
Ch 52 Tourney At Harrenhall + Lion Taming

(Two months Later)

I made my flight to Harrenhal on my own after leaving the Fortress full of Pregnant women.

Rhaella already had a large baby bump and began lactating a few days ago, the milk wasn't much in volume yet but it's flavor was incredibly good.

A few days ago Lily was pouting that I paid too much attention to Rhaellas' and Myranda's nipples so I fed her a lactation potion that I gave to Myranda every morning and by the end of the hour she was begging for mercy from the orgasms that she went through.

Needless to say all my women were quite pregnant by now so I decided to leave them in the castle instead of making them take a stressful Dragon ride.

Willems Leygood wife was also pregnant and spent A lot of time with my women.

Willem himself had become inhumanly strong after the potion I gave him, he spent much of his time Training new recruits or hunting bandits when he wasn't cuddled up to his pregnant wife....they were both deeply in love so I gave his wife a protective ring so nothing would happen to her, a man has to take care of his subordinates after all.

I realized that I was a few days late to the meeting but there were still three more days of jousting left....and it should all go according to plan.

I flew high over the beautiful Westerosi landscape for twelve hours until I spotted the enormous castle at Harrenhall, Thousands of Colorful tents lined the tourney grounds as High Lord's, Hedge knights, Vendors, Soothsayers, Cooks, and Whores attended the once in a lifetime event.

I saw banners of every color and type flying over the sea of tents as I neared on Ancalagon.

The people who had never seen my Dragon screamed and ran but others just stared on in amazement as I slowly made my way down on Ancalagon as he roared our arrival.

I flew overhead a few times before finding a suitable empty area and lowering down....I was dressed in my full Demonic Armor and wore a Long Blood Red Cape over my Shoulder that fluttered in the winds as I descended.

Hundreds of people flocked on the edge of where I landed to stare in amazement at the Legendary Dragonrider....the man who annihilated an entire island of people because of a raid...the man who came from nowhere and carried off the most beautiful woman in Westeros, the man who split a Lord in two then pissed on his corpse to defend his Ladies honor.....

I stood tall in the saddle before walking over the edge and landing on the soft soil...

Once I was off Ancalagon Decided to Lay down and sleep as I walked off towards the tents.

Before Long I saw a few familiar faces before me....Robert Baratheon, and All four Starks.

Lyanna Looked at me with lovestruck eyes but managed to keep it hidden.

I walked up to the group and greeted all of them with a hug and Lyanna with a kiss on the hand.

"How the hell did you get taller!?!?" Robert yelled in confusion after eyeing me up....

"Well I'm only Six and Ten....I've been drinking lots of milk you see...it's good for a growing boy's bones." I told him as we walked towards the jousting tournament that was about to begin.

They all started laughing out loud when Robert spat his wine and started coughing his lungs out.

"You're not six and ten....you look like a man grown even if you have a pretty face!!!" Robert bellowed and I just shrugged.

We made our way to the Booths and as I sat down while talking with the Starks a man in Golden armor and a white cloak came running towards us from the royal booths.

"His Grace King Aerys Requests the presence of his Goodbrother..." Jamie spoke while avoiding looking in my eyes.

I Walked over and followed him as each step I took thudded heavily in the wooden floorboards.

I was nearing seven feet tall now and with all my armor I looked like a behemoth.

As I approached the Royal booth that was surrounded by guards I spotted Elia and Rhaenys sitting to one side, Maelys the Gray Dragon was now as big as a Labrador as Rhaenys spoke to it in High Valyrian.

Elia eyed me with hungry eyes as I smelled her arousal In the air...I sensed she hadn't laid with anyone in my absence so she would get what she wanted soon enough.

When Rhaenys saw me she ran over and jumped into my arms. "UNCLE ALUCARD!!!!" She screamed as the little black haired girl jumped into my arms.

I picked her up and gave her a big hug as she asked me a barrage of questions In her cute voice.

"I'll only take you flying tomorrow along with your mother....Ancalagon is sleeping right now so he needs to rest.

I told her, Ancalagon didn't even need sleep but he was a very lazy dragon so I'd rather just let him rest for today.

"DO YOU PROMISE???" she asked cutely.

"I pinky promise." I told her as my giant pinky wrapped around hers."

Then I let her go and she ran back to her dragon to keep playing with it.

I then walked to Elia and spoke. "Princess....you look as beautiful as ever....if you ever become a widow I shall be the first man to fight for your hand." I told her as I kissed her hand and she smiled sweetly.

I could feel the tension In every man who heard me say that....implying the death of a prince was a capital offense after all.

That's when I heard mad cackling behind me.


When I turned around to see him I noticed an angry looking Rhaegar standing beside him.

Good thing Elia has a protective Amulet, not letting anyone touch her before I take her for myself.

"How glorious was it.....The Burning and Crying from Old Wyk???" He looked dead in my eyes with his hazy gaze.

"The night sky became day as tens of thousands cried at their flesh melting from their bones....I entered the Drumm fortress before I burned everything down....he had a mighty fine wife..." I told the King and a huge ugly smile appeared on his face.

"So....How Is my Granddaughter.." He asked as his eyes came back to normal.

"She is quite well and far too pregnant for flight so she couldn't come, She asked me to give you these." I told him as I handed over a letter and a giant bag of assorted candies from my Dimensional store that Lily told me to give him.

