
Something In Those Eyes…

An Hour or two later —At some point, while lost in the throes of passion, both Evian and Daria lost track of time—, the steamy session finally came to an end and the two lay down on the floor with Daria resting her head on Evian's chest and holding tight to his midsection, not yet ready to accept the reality of another separation, no matter how long or short it would be.

Evian had both hands behind his head while looking at the ceiling above with a smile. His back cushioned by the spell circle Daria cast to create a layer between their bodies and the supply room's dirty floor.

"So, when will you show me around the City?" Evian asked, breaking the serene silence in the room.

"I almost can't believe you came here," Daria said after a few seconds of searching his eyes. 

"How so?"

"Being what you are… Having highly perceptive Arcanists close enough to peer at you is dangerous," Daria said.

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