
Ch 21 Melee Madness

The field outside the tourney area was littered in knights on their large steeds. Some famous and some not so much, I spotted Both of the Clegane brothers, Bronze Yohn Royce, Prince cuck Rhaegar, Arthur Dayne, Barristan Selmy, Robert Baratheon, and Berric Dondarrion were just a few of the men in attendance.

As all the knights waited for the event to begin.

Since the tourney was being held in my honor I had some special privileges so I decided to make use of one

I made my way into the Tourney Grounds early to get the favour of my bride.

As shadowmare trotted he put style into his walk as if he was showing off to the crowd just how good of a horse he was.

I trotted shadowmare up to the booth of the royal family and called aloud. Rhaella had never given her favour to any man and this was the perfect moment to be her first.

"Princess Rhaella of house Targeryen will you do me the honor of bestowing your favour!!!"

Loud enough for all in attendance to hear.

the crowds began to chant

"Give it!!!Give it!!!Give it!!!"

which made Rhaella blush madly as she rushed to the edge of the booth and tied her lilac colored handkerchief on my arm.

The whole stadium erupted in cheers since I brought her in for a surprise kiss after she finished tying the cloth.

when I was done kissing her I let her go and nodded at the trumpet man to signal the other knights to enter.

They slowly went around and asked the lady of their choosing for favours, I even saw two almost draw swords from asking the same lady....fucking cucks, I could sense that the lady they were after had been ran through by dozens.....she belonged to the streets. But you just can't help some people.

after ten minutes of knights asking for favours we split into four large groups at the edge of the field and waited for the bugle....



The bugle sounded off and all the horses charged forwards to clash with knights.

I had a big advantage in riding shadowmare since I didn't need one hand free to steer him towards enemies, with each swing of my weighted falxes I would knock one man out another of his horse and shadowmare would rip of chunks from make horses that for too close and her would stomp on any knight unlucky enough to fall in his path.

After knocking down ten knights I could myself facing off against Berric Dondarrion and his flaming sword. he was extremely skilled and held off for far longer than any other knight. He fought fiercely and managed to get two hours on me before I got him square across the face and knocked him unconscious.....

When I looked around for my next opponent I realized there were only a handful of men left standing...

The bugle sounded again and the fighting stopped and everyone was given time to catch their breaths as they carried out all the knights who could no longer continue in combat.

All remaining knights sent their horses away and I got off of shadowmare and instructed him to leave but before leaving her trotted up to a dying horse he had bitten in the neck during the Melee.

He took two bites of the horse's hip before doing off the leg and walking off with it in his mouth.

there were murmurings of 'the demon horse is at it again'.

I looked around the field and noticed the remaining fighters.

a few unnamed knights and most of the big names were present.

I eyed the most juicy opponent who was Gregor Clegane, he was a foot taller than me and nearly two hundred pounds heavier.

As I neared him he looked in my direction and gave me a slight nod as agreement.

When I got within twenty feet of him I heard someone running up behind me In an attempt to deliver a surprise attack, I ducked the swing and returned with a blow of my own.

When my attack hit the I dented his helmet deeply as his head bent sideways at an unnatural angle and blood poured out of his Breathing ports.

When the man fell dead I heard Gregor laughing as if it was the funniest thing he ever saw....I kind of agreed with him.

I kicked off the mans helmet to see who he was but all I saw was the equivalent of ground beef....oh well

I turned to Gregor and we both got in a stance as the sounds of the other fighters sounded all around us.

He made the first move by swinging his gigantic sword fast as he charged forwards towards me. I ducked the swing and returned a hit of my own directly to his ribs which dented his armor a bit and got a grunt out of him.

I could've cut him in half with a full powered swing even while using this blunt sword but that wouldn't be a show.

Gregor retreated a few steps as he held his side for a second before roaring out in pure rage before charging at me again.

I parried four of his strikes before I struck his thigh hard enough to cause a hairline fracture then I hit his big fucking head with another powerful blow and jumped back just outside of his range.

To say he was pissed would be an understatement... I could practically see the steam coming out of his ears.

