed sword.

Each impact sent a thunderclap of magic sound throughout the large hall as all eyes were intensely focused on our Duel.

As he swung wildly at me I decided it was time to teach him some humility so with a lightning fast flick of my wrist he received an inch deep stab to his thigh...I ensured not to hit any veins or nerves....I just hit his muscle.

As soon as I stabbed his thigh he groaned and dropped to one knee while I just took a step back and moved my sword behind my back.

"Surrender Quiet Wolf....you know that you cannot win this...Accept that you were wrong for coveting my Woman and we can get this over with....no one needs to suffer."

I told him with a mocking smile on my face which only he could see....everyone else saw a serious look on my face as if I was trying to be righteous.

He roared in anger as he rose and charged with ice held high but I sidestepped his downward slash and stuck my foot out to trip Ned as I delivered a precise slice that cut off the tip of his ear.

He fell to the floor in a mess and when he rose again he held a hand to his bleeding ear and growled angrily.

"Come on Ned you know that Ashara will be happier with me.... just look at her and see the truth...." I told Ned and he turned his head to look at Ashara.

When he looked at her he saw that she was staring at me and what resonated the most were the four bright red Lovemarks on her neck.... it made him lose himself in anger.

Need roared louder than ever and launched himself at me with renewed vigour as he swung angrily and our Valyrian blades clashed while sending magic pulses throughout the castle as Kind Aerys Cackled madly in the background as he muttered about 'Just like Daemon and Gwayne' And gibbered with demons while looking at the spectacle before him.

During our exchanges I delivered ten small wounds to Ned and always goaded him into attacking more until his tears ran from his eyes and he launched himself at me with the intent of killing me as my blade impaled him.

Everyone watched on in fascination as I bent at an awkward angle and my sword swished faster than a blink then I stepped past Ned as he dropped to the floor into a ball.....blood flowed from his body as everyone thought he was dead.

Then a great cry resonated from Ned as the pain surged through his body as he grasped at his crotch....Little Ned had been cut off at the root and only a quarter inch of willy was left.

"The duel is over!!! Get him to a Medic!!!" I yelled out and that snapped everyone from their trance.

The Maester of Harrenhal ran forward and pulled down Ned's trousers as his cock flopped out onto the cold stone floor...

Everyone saw the half castrated Stark scream in agony as his cock was severed from his body.

All the male Lord's winced in pain and looked away at the gruesome sight of the Maester putting bandages and salve on his stump while the cock lay there a foot away....menacingly.....

"THE GODS HAVE MADE THEIR WILL KNOWN ....ALUCARD VON CATHICUS....IS THE VICTOR..." Rhaegar called out as the King clapped happily in joy of the spectacle.

"Good job Goodbrother....you are as merciful as ever for sparing his life HAHAHHAHAA!!!" The mad King cackled madly as his mouth and lips were stained brown with chocolate.

Brandon walked towards me and he just patted my shoulder and spoke. "I don't blame you...and thanks for not killing him...." he then walked over and picked up Ice as he stared at Ned sorrowfully.

I Spotted Ashara staring at me hungrily so I walked over and brought her into a kiss....after savoring her flavor I guided us back to my tent....I got what I came for and I was now assured that although the future Stark children would be born, Catelyn's hole would be exclusively mine for the rest of her life.

I walked arm in arm with Ashara until we neared The Horses.

Shadowmare trotted over fancifully and posed in front of Ashara with one leg I'm the air as if to say 'Look I'm the finest warhorse in the world...you should consider yourself lucky to ride on my back.'

"Ashara this is Shadowmare...Shadowmare this is Ashara." I spoke and when I introduced Ashara to him he neighed and bowed his head.

I hopped into the saddle and picked up Ashara so as she rode cross saddle on our way to my tent.

I wouldn't fuck her today but I couldn't wait to snuggle into bed with this otherworldly beauty.

We entered and I stripped down until only my trousers were left, Ashara took off her dress and left only her undergarments then climbed into the bed a bit hesitantly.

"I thought you would want to take me now?" She asked a bit confused.

I just kissed her lips for a moment then wrapped me arms around her as I looked into her eyes.

"That will happen in due time....first we need to wed however....for now just get some sleep my Love." I said them pecked her forehead.

She melted into my arms and snuggled into my chest as we both drifted off Into a peaceful sleep.

(Eddard still has balls so he can still coom but he can never fuc)

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