

The sun had reached the highest point in the sky, and started slowly climbing down. It was early Friday afternoon, and the streets were fairly lively - not overly busy, but not empty and quiet either. Faint, chilly breeze tousled Yu Qingyu's hair, and made the smoke from his cigarette dance. The man didn't know how many cigarettes he had already smoked since going out, and didn't want to know. He was already stressed out enough as it was.

He had to solve the case as soon as possible, so that his boyfriend didn't have to suffer any longer, but now he also had his teammates to worry about…

If he were the real Ou Lingyi, he would have every right to feel hurt and hold it against the trio. Maybe not for wanting to try exorcising him - as he just found out himself from first-hand experience, it wasn't even unpleasant - but for the way they handled it.

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