
Truth Of Value

Entry 91:

(You know, when I recommended you guys vote for which world comes next, now I am watching The Fate Grand Order lore videos, and all I can think is, what the f*** am I looking at.)

Odin POV:

As I watch The Young Angel and my son Thor battle, it is both a wake-up call and an exciting prospect as my clairvoyance can barely see past the next day, and with the fates and Chaos with the death of Fenrir, my precognition has changed, showing multiple timelines.

In each one, there are different events but the same outcome: the Angel before me ascending God's throne and bathing the world in light. What comes after I am not able to see.

I am old. I have lived for thousands of years and bear the weight of centuries of knowledge, and while I may dilly-dally with various media, I am not blind.

I have seen the future where Humanity rises to the stars, and it is beautiful.

You may wonder why I wish for Humanity to succeed; it is because I was born from their will to seek knowledge to seek beyond what they could see along with many other pantheons.

But God was different. He simply appeared like the universe responding to the cries of the many, and while he was eventually powered by the belief of his believers, his acts will be felt across history.

The creation of the Sacred Gears, his war with Lucifer, his sealing of the Beast, as well as his actions against the celestial dragons, will make those who knew of them bow before the Majesty of it the acts he made possible.

But before all that, when I was a younger God and met this upstart, he did not fight me with weapons; he fought me with words as his very knowledge penetrated my being.

If I were to compare him to anyone, it would be to be a master of chess but in such a way that even though he will never know what his opponent will make in terms of moves, as soon as they do, it's over.

Yet when God had lowered me to my base state with simply his words alone, he did not hurt me; no, he picked me up, and we had a drink where we talked about a variety of topics, from the meaning of life to the importance of divinity.

Even when I allowed myself to get drunk, I yelled at the God before me, "What do you know?! You haven't been around as long as we all have. What makes you think these humans are worth it!?" 

The being nearly made purely of light just chuckled as if listening to a child's tantrum and responded, "Because nothing has worth Odin unless we give it such. Humanity has the benefit of being able to assign its value as some may deem others as worthless, others as gods, but everything starts the same worthless, and we assign our worth. That's why I'm here after all."

He continued as I stared drunkenly, "It is why all of my creations are born to seek their own purpose, their own value, for what better value is there than when we assign ourselves?" 

His answer genuinely shocked me as I was expecting some cliche like everything has worth, and he surprised me just like this young Angel.

I see that same potential in this young Angel, the look in his eye, the way he holds himself with unseen confidence and is able to whip up a stir with just his words.

The potential is there, and I can see the spark growing in size by the second. The only caveat is this Angel's aspect of control of all things. To many, this may seem like an intimidating power to hold onto, but it exemplifies the Angel in front of me, as while he speaks no lies, you can never know what he is thinking.

Control is not only one that can be held physically but mentally and spiritually, and from his mere presence, it exemplifies that ideal, and as much as he hides it, I can see glimpses of his true form.

He holds himself back so much and fights so hard for strangers. From the look in his eye, I can see that he really doesn't view anyone around him as close other than maybe my assistant, which I may be able to take advantage of.

Yes, he still helps others, and those given such knowledge and such power would most likely do the opposite.

It is as if he's trying his best to seem perfect and hold himself to a high standard, even though I have heard word of his relationship with the Yokai leader in Kyoto. Such are his few flaws.

So much like "him," and it's even the God I met at his issues as similar to this Angel. God had difficulty connecting with those who were not his creation, and while he did view himself as the being that had all of the answers and most often did, the line between tyranny and righteous rule is fragile.

I saw the spell he used to heal all of my warriors, and such miracles are rare as even sacred gears like Twilight Healing can only do that at a high level for only a couple of seconds.

"Was this your plan, my friend?" I mutter as what I say is muffled by the sounds of clashing weaponry.

I look at the parcel the Angel gave me and attempt to analyze it, but all I receive is buzzing, just like when I attempted to analyze that being's gears.

So similar yet so different. While God existed, he never seemingly had a goal and was simply coasting on attempting to bring Humanity to a higher place, yet this Angel, the fire in his eyes, has a goal, and whether or not it is the same, it is that confidence and his bearing that shows a stark contrast. 

Funny, I never used to be so introspective. Maybe it is because of the change this Angel brings as I have heard of the attack of the Hero Faction and the rapid changes the underworld is going through as knowledge of the Old Satan faction's involvement with the Khaos Brigade has come apart.

Every move this Angel makes brings about chain then, just like his killing of Fenrir, which should have been an impossibility, he made it possible with that blade as even I feel chills just gazing upon it.

The fight continues to increase in intensity, and I'm lucky that I have placed various runes throughout the arena to avoid damage to Asgard, as it seems like my son Thor is getting into this very much.

Each strike is felt throughout the realm as sword and hammer meet over and over. Thunder and lightning crackle through the sky, and light shines as if fighting against the sky itself.

The fight has been going on for hours now. Still, the Angel backs off and begins to glow brighter and brighter as his proper form is revealed, with his very presence sending ripples to reality in one slash that even I could not see cuts off Thor's hand holding Mjolnir and then grabs him by the neck throwing him into the side of the arena and as Thor lays on the arena wall the Angel pulls his sword and places the tip on his neck.

Silence and shock befall the entirety of Asgard as their strongest god was destroyed in a couple of blows.

My son then sends out bellowing laughter as if finally satisfied "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! YES, YES, THIS WAS A BATTLE OF GODS! I YIELD ANGEL, NO ANAKIM ANGEL OF BATTLE AND CONTROL!"

And as loud as he yelled, he passed out as quickly as the Angel simply chuckled, reattached my son's arm, and healed him as the crowd erupted in cheers and clapping.

That look in his eye only confirms my suspicion. "How much do you hide? Successor of the old light." 

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