
Enemies of Enemies

Gabe held her gently as he realized that she was trembling over, even as she slowly recounted everything that had happened. He was glad that she had chosen to take a different route, however, it also made him worried. He needed to move her to a day duty, which would not require her to leave the resort alone eventually or at least at a better time.

Finally, when she had calmed down, and changed her clothes, they decided to check the phone. 

"Its locked.." Autumn murmured as she looked at the phone in disappointment. She'd hoped that she would be able to find the number of who ordered the attack on her and then...

"It won't be locked for long. I've already ask Lucifer to hack into it."

Autumn frowned," Lucifer?"

"My little brother..."

"Ah okay.. He can hack into phones?" Autumn asked concerned. As far as she was aware, hacking was not legal...

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