He snatched the Letter and Candies then scurried off like a rat to eat them in his high chair.

"So Lord Cathicus....will you be entering the tourney?" Cuck Prince Rhaegar asked nervously.....

"No..I came for the ambiance...and I heard the most beautiful woman who isn't already married to me is attending....I came for her hand..... Goddess protect any who try and take her from me." I spoke, at first the prince was relieved but after my eyes narrowed at the end like a viper he flinched back in fright.

"Well you're in luck, because tonight is the first time Ashara will make an appearance...I hope to see you there." Rhaegar said and then scurried off to his seat since he felt uneasy at my animalistic gaze.

I looked around and spotted Arthur Dayne..I walked up to him and asked. "Do you have any advice on how to win your sister's heart?"

He raised an eyebrow before leaning in. "No but if anyone can it's you...she said she was waiting for the perfect man to carry her away.....there is no better bachelor in the kingdoms..." he spoke then walked away

'...did Arthur Dayne just say I was attractive...ewwww' I shuddered before looking at Elias Caramel skin and making my way back to the Starks.

On my way there a small maid walked up and spoke to me. "My lady wishes to see you now...and in private....please follow me or I'll be punished..." she spoke a bit scared

I took in her scent and smelled something I had missed for quite a while....The Crazy Bitch Herself was asking for me.

"Lead the way...." I told the small maid as I followed her through a complicated set of turns and twists until we reached a barn away from the Campgrounds.

I saw Lannister soldiers keeping people out from around the area.

I walked into the barn and spotted Cersei laying on a large thick stuffed bear hide.

She was completely naked and rubbing her already drenched pussy.

I took a whiff of her and realized she hadn't slept with anyone in our time apart....not even her brother.....I still wouldn't marry her but I would give her what she needs right now.

"I knew you would come to me~ I knew you couldn't stay away~" She spoke with a crazy look in her eyes.

"I want you to fill my womb with your thick seed again....Fuck me until I pass out and keep fucking me~" She moaned out as her pink pussy squirted love juice all over the makeshift bad and between her thighs.

"I started unclasping my armor and dropping it slowly on the ground, with every piece of clothing that hit the ground I saw her pussy clench in anticipation for what was about to happen....when I finally revealed my throbbing cock she gasped and squirted as she screamed into the air.

"FUCK ME ALREADY ALUCARD!!!!" While orgasming.

I dropped on top of her and rammed my cock into her pussy without mercy, I instantly buried myself inside and on ushed into her womb as she clenched again and squirted all over my waist again.

I grabbed her pretty pink nipples and gave them a hard twist as I pounded her repeatedly into ecstacy as she moaned and squealed loudly into the midday air.

Her little maid watched from the edge of the Barn while slicking her pussy underneath her dress as she watched her mistress being railed by a gigantic man with a cock that was bigger than her arm.

I flipped Cersei over and buried her face into the ground as I pulled out of her pussy which was slick with her love juice, then I placed my cock at her asshole while looking at the little maid who stared wide eyed.

Then I buried my cock into her warm ass while both Cersei and the little maid orgasmed at the same time.

I hilted my cock in Cerseis ass and kept railing her as she continuously begged me to fuck her harder and faster as I ruined her for any man in the future, from this day forth this crazy bitch would melt in the palm of my hand whenever I took my cock out.

She squealed like a pig while I fucked her, then I grabbed her luscious golden hair and began to use it like a handlebar as I buried myself inside her warm folds.

I continued to fuck her into oblivion for an hour as I switched from her pussy, to her ass then I would grab her head and shove my cock into her throat until her face began to turn blue then I pulled out and buried myself into her pussy again as she squirted all over me.

Her little maid had cum nearly as many times as Cersei as she watched the ruthless fucking I gave the crazy bitch.

When I was about to cum I buried myself in Cersei's womb and unloaded a gallon of semen into her as she spasmed underneath me, there were tears in her eyes, dool on her face, sweat covered every inch of her perfectly curvy body as she lay there in pure bliss as I filled her hungry womb with my hot thick semen.

once I had finished unloading inside of Cersei I held myself inside of her for a few minutes until she regained consciousness.

I pulled my cock out and replaced it with a cum plug to hold all the semen inside.

When I pulled out she looked in my eyes and spoke. "I love you~" I responded by spitting In her face and placing my cock at her lips.

"Clean it up whore." I told her and she opened her mouth and began greedily slurping up my semen like a hungry dog.

Once it was all clean I pulled out of her throat and called the little maid over, she had a completely drenched dress as her squirt soaked it through.

"You need to clean out your mistress so no one finds her In this state." I told her as I put her face next to Cerseis pussy.

"When you pull that out you'll need to drink it all up." I told her as I patted the little servants head.

the servant girl nodded as I put on my Armor with magic and walked out of the barn.

as I was a few meters away I heard the moans of Cersei leaking out of the barn once again as the maid dutifully cleaned out her mistress with her little tongue.

When I walked past the Lannister soldiers they all had red faces and one even creamed his pants from the sounds that he heard.

"Gentleman....what did you see here today." I asked as I towered over them in my demonic armor.

"N...N...Nothing My L...Lo..Lord!!!!!" A brave one answered.

"That's right gentlemen...Good work." I told them and tossed them a bag of gold as I walked away back to the tournament.

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