
Chapter 2

The afternoon light swept through the window, lighting up Kenny's dorm room with a golden glow. Kenny was sitting at his desk with his arms straight up against his knees. He looked at Michelle, browsing through social media on her phone while laying on his bed. She switched over to her "at home" outfit, wearing a red t-shirt and black short shorts, highlighting her toned abdomen and thighs. Her large breasts spilled to the side since she didn't have a bra on. She noticed her boyfriend staring at her, and replied with a smile.

"I want you to feel like you deserve me, so if it'll make you happy, I'll do anything." Her words echoed through his head. The thought of it made him sweat in excitement, but also fear.

"W-who was the guy who tried to hit on you during the Campus Festival?" Kenny stuttered.

"Oh, Adam? I still have his number." Michelle cooed. "You want to ask him? I can call him now."

"Y-yes please." Kenny hadn't seen Adam since the festival, but he still remembers his presence. Adam was around an entire foot and a half taller than him, and around five inches taller than Michelle. He had brown hair with a fade, accompanied by a handsome face. He recalled how Adam effortlessly introduced himself and started flirting with Michelle, even getting uncomfortably close to her. Even though Kenny stood beside her and held her hand, he was ignored. The two had a conversation as if they knew each other for years, smiling and laughing. It felt like he was a little kid, watching the grownups have their conversation

"'Kay." Michelle stated. She quickly found Adam in her contacts and started the call. After a few seconds she heard a deep voice.


"Hii~ Adam, remember me?"

"Yeah. What's up?" said Adam, with a certain perkiness in his voice.

"Well uhh, you know my boyfriend Kenny right? He wanted to ask you something." Michelle sat up and reached the phone over to Kenny, who took it with a trembling hand. She had a warm expression on her face, almost as if she was reassuring him that it was okay.

"H-hello," Kenny started, "T-this is Kenny."

Adam replied in a stoic tone. "Hey man."

"I-I wanted to ask a favor." Kenny swallowed his spit and cleared his throat, "Are you able to come over to my place and have s-sex with Michelle…while I watch? She and I agreed and…yeah." There was silence on the other side for a few seconds. "A-Adam, are you there?"

"Yeah, yeah. What time?"

"Tomorrow, at night."

"Aight, send me your building and room number. I'll be there."

"T-thank you."

Kenny handed the phone back to Michelle, who put it back up to her ear. She then started to smile. "Ah no, it's not like that." Kenny could not hear Adam anymore, but the conversation still continued as Michelle let out a seductive giggle. "K, I'll see you tomorrow then. Bye Bye~," she cooed, putting her phone down.

"W-what else did he say?" Kenny asked nervously.

"Oh, it's nothing." Michelle smiled. She then got up and wrapped behind Kenny, hugging him. Her large breasts pressed up against his head, her arms tightly around his chest. The aroma of cherry perfume wafted from her body. "Looks like we got an appointment tomorrow." she whispered, "I hope you'll like it."

"Y-yeah. Thanks." Kenny blushed. He was letting someone this sweet to him be with another man for his own personal gratification. He debated whether or not it was the right thing to do, but what was done is done.

Kenny sat at his desk with his lamp on, running through the professor's notes for his classes. The only thing in his mind the entire day was his selfish request, so he planned on going over the content that he missed. After scribbling an answer to a sample Linear Algebra problem, he dropped his pencil and lifted his arms into the air to stretch. It was almost time.

Just then, Kenny got a text on his phone from Michelle, "I here pls come <3". Kenny sighed with a smile and walked over to the door to let her in.

"Heyy Kennybear~" She said, hugging him on sight.

"Hey Michelle." Kenny replied. She wore a red turtleneck sweater with black jeans, showing off her curves to the fullest. Kenny also noticed that she wore the necklace that he gave her last Christmas. "Y-you look good tonight!"

"R-really?" Michelle's face lit up, and a slight blush appeared on her face. She hugged Kenny tighter, constraining his breathing for a bit.


"Oh! Sorry!"

"I-It's fine." Kenny gasped. "Come on in."

It's been ten minutes since Michelle came, and Adam was still a no show. Michelle brought over some cake she bought at the bakery, and shared it with Kenny. The two then had a conversation that delved into making fun of this weird professor they share. Kenny thought that this was probably the last time they'll act like a normal boyfriend and girlfriend. He tried to disregard the idea, but it kept coming back. That's when the doorbell rang.

"I got it!" Michelle yelled, making her way to the door. After undoing the lock and opening it, she was met with the face of a tall, handsome man.

"Adam, welcome!"

"Hey Michelle." Adam greeted in his low voice. "You look stunning as usual."

"Thanks!" Michelle grinned, "Come in." Kenny could hear their conversation in the hallway and got ready for Adam's arrival. As the door to his room opened, he met eyes with a six foot tall man with broad shoulders. He wore a black sweater with gray jeans. Michelle entered after him and wrapped an arm around Kenny, "This is Kenny, you remember him, right?"

"H-hey Adam." Kenny said nervously. "T-thanks for doing this."

"Sure." Adam said, barely keeping eye contact and looking around the room. He paused, and eyed the smaller man in front of him. "Hey, have you done it with her yet?"

"W-we only made out and cuddled."

"Oh?" Adam saw this statement as peculiar.

Michelle's cheery self butt in between the two boys. "Sooo, how do we start?"

"Your boyfriend can sit on that beanbag. I'll handle the rest for you two." Adam then took Michelle's hand, wrapped an arm around her, and brought her closer to his body. She was shocked at the sudden movement, but stared intently at Adam's face. The two were now touching, with Michelle's breasts squishing against Adam's pecs. Kenny, now on the beanbag, started to breathe heavily. Michelle heard this and turned to flash that carefree smile of hers back at Kenny, which calmed him down a bit.

Adam then grabbed Michelle's chin, bringing her to face back at him. Slowly, the two inched towards each other. When their lips made contact, a small puckering noise filled the air. Kenny felt a tingling sensation at that sound. Adam let go of his grip and started to make love with Michelle's mouth. They tried different angles to get the perfect french kiss, with each kiss making that sensitive noise. Adam held Michelle dearly with his strong arms, while Michelle responded by caressing his massive back with her own soft arms. Kenny simply sat there and watched, flustered.

"Mmmph~" moaned Michelle after the last kiss.

"Are we ready now?" Adam cooed in her ear.

Michelle looked up at Adam with a seductive smile Kenny had never seen her make. "Yes baby~"

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