
Chapter 15: World of Monsters.

"Fix! Fix! Fix! Fix! Fix!"

Naruto and Rook watched as Ben, having transformed into his Planchaküle transformation, Juryrigg. The small alien resembled a goblin with the omnimatrix symbol on his waist, a black and green aviator suit, complete with goggled cap, and a white ascot.

The little alien was running around the room chanting that one word over and over. After several minutes, the creature stopped and transformed back into Ben. A few minutes prior, Ben had transformed into Upgrade and spread himself across the ship to repair it before changing into this tiny form, mainly to make sure that the ship's systems were working properly.

Naruto asked, "Well, what did you manage to do?"

Ben answered, "Well, life support and shields are still running. Communications are running a little slow, but they just need a minute or two to warm up. I don't know how we are going to explain to Grandpa."

Rook said, "I do not believe that Magister Tennyson will be happy with us. We failed in our mission to deliver Vilgax to Incarcecon, and we had to destroy him. I do not see his people reacting to this well. Not to mention this will leave behind a power vacuum."

Naruto said, "We did what we had to do. Our superiors won't like it, but we did what we had to do."

There was a sudden beeping noise. Everyone ran to the controls as Rook started pressing buttons.

"It appears that we are getting a signal from a nearby planet," Rook said as he pressed the buttons an played the message.

"Mayday. Mayday. This is Rad Dudesman, captain of the Lovely Duck. I'm currently stranded on the planet Anur Transyl, and I am incapable of getting the parts necessary to repair my ship. I am asking for immediate help. Over."

Rook said, "We should find him. He may have some of the parts we need to repair our ship, or at the very least help us get a stronger signal out. As much faith as I have in Ben's abilities, the idea of the omnitrix losing power on the way back is distressing."

Naruto said, "There's also the possibility that it could be a trap. This place does have a low plumber presence. For all we know this could be a trap."

Ben said, "Whatever comes at us, we'll be prepared. Respond back. Tell them we'll be there as quick as we can."

The duo nodded. A few minutes later, they departed in a smaller transportation vessel and headed down to the planet's surface to do their duty.

Just as they left, the ship Aggregor was in hid away.

"Albedo," Aggregor said, "The Plumbers have left and are currently heading towards the planet. I can't tell where Vilgax is in all the rubble."

Albedo answered, "If they're gone check the rubble for Vilgax. If I know anything about that cephalopod-faced bastard is that he is incredibly resilient to damage. That Chimera Su Genesis, it is that he is far too stubborn to die!"

Aggregor nodded, and activated his radar, specifically checking for life signs. His eyes widened as he saw that he was picking up some very vague life signs. He quickly moved through the debris until he found what he was looking for. Activating a helmet on his suit, he approached a large cluster of shrapnel.

He pushed it aside and winced a what he saw. Vilgax was going to be sore after what he went through. The tyrant was missing his left arm down from the middle of his bicep, and his right arm was gone at the shoulder. Both of his legs were blown off about mid-thigh, his torso was badly burned, and had a nasty burn going over his right eye, and his tentacle beard was gone, leaving only burnt stumps. Against all odds, however, Vilgax was still alive, however it looked like his

"How in the galaxy is he still alive?"

Aggregor grabbed the prone, barely alive Vilgax and put him in his ship, though, he had to move a few things around in order to fit him in there. Then, he pressed a special button. A light above him glowed and a beam of light hit Vilgax. The mad osmosian glanced at a nearby console that began to show Vilgax's vital signs. They leveled and were soon at a normal level.

"Albedo," he said, "I've got him. I'd say he's pretty close to death if it wasn't for that special stasis field of yours."

The transformed Galvan's answered, "Get him back here. You can go back to the Anur system later. We have all the time in the universe. Now, get him back here."

The osmosian answered, "Of course."

With that, the communication channel was shut down, and the power-hungry humanoid launched through the air at a high speed, heading back towards their base.

