
Those Were Your Words {R-18}

Just as she wished, the Eldritch grey cloud of chilly death whiffed down Frida's gullet but that was not all. 

Coming from every part of Evian's genitalia (the balls, the stem, and the cock head in her mouth), the smoky energy also spread all over her face and, controlled by Evian, they congealed into two streams that tickled Frida's nostrils before pushing in.

As her nose went numb from the cold, Frida took a deep breath and took even more volume into her nose and right into her brain- It finally gave her the euphoric feeling she sought.

Her eyelids closed shut but behind them, her eyes were rolled up as she could finally feel the haze of deathly illusion take over her psyche but her mouth kept moving. 

She sucked on Evian's cock like it was a weed pipe, marveling at its pulsations and how it had served her well as a delivery system.

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