
Chapter 337

"Ninety-one, ninety-two, ninety-three, nighty-four, nighty-five… damnit!" Thalia was nearing a hundred and breaking point, but she could not even feel a bit sleepy.

Why did she even think this would work? Why did she keep fooling herself into believing it had a chance when it never did? 

Her body might be physically exhausted, but mentally, she was still high-strung. Therefore, no matter how she closed her eyes, darkness would not consume her consciousness.

"I give up!" She frustratedly expressed as she rolled out of her bed and sat on the edge with her head buried in the cold palms of her hands.

What was even wrong with her? She could not explain what was going through her head or why her heart was beating faster than it should. 

She just felt like everything was going so great in her life. Therefore, the next logical event would be the opposite. She could tell that something unfortunate would happen next.

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