On the surface of Anur Transyl…

After discovering the source of the beacon, the group landed on the planet surface. The group was immediately uneasy. The sky was dark, dead trees were everywhere, and it was dark, giving off a feeling of a very high budget horror film.

"Wow," Naruto said, "this place looks just as creepy on the surface as it does from above."

Rook asked, "So Ben, how doe sit feel to be the alien?"

Ben looked at Rook and asked, "What do you mean?"

The cat-like alien answered, "Well, you are from Earth and you are currently on another planet. In this case, you are the alien."

Ben was silent for a moment and said, "Huh…so this is what it is like on the other side of things. I can't say a part of me has always wondered that."

It didn't take them long to reach the source of the signal. They found a wrecked ship and judging by the sound is that they are currently working on the engine.

"Excuse me," Rook said, "Are you the ones who sent the signal?"

The person working on the ship jumped at the sudden noise. He walked out and revealing himself. He was a blue humanoid duck with a dark blue beak, wearing a beige shirt with three black stripes, no pants, black boots, and a helmet with a black visor. On his waist was a belt, with several pouches, no doubt for equipment or weapons.

It was not the weirdest thing they'd seen, Naruto and Ben especially, but it was up there.

"So, are you the guys who got my message?" the duck asked, wiping some grease from his hands on the ground.

Ben nodded yea, "I take it you're the guy who sent the message?"

The duck said, "Yeah, the name's Rad Dudesman."

Ben whispered, "Is he serious?"

Rook answered, "Yes. He is well known among circles a highly skilled mercenary and fighter. He is well known for the bounties he brings in, but also his quick temper. So please, Ben, do not antagonize him."

Naruto raised an eyebrow under his helmet and said, "I'll believe it when I see it."

Rook asked, "How did you come to be here?"

Rad sighed and answered, "It was supposed to be a simple transport job. Some guy hired me to transport a large statue, no questions asked."

Ben asked, "You didn't question this at all?"

Rad turned to Ben, and Ben could feel hard eyes behind the visor on the duck's helmet, as he said, "No. Questions. Asked. When I got here, my ship shorted out and crashed here."

Rook rubbed his chin and asked, "I have a question. There is a plumber on this planet named Scout. Did he not see your crash and help you?"

Rad answered, "He did. When we found the damaged part, he went into a nearby town to get one. However, he didn't' come back. That was about an hour ago."

The revonnahgander rubbed his chin in thought and said, "That is most peculiar. It is not like Scout to simply abandon someone like that. It would go against everything we were taught in the academy."

Naruto said, "You think he might have been grabbed by someone?"

Ben responded, "Low plumber presence. It is possible. Do you know anything about who hired you?"

Rad shook his head and said, "Paid up front in cash, half now, half when the job was done. However, by the look of things I'm not going to be getting paid."

Naruto nodded and said, "Do you think we would be able to get the part in town?"

Rook said, "It should. The part itself is very easy to come by. We should be able to acquire it in one of many shops. Ben with me. Naruto, you stay here and keep watch."

Ben said, "Okay, let's go."

Rad suddenly stopped them and said, "Hold on. Before you go, you might want to change your look. While these guys look monstrous to you, you'd probably look terrifying to them. The last thing we need is an angry mob coming after us."

Naruto nodded and said, "Good call. You got any aliens to help you blend in?"

Ben nodded as he fiddled with the Omnitrix. After finding a symbol he recognized as Frankenstrike, Ben pressed down on it. Instead, however, he got a different form. Naruto and Rook were able to recognize the Methanosian known as Swampfire. However, something was different. He was a bit more muscular than before, lacked pupils, the petals on his shoulders were gone, and the lines on his neck were thinner, the one on his chest moved up, and the green on his body were moved up.

The newly transformed alien examined himself and said, "Huh…I was going to go for Frankenstrike, but Swampfire is good too."

Naruto blinked and said, "It's been a while since I've seen this form, but I think you've changed a bit."