He approached more slowly this time as he realized he would have to be methodical if he wanted to get me.

We exchanged thirty blows before I swept his foot while he was overextended which caused him to fall over onto his ass.

I rushed in and attacked at his sword and it soon flew a couple meters away. I pointed my sword at him and yelled "Yield Gregor....it's over!!!" He responded by trying to grab at my leg so I gave him a kick on the head that knocked him unconscious.

When he hit the floor like a sack of potatoes a loud thud resounded and the entire crowd was on the verge of having a riot.

I took the moment to look around for my next opponent only to realize that there was only Prince Rhaegar and Arthur Dayne left.

Since Arthur could not fight the Prince due to his code it was up to me to fight one and then the other.

I chose to go after The Sword of the Morning since it would be more impactful to best the 'future King' of Westeros as a finalé to the Melee.

I looked towards Arthur who was panting heavily and nodded towards him which he returned. I approached him and waited for him to catch his breath.

He wore the golden armor off the Kingsguard but with an armet instead of that silly helmet worn In the TV show.

He wielded two longswords since he couldn't bring dawn into a melee.

I called out to him just as he finished catching his breath.

"Ser Arthur I have heard that your sister is one of the most beautiful women in Westeros...I propose we make a deal.....I shall hold my strength back to equal you, should I best you in this duel will you give me your blessing to pursue her?"

Arthur looked at me for a moment before nodding...."My sister will be hard to conquer... but if you win I shall wish you good fortune in the days to come."

When Arthur readied himself in a stance we both slowly circled around each other.

He would throw a feint then a real attack would follow instantly almost as if by magic, after a few exchanges in order to test each other we began to pick up the pace....

The entire crowd was dead silent as we competed against each in a seemingly equal duel. I used a fraction of my power so I could test my skills alone and I barely had an edge over Arthur.

He moved like the wind and his strikes would be distractions for another strike that couldn't be predicted, he was a master at work and had it been any other man I'm sure I would have been torn to pieces.

After a few minutes of testing his skill I went on the offensive, I was much faster than the average man and although Arthur struggled to keep up with my speed he seemed to know where my strikes would target.

It seemed to be some kind of magic that gave him precognition of my strikes.

he fended me off handily but my speed and neverending endurance won out...

Soon Arthur was overwhelmed and fell on one knee from blocking an attack from both of my swords simultaneously.

I touched the tip of one of my swords to his neck and he dropped his two longswords.

"I yield My Lord." Was all he said and the crowd went crazy and began to throw their shoes and shirts onto the stadium.

I helped him rise and brought him into a hug

"You can call me goodbrother from now on." I joked

He just stared at me before whispering to himself "damn I wish I hadn't agreed...." before walking off to the royal booths

I then looked towards the Silver Cuck Prince who was standing twenty feet away from me and I approached him slowly with my swords scraping the ground as I walked...I could see the fear in his eyes.

"Are you ready Prince." I asked as I got within ten feet of him.

"Don't you need to catch your breath Lord Cathicus...you just finished your fight." he asked while nervously playing with the sword in his hand.

"No.....Let's begin." I said as I took a fighting stance and approached the Prince.

I attacked first and after fifteen blows the sword flew out of his hands and I had my sword aimed at his throat.

He was a disappointment, I'm sure Elia would agree..... actually I'll visit her soon I miss that caramel pussy.

The crowd didn't cheer as much since it was such an easy fight.

There were even some drunks that mocked the Prince out loud with jokes.....they definitely would be alive come the morning.

I walked over to the Royal booths and climbed up to take Rhaella into my arms. We kissed deeply as the crowd cheered on.

"Congratulations Husband~" She mewled out

"It's all thanks to the favour from a wonderful woman." I responded and she giggled happily

Soon the crowd started walking out as the grand Melee was over.

The first round of jousting would begin I'm a few hours but i would only compete tomorrow once the weak had been weeded out.

Me, Rhaella, and lily made our way to the field next to the tourney grounds after I cleaned and changed into more comfortable clothing where I called Ancalagon to come and pick us up.

I had a picnic planned with my women, we would be back to see the jousting in a few hours anyways...


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