

The morning sun painted the city of Tokyo with soft hues of orange and pink as Takashi stood at the platform of the train station. The rhythmic chugging of the approaching train filled the air, a reminder of the journey that lay ahead. Clutching his navy blue cloak around him to ward off the slight chill, he boarded the train that would take him to the other side of the city.

As the train smoothly glided along the tracks, Takashi gazed out of the window, watching the urban landscape gradually transform into a blend of concrete and nature. Tall buildings gave way to smaller structures, and glimpses of greenery began to punctuate the scenery. The bustling city seemed to fade into the distance, replaced by a quieter, more serene atmosphere.

'Tokyo sure is beautiful,' thought Takashi as he reached his destination. Takashi stepped off the train and took a moment to absorb his surroundings. The other side of Tokyo was vastly different from the bustling streets he was accustomed to. Here, the pace of life seemed slower, and the air felt fresher. The sight of mountains looming in the distance captured his attention, their majestic peaks touching the sky.

Takashi set out to explore the area on foot, wandering through quaint streets, passing cozy cafes and shops where friendly faces greeted him. Tokyo's charm extended beyond its busy core, and he appreciated this quieter side of the city.

Cursed spirits were sparse in this area, except for a few Grade 4s

Eventually, Takashi found himself standing at the base of one of the mountains. The decision of where to start his search weighed heavily on his mind. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a coin, holding it up in the sunlight. With a flick of his thumb, the coin spiraled through the air before landing on the back of his hand.

"Heads," he muttered as he revealed the result. The coin displayed the side with a portrait of a person. Nodding to himself, he made his choice. "Heads it is. Let's begin here."

Takashi's footsteps echoed through the quiet forest as he ventured further up the mountain. The air was crisp and filled with the scent of snow. He occasionally stopped to examine the white surroundings. Despite his thorough search, there was no sign of any disturbances in the area.

As the disappointment was apparent on Takashi's face, his face suddenly morphed into an enlightened one.

"Ah, right. I still have that compass on me, that could help me in the search."

He recalled the compass-like device that he had acquired some time ago, a tool that was specifically designed to detect and locate sources of cursed energy.

'Thankfully, I still have it on me.'

Retrieving it from his pocket, he held it up, watching as the needle began to twitch and point in a certain direction.

"Aha, how could I forget about this?" Takashi mused to himself with a wry smile.

"Let's see," Takashi murmured as he closed his eyes, 'Yaga Masamichi.'

Takashi focused his thoughts on the name, the Principal of Jujutsu High. The compass's needle began to move more decisively, pointing in a specific direction.

Crunching snow accompanied his footsteps as he ventured deeper into the forest. The compass's needle remained steady, guiding him with unwavering precision. The trees loomed overhead, casting long shadows on the ground, but Takashi's focus remained fixed on the path before him.

After a while, deep in the forest, Takashi saw a long set of brown stairs accented by a line of torii gates.

Takashi smiled upon reaching what appeared to be ordinary stairs; however, it was, in fact, the entrance to Jujutsu High. He felt a buzz in his mind, which confirmed that he was indeed at the place where Jujutsu High was located.

[Task completed!]

Now that he completed the task, Takashi was in a bit of dilemma.

'Should I enter the school?' Takashi contemplated, feeling a bit excited. However, he shook his head, 'No, the sorcerers are probably in an uproar already, and it's not wise to reveal myself yet.'

With a firm nod, Takashi made the decision to hold back for now. He took a step back from the entrance and scanned his surroundings. The forest still held an air of serenity, undisturbed by the events transpiring within the walls of the school.

Having completed his mission, he began his descent from the mountain.

Takashi's footsteps were deliberate as he made his way down from the mountain. The descent was quieter than his ascent, the crunch of snow underfoot serving as a soothing rhythm. As he descended, his thoughts churned with the information he had gathered and the decisions he needed to make.

'Man, I wonder just how strong Gojo became and in what way. Was it an overall increase? Or just his Limitless? Either way, he's way too strong for my current strength.'

The snowy landscape around him remained serene, offering a stark contrast to the inner turmoil of his thoughts. He considered seeking out mentors who could help him develop his skills further. Training under someone experienced might be the key to unlocking his potential and refining his techniques.

'After all, Jogo could help me with my fire cursed technique. And, I could also spar with them.'

As he finally reached the base of the mountain, Takashi let out a deep breath, feeling a sense of accomplishment. The experience had given him insights and information that he could use to further his plans and ambitions.

With renewed determination, he headed back to the train station to return to the Cursed Yokai Academy.

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