
I feel so powerless [2/2]

"Listen well Jo, for I will only say this once. You bear a great burden. One I did in the past. Where I failed you must succeed. This is why I chose you among the many Reapers who longed for power." 

As Vela continued to speak in the air, thousands of thousands of Hellsborn burst out from the ground. In the map Exa created for me, red dots came from inside and beyond the perimeter we set up! 

[My lord. New enemy demons have appeared. They are all heading towards Lady Jo.] 

Hearing such things, I knew this was probably all part of Vela's plan. While I felt alarmed, Vela has never given me a reason to doubt her. Jo told me several times that when she was afraid, Vela would often protect her. 

"FUCK! {NEVER ALONE}! {DAY BY DAY}! Call for help!" 

Splitting myself into seven. We all ran to our positions and prepared for battle. 

"[Maestro]!" "[Defender]!" "[Gladiator]!" "[Sky Sentinel]!" "[Heavy Gunner]!" "[Executioner]!" "[Ninja]!" 

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