

"The envoys sent by the King of Hantel, I presume?" the hooded elf spoke. He had a deep, melodic voice, soft like the forest moss. "We've been expecting you."

In the blink of an eye, he stepped forward, soundlessly moving toward them, until he was mere inches away from one of the envoys. He took a close look at the man, sizing him up and down, and then, moved to the next one. And the next.

Yu Qingyu was the last one he approached. From such a close distance, Yu Qingyu could see his upturned, dark blue eyes, sharp nose, and shapely, rosy lips. On both sides of the elf's face, there were long strands of shiny auburn hair hanging. His skin looked smooth and soft, without any blemishes. 

As expected, elves were beautiful.

The way the elf stared at him was so intense, as if he wanted to see right through the half-blood man in front of him. Yu Qingyu couldn't help but feel nervous. He took a small step back, unconsciously biting his lower lip…

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