
Chapter 195

Gee whiz!

It was amazing.

What he was doing with those hands was already driving her insane. What about those lips? They left her panting, breathless, leaving a scorching fire along its path.

"Umm! Aah!" Many words formed in her head to describe what was happening to her, but all her vocal cords could utter were gibberish sounds that should not make sense.

But for some undefinable explanation, she understood what those rubbish scramble words meant. And she believed her partner did, too, based on his positive reaction.

"Hmm, mmm!" Different noises filled the air, making her wonder if it all came from her. But alas, nope. She realized the groans came from him as well.

And damnit! 

She acted like a puppet, dancing for her master while he directed the strings. For now, she surrendered her freedom for what he had to offer.

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