
Chapter 33

He was tired of lying to himself as he stared at the woman sleeping on the sofa. He had never met a more stubborn woman than her. He guessed, somehow, that added to her appeal.

Nevertheless, despite her uncomfortable position, he could not deny she still looked exquisite, even with her messy hair and lack of makeup.

Although she barely put much coloring on her face, anyway, as he had noticed with the last three days that they had lived together.

"How could you look so innocent when we both know you are not?" He questioned, still believing he was right about her.

"Ohm!" A short, barely audible sound escaped her lips, making him wonder if she was waking up or just having a dream.

He watched her gradually move, which forced him to back out a little, giving her space. Then, she stretched her body on the long couch before settling back into her side. Now, she was facing him this time.

He had a better view of her face, studying her dainty nose that matched her perfectly shaped reddish lips. He could not help but infer that her angelic features could, without a doubt, fool any man.

"What have you done to me?" He muttered more to himself as he knelt before her, gazing intently into her innocent face.

He wondered if she had bewitched him. But he never believed in such things. Therefore, he could only conclude that she was a terrific actress who knew how to play her part.

She used her innocence to charm men into submission. And the men dropped like flies at her feet, giving in to her demands.

Unfortunately, it would seem she also enchanted him as he succumbed to her spell. In his defense, he was but a man with needs.

But it did not mean he had entered this agreement with blinders, where he could not see the whole picture. He knew what this woman was. And he was using that information to his advantage.

Still, he hated that it would appear, until now, she seemed to have a hold on him. He still craved to have her as a burning desire intensified inside him.

"This is bullshit!" He shook his head as if that would be enough to clear his mind and drive his thoughts away. However, it did not work before. So why would it work now?

Frankly, he tried to forget her because that was the right thing to do. He was a distraction he did not need. He was a mistake that had no place in his brother's life and not his.

And he thought he had succeeded. He believed after several years of not seeing this woman. He had worked her out of his system.

Nonetheless, he was mistaken as she unearthed everything he had buried in his past. Now, it was haunting him with a vengeance.

"I should not have looked into your eyes." He mumbled as his line of sight scanned her face, ending with her closed eyelids.

Those eyes had hypnotized him on that lobby floor the first time he saw her in person. And he was never the same. Maybe that was what his brother felt when he first met her.

But no.

He was not the same as his brother. He had more sense than Dale. He did not believe in love, although he would admit to sensing an intense attraction with her.

But that was just a physical interest to satisfy a carnal desire. It was a simple lust for the flesh, nothing more.

He believed once he had satisfied his craving, it would go away, this time, for good. But for now, he stood up, grabbed his phone, and exited the room.

He was not about to force himself on a woman, still playing hard to get. He knew with the right incentive, she would finally give in to his demands.

"Philip, I am going out for an hour, but once my wife wakes up, tell her we are going out. So, she had to get ready." Damon instructed as he walked straight to the exit.

But he had to stop when something bumped into his legs. It was more like it had clung to him. When he looked down, it was his son, holding onto his pants.

"Dad," The young boy said, looking like he was up to something.

He was not expecting him to be home. But then again, he realized it was the weekend. Therefore, he had no school today.

"Yes, Oliver." He guessed he still needed to get used to kids running around his house.

Although his cook had kids, they never loitered inside the house. At least as far as he knew. He barely saw them when he was home.

But now, he guessed he should expect to see more of his son and his friends while he was here. The agreement was temporary. But should he let go of his flesh and blood?

That was a thought that had bothered him since he confirmed that he was indeed his son. He had been contemplating whether to fight for his custody.

After all, he doubted that Jules was a fit mother. She might be only using their son to extract money from him. Or worse, she might have another agenda behind this arrangement, baiting Oliver to get what she wanted in the first place.

"Are you going out?" His son asked, but obviously, he already knew that from the expression on his face.

He watched his son, clueless to what was running in his young mind. In fairness to him, he never had any experience dealing with a child.

He was once a child himself, but that was long ago. However, he barely enjoyed his childhood, remembering the responsibilities already placed on his shoulders.

Although he had to admit, he had his young rebellious phase where he partied and wasted his life away. But he had to drastically change when his father died, leaving all the responsibilities in his hands.

"Yeah! But I will be back quickly." He informed his son since he was only going for a short errand.

"Do you mind if I come with you?" Oliver asked as he stood before him, tilting his face so he could stare into his face. "I want to ride in your car."

Then, the excited little boy pointed to the car, already parked outside the main door, waiting for him. He guessed any young boy would dream of getting into his expensive sports car.

"Sure, why not?" He shrugged his shoulder, not seeing any harm in it. Besides, he liked his son. He seemed mature for his age.

He supposed he could use this opportunity to get to know his child. Besides, he could not see anything wrong with that as he guided his son to the passenger seat.

He figured it could be their father and son's first bonding moment.


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