

"Doug! You have to do something about this damn dog!" Darlene shouted.

Claire, in her bedroom, heard her mother yelling from the other side of the house.

"What's Duke done now?" Doug asked, walking into the living room and finding his lovely wife Darlene and the family dog, Duke.

"He tried to hump my leg again!" Darlene said, shaking a finger at their handsome German Shepard, Duke, who looked sad and chastised. "I won't have him displaying his obscene dog cock anytime he feels frisky! For god's sake, he tried to hump my friend Tiffany the other day – he got his dick slime all over her new outfit! And when he's not trying to hump my leg, he's got his nose in my crotch!"

"Aw, honey, he's just being friendly," Doug teased, trying to appease his wife. He scratched Duke's head and then noticed Duke's aroused condition.

"I won't stand for it Doug. Not one minute more! Either get him laid, cut off his balls, or keep him outside in a cage!" Darlene said, her voice rising even higher.

"Aww, you know I can't cage an animal! Duke's part of the family! He can't help himself. And I have two bitches lined up for Duke, but they haven't come in heat yet."

"Doug, if you don't do something right now, I'll cut off his balls myself!" Darlene screamed.

"Cut off whose balls?" Claire asked, walking into the room.

"Duke's!" her mother exclaimed. "He's trying to hump everything in sight!"

"Oh," Claire said. She knew Duke had been trying to hump a lot of things around the house since she began teasing him. She once let him hump on her leg a few times, just to laugh at him, until Duke slimed all over her leg, grossing her out.

"Well. I think it's funny!" Claire giggled. So what if Duke was a little randy? She was randy too. Claire knew his recent behavior was because of her. She had been teasing him all week, using her juicy teenage pussy to lead him about the house until the both of them were very, very aroused. Then, she would let Duke lick her to orgasm, slurping at her pussy until she came. She liked to look at his hard doggy-dick, knowing her sweet pussy had made him hard and so excited. She wished the boys at school would get worked up over her pussy like Duke.

"Has he tried to hump you too?" her mother asked.

"Well…, a little…., once or twice…, but like I said, he's just being a big goofy…" Claire began.

"Doug, he's trying to hump your own daughter!!" Darlene seethed. "That settles it! I'm not going to stand for it any longer! I'm calling the vet right now!" Claire's mother picked up her phone.

"Darlene, I paid a lot of money for Duke!" Doug argued.

"Mom! You can't hurt Duke!" Claire said. Besides, if her mother followed through with her threat, Duke probably wouldn't want to play with her anymore, or lick her pussy, or get boners, or…,

"OK, OK, I'll see about getting some training for Duke, and I'll call the other owners again." Doug said, realizing his dog was going to be costing him even more money.

"When do you have any time for training?" Darlene asked her husband. "You work all day, and most of the weekend. Why not give him away to somebody or just have him castrated?"

"Well…," Doug said.

Seeing her father begin to waver, Claire spoke up quickly. "We can't give away Duke!" she protested. "And we can't cut off his balls! That would be cruel!" She ran to Duke and held him tight.

"Claire, it doesn't hurt him…, for long anyway. He'll be asleep for the whole operation," her mother said. "And when he wakes up, he won't be so…, aggressive, and it will get rid of that thing…," Darlene pointed her finger and twirled it in small circles towards Duke's under-belly.

Claire looked where her mother was pointing. Duke's dick had slid out of his sheath ever further. It was red and growing larger. Claire stood up quickly, knowing Duke was probably smelling her pussy or expecting her to play their new, sexy game. Oh no! What had she done? She had trained Duke to get aroused by human pussy instead of dog pussy!

"I'll train him!" Claire said quickly. After all, she had taught him his bad habits, she should be able to un-teach him. "Please mom? Please dad?"

"Well...," her mother began.

"Great!" her father said quickly. "I'll call that kennel just outside of town, they offer obedience classes. I hear they are pretty good, too."

Claire and Duke had their first training class that Saturday. The class was taught by the owner, Mrs. Hill, a stocky older woman with graying hair. She first lectured the group on general dog training concepts and then taught them how to control their dogs on a leash, making them walk around the yard. Mrs. Hill then taught the class a few basic commands, like 'sit,' 'lay down,' and 'stay.' Claire was proud of Duke, he did very well.

After class, Claire waited until the other dog owners had left. She wanted to ask Mrs. Hill about Duke's problem.

"Uh, Mrs. Hill?" Claire began, and then delicately explained her situation, why she and Duke were there, and her mother's threats. She found a sympathetic listener.

"So, your father never bred dogs before?" Mrs. Hill asked.

"No. Never." Claire said.

"Amateurs," Mrs. Hill scoffed under her breath. "First of all, if you don't get them fixed, male dogs are going to get aroused. It is a fact of life. Your mother needs to understand this or your father needs to get out of the breeding business."

"But," Claire said. "Can I train him to not get…, erections…, all the time?" Claire turned red from embarrassment.

"You can teach him not to hump your mother's leg and how to behave around people, but he's still going to get erections. The only way to minimize his erections and keep him from being a pest is to…," she stopped abruptly. "How old are you anyway, honey?" Mrs. Hill asked.

"Sixteen," Claire said, straightening her body and pushing out her breasts, trying to look older and more mature.

"Hmm, you look a lot younger, but guess you're old enough, especially if your father is serious about dog breeding," Mrs. Hill decided. "Listen honey, dogs are like men. They have certain needs, and besides being more obvious, a man's needs are often more urgent than a woman's. You know what I'm saying?"

"I think so. You mean sex, right?" Claire replied.

"Exactly. So, if you want your dog to, let's say…, be a little calmer? An experienced dog breeder knows you have to relieve his pressure once in a while. Understand?"

"You mean…,"

"Yes. That's what I mean. It's part of the job. Ever watch the Westminster dog show? Those show dogs aren't castrated because the winners have white-gold in their balls. So, the owners have to keep them happy. So, sometimes they have to take matters into their own hands, understand?"

"Can you…, maybe…, show me?" Claire asked. This would solve all of her problems! She could still play with Duke and her mom wouldn't be upset any longer!

"Honey…," Mrs. Hill began. "What's your name again?" Mrs. Hill asked.

"Claire," Claire said.

"Claire, there's no way I'm going to teach a sixteen year-old girl how to jack off a dog. You can search the internet or find a book, but I'm not risking my business for you. Now, if you want a part-time job this summer, come fill out an application, OK? You might learn something."

"OK!" Claire loved dogs. This would be the perfect summer job!

"I think you have a real affinity for dog training. I've watched you, and I've seen how your dog responds to you. He likes you. He really likes you…, but, you have to learn to control him and definitely keep his nose out of your crotch, at least in front of people, sweetheart."

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