
Chapter 16: Yan Yue

A glimmer of light danced in Bai Lian's eyes.

She paused by the stream.

Someone was approaching.

Her expression remained composed, even calmer than before. She was just two miles away from Qiongming Peak. Even if someone intended harm, it was illogical to choose such a disadvantageous location.

After a few breaths, several familiar figures came into Bai Lian's view.

With the starving rabbit in her arms, Bai Lian greeted them.

"Elder Gaoyi!"

The leader was Gaoyi, the elder of the Cultivation Method Pavilion.

Gaoyi nodded gently. "Where did you go just now?"

Bai Lian burst into laughter.

Elder Gaoyi deserved the title of a "sincere elder," as dubbed by the second junior martial sister. The moment Gaoyi inquired, new task options popped up.

[Task 1: Fabricate a story about going for a stroll. (Reward: Foundation Establishment Pill)]

[Task 2: Indicate the presence of malevolent individuals seeking to harm you! (Reward: Inferior-grade magic tool - Bone Nail)]

[Task 3: Simply recount the events. (Reward: Medical Skill +2)]

Bai Lian was no fool. She recognized Gaoyi as a shrewd individual. Saying too much might lead to an unfavorable impression.

At this juncture, merely presenting a succinct version of her experience would allow Gaoyi to deduce that someone from within the Duxian Sect had attempted to orchestrate her demise using the demon beasts.

Bai Lian nodded calmly.

As vexing as the system was, its absence would likely have led to her premature demise.

Who would have thought that the seemingly harmless rabbit possessed the power to eliminate two Golden Core Stage creatures?

Minus the system's assigned task, she would have attacked the rabbit the moment she had the chance.

Had she incited the rabbit, triggering its dreadful magic, she would have met an instantaneous demise.

"Here's what happened…"

Bai Lian provided a condensed account of her recent encounter, omitting only her internal turmoil.

[Task completed, Medical Skill +2]

The disciples standing behind Gaoyi couldn't help but exchange hushed whispers.

"Why did the tiger demons come so close to the Duxian Sect?"

"Are they out of their minds?"

"If it were me, I wouldn't have let off that rabbit so easily after it ate from the medicine garden! This is the gap between me and Martial Sister Bai Lian."

"Elder Martial Sister Bai Lian is truly a benevolent saint!"

"Fool, what saint? She's clearly a prodigy!"

"Elder Gaoyi, there's definitely something fishy about this!"

Gaoyi smiled noncommittally.

He proceeded to inquire about various details and scrutinized the dazed rabbit before allowing Bai Lian to leave.

Bai Lian bore no trace of impatience.

Elder Gaoyi was remarkably generous. Within a mere quarter of an hour, he contributed to her Chess Skill +3, Focus +2, Cooking Skill +1, and Light Skill +1!

Bai Lian was thrilled. She almost wished Gaoyi would continue questioning her.

Even my master doesn't shower me with such favors!

Such thoughts flitted through Bai Lian's mind.

As night descended, she departed, leaving behind the admiring gazes of others.

"Follow me," Gaoyi beckoned. "Let's go to the scene."

Several disciples hastened to follow, but their thoughts had already wandered. They were eager to share tonight's experiences with their friends.


Within the medicine garden.

Bai Lian plucked a few Spirit Plants and fed them to the rabbit. After a few bites, the rabbit perked up.

"After all, I'm not cruel," Bai Lian remarked, placing the rabbit on the ground. "Today, eat to your heart's content."


The rabbit's eyes shimmered like emeralds.



Bai Lian rolled her eyes playfully and cautioned, "But remember to pace yourself. While all the plants here are cultivated by me, they remain the private property of Qiongming Peak. If you wreak havoc and displease my Master, I hope you're prepared to face her wrath."

The image of her stern Master flashed through the rabbit's mind.



The rabbit nodded eagerly. "Haw!"

"As long as you understand." Bai Lian nodded in satisfaction. "Take your time. I'm going to focus on my cultivation."

With that, the rabbit dashed into the medicine garden without hesitation.

Observing its jade-like ears, Bai Lian sighed.

"Then, I'll call you Jade Rabbit."

Satisfied by her newfound talent for naming, Bai Lian proceeded to the Forbidden Array of Qiongming Peak.

With two medicinal pills in hand – the Refining Energy Pill and the Tai Xuan Zhen Yuan Pill – Bai Lian ventured into the array.

The latter pill could facilitate a breakthrough to the Golden Core Stage, a stage currently beyond her grasp. The former, however, held promise. It could enhance her cultivation and purify her spiritual energy.

Bai Lian estimated that consuming a Refining Energy Pill could propel her to the pinnacle of the Foundation Establishment Stage. Nevertheless, the process might produce certain visual and auditory effects. If sect leaders happened upon her during these manifestations, her façade would unravel.

Fortunately, the Forbidden Array of Qiongming Peak could shield against such occurrences.