Swampfire examined himself and said, "Huh…this is new. Hey…do you know if Methanosians have a breeding period?"

Everyone looked at each other and shrugged.

Rad said, "Given you look weird and smell horrible, you'll be able to fit right in."

Ben rolled his eyes and activated the lifeform lock. If the residents were as paranoid as Rad said, he didn't want to take any chances.

Rook asked, "What of me?"

Rad answered, "The biggest problem was probably the earth kid. Just tell them that you knew Scout, and you should be fine."

Rook nodded and said, "Then let us proceed."

With that, the pair left heading in the direction of the town.

A few moments after they left, Rad asked, "So…you know any card games?"

A few moments later…

"Full house," Naruto said, laying down a hand of cards.

"Oh, come on," the duck yelled, quacking as he did so, "There is no way you can have that kind of luck!"

Naruto shrugged his shoulders as he collected his winnings.

It had been fifteen minutes now, and he and Rad had settled down to play a game of poker using a card deck Rad brought with him to kill time on longer missions. However, the duck was absolutely flabbergasted as he saw Naruto's luck firsthand.

Rad grumbled as he folded his cards. So far, he's lost a good amount of money, and while he was a risk taker, he was not one to just blindly throw away money. So, he called it quits.

"Hey kid," Rad said, "When this whole thing is over why don't we hit up Cryptovegas XIII? We'd make a killing at the betting pools with your luck."

Naruto said, "Sorry, but I think I gamble with my life enough as it is without getting loan sharks and gold-digging dancers."

The duck snapped his fingers and said, "Drat."

Naruto chuckled and said, "Hey, you got a bathroom?"

After getting instructions from the alien duck, Naruto proceeded to head to the bathroom. However, just as he finished up and was washing his hands his attention was drawn when there was a bright pink flash of light behind him.

His ninja training kicked in, and Naruto spun around and tackled his sudden guest. It took Naruto a moment to realize that he was currently on top of a female woman. She wore a magenta coat with purple ends and a skirt with a black symbol covering the front, long black pants and shoes, and a bag that looked like a smiling face with a button eye and sharp teeth hanging on her hip. She had long pure white hair that reached her lower back with purple highlights and eye of Horus makeup around her pinkish eyes and dark purple lipstick. She also had a rather curvy form, something Naruto notices as he realized a little too late that he was currently on top of her and groping the girl.

The two were silent with a bit of awkwardness between them before she asked, "Shouldn't you buy me dinner first?"

Naruto stammered embarrassed, and glad that his female former teammate wasn't around as she would have clobbered him for this.

The door suddenly opened and Rad jumped in with a gun that seemed a bit too big for his size as he said, "I heard a scream what was…"

He stopped and stared at the two. After a moment of silence, he said, "I'll…come back later."

Naruto shot up and yelled, "You aren't even going to question who this is?!"

"Oh, we just had to stop for sandwiches, didn't we?" Charmcaster asked, raising her bag to her head, "And no, I don't know who he is."

Naruto asked, "Who are you talking to? For that matter who are you?"

The girl answered, "My name is Hope, but everyone calls me Charmcaster."

Naruto blinked at the name and asked, "Charmcaster? What kind of name is that?"

Charmcaster walked out of the bathroom and looked back at Naruto before saying, "This coming from the guy whose name means fishcake?"

Naruto yelled, "It's maelstrom damn it! Now do you mind telling me why you were hiding in the ship's bathroom?"

Charmcaster continued down the hall and in a teasing way said, "No, I don't think I will. You might try using the information against me…Mr. Sticky fingers."

Naruto groaned in frustration.

As the two walked out, Rad made himself known with his blasters back in his hands.

The duck said, "Who are you, and what are you doing on my ship?"

Charmcaster glanced at the weapons in the avian alien's hands and stated, "Someone stole something from me a few days ago. I managed to find something to get back here."

