
All Will Be Well

Entry 72:

Linus Ozias POV:

As I enter the Yasaka Shrine, I see the place in chaos as Yokai are flying, crawling, and running everywhere, and as I push past them, I see Yasaka looking exhausted as I call out to her.

"Lady Yasaka! What is the situation?"

She then smiles tiredly and walks over. "Anakim-Sama, it's good to see you, as it has been a tiring couple of days."

I can see the tiredness in her eyes as I place my hand on her shoulder. "We will find her, Lady Yasaka, and I already have a plan."

This catches her interest as she asks shakily, "You do? What is it?"

"Remember that paper I gave you? I gave one to Kunou as well, and while she was never able to use it leaves an imprint I can track as long as they have had it on their person."

This causes the nine tails to sigh as the weight leaves her shoulders, and she bows to me while saying, "Thank you, Anakim-Sama, as this was not your fight, but you still helped us. I thank you profusely."

I simply help her to her feet and say, "It's alright, and there is no need for the sama as we are more than just acquaintances now, are we not?"

Yasaka gives me a beautiful smile and says, "Yes, I guess we are, but thank you for this. I cannot say that enough."

I then tell her my plan, which she listens to with avid attention.

The plan is simple. They have given her a time and place to appear with no guards or weapons.

So, I plan to take her place as I use my advanced holographic tech to change my appearance and modulate my voice to sound like her.

In the case they check for magic signatures, I asked her to line my armor with talismans that mimic her own life signature.

And since they are in the gap, most likely with their access given by dimension lost, I will take advantage of that and use my sacred gear canceller to disable their weapons, with only a select few being able to fight back.

So the plan is set and simple, and as I place the holographic projector inside of my armor and then look to my new form and wonder how the hell Yasaka can walk around with these things on her chest.

There's no actual weight to any of them as it's just a hologram, but such things are stray thoughts.

My reaction to my change must have been pretty funny as some of the room began to laugh, and we continued to peruse the various possibilities of the plan.

But after a couple of hours, the time that the hero faction set draws ever closer, so we move out with the nine tails herself remaining in the shrine until the signal is given along with her Yokai Army.

So, as I walk towards the location of the trap, I can already feel eyes on me, with some of them being more lustful than I would like, and now I someone understand why women do not enjoy being stared at sometimes.

And it seems that none of them are raising any alarms as I see the hero faction themselves walk out of what looks like a bunch of mist.

I narrow my eyes at them as I do not see the little fox with them, but I can sense the imprint, so that means she is still alive and must be held within the Dimensional Gap.

All I need to do is have her within visual range so that I may teleport her to her mother via the connection I gave her with the page I lent her.

"Welcome, monstrous fox. I am Cao Cao, and these are my team members. We thank you for accepting our invitation and helping with our plans, as it is both comforting and disgusting that such inhuman beings can still care for their offspring."

As he says this, he places a collar and chains upon me, which I would assume were meant to suppress her magic, but they don't work on me because my powers can't be suppressed, but I'll let them think of this delusion for a bit longer.

Also, with all of their expressions, I cannot wait to rip all of their sacred gears out of their bodies in painful ways because these beings do not even deserve to be called human.

As an angel, I am adept at sensing emotion, and all I feel from them is pride and delusions of grandeur. In fact, they remind me of Lucifer himself and how he felt in the brief moments that this body was on the battlefield with him.

Such humans shall not be allowed to join my new world.

Even the imprint of the emperor of mankind is screaming in my mind to get rid of such loathsome creatures because even the emperor had empathy for the living and understood what a true hero was.

I cut out any malefactors in the previous world, and I shall do so again, but for now, I play along.

The Mists of Dimension Lost then surround us as we are taken into the dimensional Gap, and I see my target.

I see the little fox with multiple cuts and her bleeding, and it takes all of my willpower not to disable the hologram and flay them all where they stand.

It's funny how easily one can gain connections with others as well as how quickly, but even I understand the beauty of childish innocence, and even if the little fox survives this, she will not be the same.

I have seen it before. I have met people with post-traumatic stress disorder, and as much as they smile and wave, you can still see that they are not completely healed.

The Hero Faction then stops and turns to me, with Cao Cao walking up to me and beginning his monologue. How predictable for such an ignoramus.

"You may be wondering why you are here, and based on the fact that my other magicians have not reported back, you may know of our plan to call upon Great Red using your connection to the Dragon Gate, which you will be giving to us willingly or not and if you refuse your daughter shall be cut into pieces right in front of you,"

I say nothing as I'm focusing on teleporting the little fox out of here, but my silence and concentration seem like a look of pain and sorrow, which brings smiles to these pathetic beings' faces.

"Speechless are you? I can understand it being in the presence of such superior beings such as ourselves, and once we slay great red, we shall be renowned and known as heroes! The effect we shall have on the world shall let them all know that Humanity is not one to be trifled with."