The Forbidden Array, in essence, consisted of a cavern encircled by numerous enchantments and a magic circle. Even the divine senses of the sect leader couldn't breach the boundaries established by An Lan's formation.

As An Lan had once quipped, "A woman deserves her own private space!"

Since An Lan rarely frequented Qiongming Peak, Bai Lian had claimed the cavern as her own.


Bai Lian's right hand grazed the polished stalagmites within the cavern. Before her sprawled pools, stone platforms, walls, wooden beds, and cushions.

Each item conjured memories and ignited her fervor.

This was the place where Senior Sister Bai Lian in the game "bullied" her fellow disciples!

Bai Lian settled onto a wooden bed.

Her index finger brushed the bed's surface, evoking memories of a bound girl.

That girl had been her third martial sister.

Speaking of which, her third martial sister should have been reborn by now.

Bai Lian had no intention of voluntarily reinstating her. She would rather never encounter her third martial sister again.

Her third martial sister hadn't yet joined the Duxian Sect by this point in her rebirth. However, the game had featured countless rumors about the manipulative Senior Sister Bai Lian from her prior life.

Bai Lian harbored reservations. If her third martial sister did enter the Duxian Sect, she'd likely stir up considerable trouble.

Shaking off the bizarre imagery, Bai Lian retrieved the Refining Energy Pill from the system's temporary storage.

She unsealed the bottle, ingested the pill, and swallowed it in one gulp.

As the pill's energy permeated her body, Bai Lian settled into her cultivation posture.


That same night, moonlight bathed Zhuyan Peak.

Beneath the towering Blood Tree, Fairy Yan Yue, the peak's leader, strummed a lyre adorned with blood stones.

The melodic notes of the lyre shifted, taking on an air of restlessness as her fingers danced over the strings.

The disciples standing by her side grew tense.

Their master exuded the aura of an ethereal being, her demeanor exquisitely refined. However, should her temper flare, she'd be as uncontrollable as a bull with fiery eyes.

And the telltale sign of Fairy Yan Yue's escalating anger was a tuneless melody from the lyre.


They could already anticipate who the target of her ire would be.

The disciples watched a figure approach from the distance – a senior sister who enjoyed the privilege of descending the mountain at her leisure.

The senior sister stood before Yan Yue, the music abruptly halting.

Yan Yue parted her lips, inquiring, "What news?"

"Master," the senior sister shook her head, "Junior Martial Sister Wen Ren Ya Le remains unchanged. She's still sitting beneath the tree, isolated and unresponsive to food, drink, or inquiries."

"That imbecile!"

Yan Yue's anger surged, and she swung the lyre against her stomach, shattering it.

Here it comes, the disciples thought. Their master's anger had reached the second level.

Thankfully, the lyre possessed a self-repair enchantment. Otherwise, the peak would expend a fortune on lyre repairs annually.

Yan Yue inquired, "Have you determined the cause?"

The senior sister nodded. "The only recent altercation involving Junior Martial Sister Wen Ren Ya Le was with Elder Martial Sister Bai Lian of Qiongming Peak."

"Is that so?"

Yan Yue was taken aback.

Bai Lian, An Lan's disciple?

An Lan.

Recalling the name, Yan Yue's fury flared, and she struck the peculiar Blood Tree behind her.

The tree emitted a pained cry, "Ouch!"

Her anger had now reached the third level, the disciples noted.

The tree was no ordinary tree; it was planted by Yan Yue during her youth. After centuries of companionship, it had become her closest friend.

"Elder Martial Sister Bai Lian? Wretch!" Yan Yue exclaimed. "Don't ever address her as 'elder martial sister' again, do you understand?"

The senior sister trembled, her voice quivering, "I understand, master."

Yan Yue huffed coldly.

Wen Ren Ya Le was one of her cherished disciples.

"How dare she bully my disciple!" Yan Yue clenched her teeth, striding forward. "My disciple has been wronged. If I don't intervene, how can I continue to be her master!"

After traversing a few paces, she abruptly turned back and queried, "By the way, didn't An Lan leave Qiongming Peak a few days ago?"

"Yes, she registered her departure at the gate."


Yan Yue's smile bore a peculiar edge. With An Lan absent, she had ample room to flex her influence!

"Remain here. I shall rectify this for your martial sister."

Yan Yue's steps seemed to lighten as she departed.

The senior sister and disciples exchanged glances. Their master was undoubtedly preparing to engage in some mischief.

If their master truly chose to discipline Elder Martial Sister Bai Lian, upon An Lan's return, she might very well beat their master to a pulp!

"Should we alert the sect leader immediately?"

"No, that wouldn't do. If Master were to discover, she'd surely punish us severely."

"Blood Tree Patriarch, what's your advice?"


The Blood Tree, still seething from its mistreatment, refused to offer counsel.

The senior sister sighed, "Let's hope our master exercises restraint."

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