
New Teachers

As Takashi was contemplating about his next move, he saw Jogo along with 2 other figures appear at the academy entrance.

Takashi's eyes narrowed as he recognized the 2 figures around Jogo. One of them was a large tan cursed spirit with black lines running across his body, and he had branches where his eyes were supposed to be. It was Hanami.

The other one had an appearance similar to a octopus, it was Dagon. To be honest, Takashi was a bit relieved that Jogo didn't bring Mahito with him.

Takashi approached them, standing his ground with an air of confidence. He knew that he still had to convince Hanami and Dagon to become teachers at the academy.

"Welcome to the Cursed Yokai Academy, Jogo, and..." Takashi met them with a nod and smile, while waiting for them to introduce themselves.

"Hmm, you really didn't lie." Jogo grunted as he eyed the cursed spirits and the academy, then gestured towards Hanami and Dagon.

"This is Hanami, and he is Dagon," he introduced them.

"Nice to meet you both," Takashi said warmly. "I'm Takashi, the founder of the Cursed Yokai Academy. I'm grateful that you've come to consider my proposition."

"Bwoo-hoo!" Dagon's response was a peculiar sound that sounded like a gurgle.

"Nice to meet you, Takashi." Hanami's voice was calm and soothing, a stark contrast to his earlier description.

Takashi nodded with a smile, "Then, let's not beat around the bush. I'm sure Jogo already told you everything, so what is your decision?"

Silence filled the air for a few seconds after what Takashi said, but it was broken by rustling as Kazura peeked his head out from Takashi's uniform.

The four cursed spirits observed each other, until Hanami replied to Takashi's question.

"We wouldn't waste our time by coming here just to reject you. Your idea is interesting, and we decided to trust you after what Jogo said."

Takashi's smile widened at the response, "Then come, I'll give you your uniforms. The opening ceremony is a few days away, I'll introduce you to the students at that time."

As the three of them were led into the academy, they couldn't help but admire the place a bit.

Inside the main building, at the Headmaster's office, Takashi provided them with the Quincy Uniform that were specially made for the teachers. They were similar to Takashi's, but the color of the cloak they wore was silver, signifying their status as teachers.

"These are surprisingly great," Hanami said, while Jogo and Dagon agreed in silence as they felt the comfortness and appearance of the uniform.

"I'm glad you like them," Takashi replied with genuine satisfaction.

Now that all of them had their uniforms on, it was time to show them around the place. Takashi sent out a mental message to Hiro, and soon enough, he stepped in the room after knocking.

Although Hiro was large, even larger than Hanami, he still fit through the door easily.

With a bow, Hiro introduced himself. "Hello, my name is Hiro, and I am a student and one of the prefects here. It's a pleasure to meet our new teachers," Hiro said politely, his deep voice resonating in the room.

"Hiro here will show you around the academy, and answer any question you may need." Takashi said, smiling at Hiro's introduction.

Hanami, Dagon, and Jogo acknowledged Hiro with nods.

"Thank you for offering your assistance," Hanami said in his calm and composed manner.

Dagon made his gurgling sound again, a sign of appreciation.

"Let's start the tour then," Hiro said, gesturing for them to follow him.

They left the office, and Takashi was left alone.

'Now, what should I do about this?'

[New task!]

[Task: Find the location of Tokyo Jujutsu High for future operations!]

[Difficulty: Medium-High]


1. Cursed Technique Elixir: An elixir that slightly boosts a Cursed Technique permanently.

2. Random Special Grade Cursed Tool

3. Book of Barriers: A book that contains every known barrier techniques.

4. Cursed Tool Enhancement: Allows the user to increase a Cursed Tool's durability or unlock a special ability.]

Takashi contemplated his new task, 'This could be a bit challenging, after all, it's protected by Tengen's barrier.'

Takashi knew that Tokyo Jujutsu High was protected by Tengen's powerful barrier, making it even more difficult to locate if one didn't know the location of the school.

All Takashi knew about where Jujutsu High was located, was that it was on the outskirts of Tokyo on a mountain. Unfortunately, there was a lot of mountains in Tokyo, but Takashi wasn't discouraged. He explored quite a lot of Tokyo when searching for a place for the academy, but even if he failed to locate Jujutsu High, there was always the option to become a 'student'.

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