
Second guesses

Erasmi sighed as he signed the deal, watching the woman walk away and wondering for the nth time if he had made the right decision. It wasn't like him to second-guess everything, but he was unsure of what to do next as this was new territory to him.

Being a parent was hard. Even though he had gotten the hang of it over the past year and Caius was probably the easiest child to get along with, he couldn't help but question his own decisions.

It wasn't as if he had a problem with living here but he wanted to be closer to his brothers. Gabe's incident and the time it had taken for him to reach there, had made him realise that while this place had given him a break, he was now ready to move back.

He had tried to broach the topic of moving with Avaon return, but she had shut it down completely, much to his shock. In the past, she had been willing to consider it when he proposed that they go back and live in the house that had been left to him by his grandfather.

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