
Heroine Chapter: For my Husband! [1/2]

Chapter POV: Jasmine Denel Smith 


A mellifluous voice echoed towards the skies. Say what you wish about Lilly Browning, but her voice truly was bewitching. Probably only second to Aki. This was probably why Husband lusted after her so severely. 

"Juno, are you sure they are this way?" 

[Yes Lilly, my sisters and I all sense the infants are in this direction.] 

"I do not like this one bit. Exa, extend the search radius." 

[Yes, my lady.] 

The reason Lilly was doubtful was because from the skies, Husband's Switchblades could see nothing. And even after using my {fates} {Scope} and {Imaging} along with Jo's {Sonar}, there Lizardkin infants were nowhere to be found. 

"Lady Lilly, would it not be better to use, Pixie's {Fate}? Her ability allows her to find what she seeks right?" 

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