
Concoctions that make even Witches run away in fear

For Jamie, 'Balance' was a very important thing.

Especially with the polarity of his law energies, as well as his Vampiric and Werewolf sides.

Using the law of slaughter would inevitably end up with him taking in large volumes of blood, which had a high chance of triggering his Vampire Side to shift out of the equilibrium they were in on default.

Since Jamie's realm was much lower than normal, the amount of blood needed for this to happen was much lower as well.

'The energy of the law of slaughter has very high synergy with Vampires, and it easily puts them into a bloodlust state.

However, Vampires dislike it a lot since they have a high chance of losing control in that state.

Although Jamie would not lose control and remain perfectly sane, his logic would turn 'chaotic'. Him becoming much more Homicidal would be the least of my problems.'

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