Suddenly, she stopped and brought her bag up to her head and said, "I'm trying to keep from getting vaporized by the duck alien here…and no I do not think we should try something on the whiskered blonde…your just jealous because he's a lot cuter than you used to be."

Naruto blinked in confusion. He glanced at Rad who simply raised an eyebrow in confusion back.

Suddenly, there was a loud bang the sound of something being broken.

Naruto activated his helmet and made his way out of room ship.

Naruto's eyes widened when he saw a group of aliens approaching. The first was an anthropomorphic animal that was built like a bear, with a black shirt, shorts, a white hat, and a gold necklace with a C on it.

The second resembled a mummy, with long black and red robe with a spiked collar and a red sash hanging down from his front, a black headdress with gold spikes with a gold strap on his chin, black and red cuffs with fingerless gloves, his eyes glowing red behind his bandages.

The bear-like alien unleashed a massive sound wave from his mouth blasting the ship.

"Get away from my ship!" Rad yelled unleashing a barrage of laser fire.

The bear-like alien dove backwards to avoid the blast, and unleashed another sonic roar, however, Charmcaster got in the way, blasting the bear away.

"Suck it, Yogi!" Charmcaster yelled.

Naruto charged the mummy and unleashed a powerful punch that the alien avoided by dispersing his bandages. Naruto's eyes widened before he sent out a pulse of lightning chakra, shocking the alien.

Naruto then grabbed the alien by some of his bandages and tossed him through the air, sending him smashing into the side of the Lovely Duck.

"Crujo…a little help! I need a hand feasting on this puny mortal's soul!"

Meanwhile, the now named Crujo was dodging left and right to avoid getting blasted, and yelled, back, "Oh, stop with the dramatics Kuphulu. I'm trying to avoid being made into a decoration for someone's living room!"

The alien unleashed a loud roar with a blast of sound from his mouth. In response, Rad ducked under the visible waves of sound, and pulled out a bola from his belt. With a sudden toss, the projectile slammed into the alien's face, one ball hitting him in the throat, and the wrapped around his neck and the second ball slammed into his open mouth, lodging into his throat.

Charging forward the duck pulled out a pair of futuristic brass knuckles and proceeded to unleash a barrage of blows into Crujo's stomach knocking him over.

Meanwhile Naruto had pulled out his plasma sword and formed a series of clones and charged in. Kuphulu prepared to pull the weapon from Naruto's hands, but was caught int eh back of the head and knocked on to his butt before getting punted by two more clones.

Charmcaster threw both her hands and fired a series of beams that bound the two together in a glowing pink orb. Then she started to swing her arms around, causing the ball to shake, knocking the walls of the orb and each other.

She then slammed them down on the ground.

At this point, Ben, still in Swampfire mode, and Rook had arrived, the latter holding the part they needed.

"Charmcaster?!" Swampfire yelled out in surprise at seeing the woman.

"Oh, hi Ben?" she said, "Who's the new guy?"

Rook asked, "Charmcaster? The old enemy of yours?"

Before anymore questions could be said, a sudden explosion of lightning erupted from the Lovely Duck, breaking a hole in the side of it.

"My ship!" Rad yelled out in a mix of shock and anger.

Out of the newly formed hole jumped out another alien, looking like something out of Frankenstein. He was a monster of a humanoid, with huge muscles. He had dead green skin with stitch scars on his arms, and black hair, and purple eyes, his right eye was normal, and his left had a goggle on it, like a monocle. He had bronze gauntlets and tower-like conductors on his shoulders, and tow bolts coming out of his shoulders, his jaw, and collar around his neck. He had on a purple shirt with a purple and gold shirt with a black belt, pants, and boots.

"Oh, it is good to be moving again," he said grinning evilly.

"Viktor!" Swampfire yelled, "He's the guy who you were supposed to transport?"

Rad looked confused and asked, "You know this guy?"

Swampfire answered, "Long story short, bad guy, maniac, and probably intends to kill us."

Viktor flexed his hands and said, "I'm glad they upgraded my body with these new parts. It is good to be home…master."

