

Claire Davis waved good-bye to Mrs. Norris. Tori waved back, and Claire watched her get into her car and drive away. She closed the front door and turned around. Immediately, Sultan, Tori's huge Great Dane walked up to Claire and pushed his nose forcibly into the sexy teenager's crotch.

"Sultan!" Claire scolded, extracting herself. "What has your slutty mommy been teaching you?" She bent over and rubbed both sides of his furry face, his sleek body, and then stroked his huge, hairy, sheath. She couldn't be mad at Sultan for his actions, after all, it was Tori who was teaching him such bad manners.

"Momma will be back tomorrow night, Sultan, but Claire is going to take real good care of you." She continued to stroke him until the tip of his large, pink, dog cock became exposed. "And, maybe teach you some manners!" she added, as she stood up and walked into the kitchen. Sultan happily followed her, his pink dick swaying and his long pink tongue hanging out of his handsome mouth.

Claire found the dog-treats and looked down at Sultan. "Sit!" she said. Sultan immediately sat down. Claire glanced at his semi-aroused condition and his heavy, black, balls. She gave him a treat. "Good boy!" She praised and petted him. "Now, Sniff-the-Bitch!" she commanded, pushing out her crotch. Sultan shoved his nose into her again and sniffed and snorted, smelling her sweet, teenage essence. "Good boy!" Claire said, and gave him another dog-treat. "At least you haven't forgotten everything I taught you! She let him outside for a while and then called her mother.

"Hi, mom! Tori just left. Are you still coming over this afternoon?"

"Huh? You want to bring Candice? Yeah, no problem. I'm sure Tori won't mind. Hey, can you bring Duke too?"

"Well, I'm thinking we'll be three girls but we only have one dog.…"

"Of course that's what I mean! There won't be enough doggy-dick to go around, no matter how big his cock is."


"Oh, mom, puh-leeze! Don't lecture me on my language; we both know we're just a couple of dog-sluts. Three, if you count Candice. Well, Tori makes four, and she's a dog-slut for sure! Anyway, listen, I have Sultan's obedience training with Mrs. Hill in a little while. I'll see you later."

Claire let Sultan in and then plopped down on the living room carpet to pet and play with the big dog. Sultan walked over to her and licked her face leaving a trail of dog slobber from her neck, across her cheek, and then over both lips.

"Eww, Sultan!" Claire teased, wiping her face and then pushing the big dog away. Sultan jumped playfully, crouched low, and rushed back towards Clair. He banged against her shoulder with his broad chest, knocking her over. The two began to wrestle on the floor. Sultan had the advantage since he weighed more than Claire. As she pushed him away a second time, she noticed his cock thickening. He was becoming aroused by their play. Claire impishly grabbed for his hairy sheath and stroked it quickly a few times before letting it go. She did this again a little while later, and then a couple more times. As Sultan's cock became harder, his demeanor changed from playful to overtly sexual. After knocking Claire over once again, he stalked her as she rolled over and got on her knees. Seeing her ass presented to him, he tried to climb onto Claire's back.

"Oh, what a naughty dog you are, Sultan," Clair said. She felt his immense weight on her back and could feel his hardening cock poking her ass. "I never said you could do that!" She felt safe with her skirt and panties on, so she teased him some more. "That's for your slutty momma and her nasty-ass pussy, not for Claire and her tight, little, twat." Claire rolled over onto her back and disentangled herself from the big dog. Sultan stood over her and lapped at her face. Claire kissed him back, rubbed his sleek body, and gently tugged on his cock once again.

"Who's a good boy, Sultan? You are!" Claire said, praising him. "You're a naughty boy sometimes, but that's because of your slutty mommy Tori, isn't that right?" Claire stroked his cock as she spoke to him. "Your slutty mommy loves your big, fat doggy-dick, doesn't she?" Claire giggled, remembering how Tori creamed all over Sultan's huge cock last week and then begged for more.

"Hmm," Claire said, "I'm feeling a little slutty myself right now." Her pussy was damp from playing with Sultan. She could feel her cunt juicing up even more as she stroked Sultan's cock.

As she softly played with his dick, she softly whispered 'Bitch-hand-Job.' Claire had only teased him because she was eventually going to please him. She vividly remembered his embarrassing sexual behavior during last week's dog training session. Two cute teenage girls were attending the same class with their little, yapping, designer-dogs. Sultan pulled on his leash, wanting to introduce himself to the girls by sniffing their sweet pussies! It was either their fresh, new scent, or one of the other dogs was coming into heat, but whatever the cause, Sultan finished the class with raging boner! His huge cock was on display for everyone to see! Claire was so embarrassed!

Thankfully, after their initial shocked expressions, most of her older classmates pretended not to notice Sultan's huge cock (though some of the ladies were definitely having dirty thoughts as they glanced at it). However, the two teenage girls stared openly at Sultan's gigantic cock every chance they had, giggling at Sultan's condition and making wide-eyed and open-mouthed expressions at poor Claire. She wouldn't let that happen again!

Claire stood up and took off her blouse, bra and skirt, leaving her panties on 'just in case.' She knew the thin fabric might protect her young pussy from Sultan's hard, pointed, dick until she could get away. Well, she hoped it would, anyway.

"Come on Sultan, let's get you taken care of before class," Claire said. She knew she didn't have enough time for a shower, though she loved jacking-off Suntan onto her face and naked titties.

"Bitch-Blow-Job, Sultan?" she teased.


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