In all honesty, I could understand his viewpoint, but he takes it to such an opposite extreme that it becomes similar to that of Hitler's view during the Holocaust.

While I agree that Humanity gets the short end of the stick in this universe other than the sacred gears, no world is perfect, not even the one I left, but arguing superiority yet using such tactics defeats his entire argument.

Rare in war is there a side that can take the moral high ground, and in this conflict, neither side can for just one of survival rather than just simply to win.

But that is enough distractions as I've already scanned Dimension Lost and am about to teleport the little fox out of here, but not before saying one thing.

"You are all fools. The mere presence of Great Red in our world shall tear it asunder and will cause the deaths of millions, and even at the Biblical God's height, even he could not contend with Great Red. Why do you believe a stick created from the blood of his son would do any better?"

This seems to amuse them as they think I don't know about the dragon slayer blood they are using on the spear, which would be somewhat effective. But it is only effective if the dragon is caught off guard.

Even now, I can feel the giant dragon watching from another point in the gap, but he's not watching in fear. He's watching this like a moviegoer who would watch a movie. It is such a minor threat that he does not even need to worry.

The only reason the dragon slayer blood even worked on the Infinite Dragon God in the original story was that she had already split her powers into his snakes and was caught off guard.

"We have a ways Yokai filth. Now we shall begin the process to make you more suggestible."

Oh my God, he sounds like a hentai villain about to do some body corruption shit.

But since this is a "family-friendly" story, we do not prescribe to those tags here as I immediately declawed the hologram and teleported the little fox out of there, which surprised all of them as I activated my secret gear canceller.

And as we find ourselves back in Kyoto, I do something that I have not done since I arrived.

I go all out.

My exposure to the dimensional gap and its energy has pushed my form even further as the primal energies of creation and nothingness spread through my being, evolving me further.

And in that moment, the world itself begins to acknowledge a new presence.

Anakim, The Angel Of Control.

Michael POV:

As I am tending to the system to be rid of some of the many bugs, an unexpected reaction occurs as I feel an enormous amount of holy energy pouring from Japan. The system begins to light up as the Throne of God himself hums in a symphony of glorious choir voices.

It was as if the Earth and Heaven were being rejuvenated, and I can only think of one Angel  in that area.

"Anakim, what have you become?" I ask as the throne glows brighter and brighter.

Odin POV:

As I'm trying to enjoy my cultured magazine while trying to ignore my son Thor getting drunk for the fifth time today and my prude guard Rossweisse berating me over my tastes in entertainment, I feel a presence I have not felt for a long time.

"Yahweh, is that you old friend?" I say as Thor is too drunk to react.

Gaea POV:

"HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA! He has come to change it all! Show me more, Angel Of Control! Show me your light! HAHAHAHAHAHA!

Ophis POV:

A new light has been born.

I have not seen this new light. It is interesting.

It is not my silence but similar.

I believe those humans with the old light's weapons are there.

I must find him.

For he shall help me be rid of Baka Red.

I shall reclaim my silence.

I wonder why the new light feels so warm.

Amaterasu POV:

As I sit atop my throne, I sense the awakening or release of a mighty power, and while not dissimilar to my domains over the Sun and Nature.

Yet I recognize this energy signature, and it is continuously building like it is never-ending. Susanno appears in the throne room, looking excited as we view the events going on in Kyoto.

"YES! YES! YES! He finally shows his power, and it is greater than I could imagine! HAHAHAHAHA!" My fellow deity shouts as he readies himself to head to Kyoto as I watch with bated breath.

Sirzech POV:

As I'm working on my paperwork, the underworld begins to shake and tremble in fear as if the land itself is warning of a coming calamity, and as I spread my senses to Earth, I am nearly burned by sensing it.

It is as if the very Sun itself has appeared on Earth, and I can feel its effects reaching the underworld, but before it does, it stops, and as the Red Sky turns a bright gold and the moon of glorious blue, all I can think is.

"I'm going to have to do so much paperwork after this."

Cao Cao POV:

I may have made a terrible mistake….

My own spear is shaking as if recognizing its presence, and as it tries to leave my hands, I hold on to it as hard as I can, but it's too much as it then flies towards the glowing presence.

As the spear lands in his hand, he takes it and combines it with another spear that looks like a glowing teardrop, and as they combine, the light grows more and more.

Before I can yell out to the others to retreat, an army of Yokai falls on us, and our sacred gears are not working.

We have made a terrible mistake.

But as quickly as the presence grows in power and might, all of the power retracts all at once, and we see him.

An emperor, no a god-emperor, I see it now. I am no hero. My legs soon give out to the pressure executing from this being no this god, and he stares at us with not anger but disappointment, and all he says is one phrase.

"Lumen Praebet Sic Sumi Potest"

And everything goes bright, and then nothing.

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