A final alien then phased through the wall of the ship. Swampfire immediately looked nervous when he realized who it was. Naruto gulped fearfully as he nearly broke into a cold sweat.

The alien resembled a ghost, with no legs and a long tail, that was black and white and almost resembled a tailbone. His skin was a dark purple/blue and black lines on his chest. His skull was inverted with one vi purple eye, and a mouth filled with sharp teeth, and spikes on his back, shoulder, and long sharp claws. His body was wrapped up in a cloak that resembled his skin, with a purple eye brooch holding it together and a scythe in his hands.

"Ghostfreak," Swampfire spat, igniting methane in his palms, "I didn't think you'd be one to serve other, King Victor."

Viktor turned back towards Swampfire and said, "My master freed my body from the control of that short-sighted king. Now I'm back in control of my own body. And how dare you refer to my master using that pathetic title you gave your weaker form."

Ghostfreak floated forward and said, "I am the original version of the alien you called Ghostfreak…I am Zs'Skayr, and I will be your destruction. However, I don't have time for that now. Be sure that I will saver it when the time comes."

Swampfire growled and prepared to fire a blast from his hands, only for Tentacles to erupt from Zs'Skayr's stomach and blast a right beam of purple energy at him knocking him back and sending him smashing into Rook.

The ghost alien then swooped down swinging his scythe with the intention of bisecting Charmcaster. However, Naruto got in the way, unleashing a barrage of bullets with his rail gun, hoping to keep some distance from the long-reaching scythe. However, Zs'Skayr turned intangible and flew through Naruto, making the boy shudder.

However, Naruto shot an arm out and grabbed the ghostly alien by his tail and then slammed him down on the ground, surprising him.

"How interesting," the ghost muttered before he shot into the sky, his tentacles unleashing a barrage of beams and Crujo used his sonic howl to kick up a ton of dust and blocked their escape.

When the smoke cleared, they were gone.

Naruto said, "So…I vote we get back to the ship as soon as possible."

Rad said, "Oh, no. that freak blew a hole in my ship. It is personal now."

Suddenly, Ben's voice was heard saying, "Uh…guys?"

Everyone turned to see Swampfire had turned back into Ben and stood up off Rook. In their hands, the part destroyed in their hands.

Rad blinked behind his visor before he unleashed a loud scream of frustration.


Aggregor and the comatose Vilgax was back had arrived at Albedo's secret base. As the ship landed, a large floating table came by and he loaded the former conqueror onto his table. The device detached from his ship, floating over it until they were at in a large lab, where Albedo and Khyber were waiting.

Albedo grinned and said, "Put him in the tank. Khyber get the objects in the scanner. Albedo struggled to pick up the body, and then laid him in the tank. Which suddenly started to fill up with a liquid. In moments, the body was floating.

Albedo then moved towards a large table where several items were laid down. A black bracelet with a large red ruby in the back of the hand, a gold and black-striped left-handed gauntlet with a mounted yellow gem, a large sword fit for someone of Vilgax's size, and

Abledo pressed a few buttons on the console and the devices were scanned.

"System processing. Devices scanned. Technology shall be integrated into bio-mechanical reconstruction."

Aggregor's eyes widened as he heard that and said, "Impressive. If this were anyone else, they would be dead."

Albedo answered, "Like I said, too stubborn to die."

As they looked at the tank, several drones began to enter it, and began examining him going for the amputated parts of his body. Suddenly, Vilgax's eyes opened slowly.

Cut! Oh snap! The squid is back. Now for those of you who are surprised, I feel that Vilgax could have survived such a blast as he did survive the explosion that nearly took down the Chimerian Hammer, his ship, and that was before he got all the upgrades in Alien Force/Ultimate Alien. I intend to mix when I feel Vilgax was on his strongest on his own, the original series, when he punched a face off Mount Rushmore, and Alien Force when he had powerful weapons and nearly killed Ben singlehandedly.

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