
The Beginning of the End

The turmoil within the city surged to an explosive crescendo as the Ottoman forces struggled desperately to halt the relentless advance, only to find themselves swiftly engulfed.

The combined armies of Bulgarian militias and John's elite legion moved with precision, their cohesive movement slicing through the winding streets of the city, systematically overpowering the defenders immensely.

The overarching strategy was clear: maintain a constant pressure on the city's defenders, severing their access to supplies and reinforcement in other sectors.

The aim was to shrink the sphere in which the Ottoman garrison could regroup.

John's tactical orchestration played a pivotal role in this offensive. Rather than concentrating his forces to seize control of the city all at once, he chose a dispersion approach, fragmenting his troops into smaller units.

This strategy not only expedited the occupation of Constantia but also allowed the attackers to achieve objectives without the hindrance of persistent Ottoman counterattacks.

With meticulous precision, each strategic point within the city fell under their control, effectively cutting off the enemy's avenues of reinforcement.

Despite their substantial progress, John remained vigilant, anticipating the moment when the defenders would rally for a formidable counterstrike.

His anticipation soon became reality.

In the midst of their march, John confronted a contingent of Ottoman holdouts in the expansive city square. This square marked the final obstacle before reaching the konak, where the pasha and officials sought refuge amidst the chaos.

Accompanied by a mere 400 men, as the bulk of his forces were distributed throughout the city, John braced himself for the imminent clash against a heavily fortified opposition of 1,200 soldiers.

Emerging from the Ottoman ranks stood a commanding figure — Pasha Emir himself. Draped in the regal attire reminiscent of his janissary days, Emir met John and his men with a fanatical determination blazing in his eyes.

"Infidel, do you dare tread upon the soil of my city, the city of Pasha Emir? For your audacity, I shall ensure your demise in the name of my God and Sultan!"

Emir's voice thundered forth in Turkish, his bloodshot eyes radiating a fiery intensity that mirrored his madness.

John's brow furrowed. He had anticipated a formidable adversary, but never had he imagined that the very pasha governing Constantia would be his opponent.

Although he had steeled himself for this confrontation, he recognized that defeating this pasha could be the turning point securing not just the city, but the entire pashalik.

"Today marks your final stand, worthy adversary," John's retort carried enough volume for his adversaries to hear.

With a practiced motion, the scutas of his men dropped in unison behind him, while their spears pointed forward in a disciplined display reminiscent of ancient hoplites.

"Let the prowess of the Ottoman's famed janissary pup be tested against the might of the Roman Empire!" A defiant taunt escaped John's lips, infused with a classic Greek challenge.

As Emir assessed the audacious stance of his opponent and caught the distinct accent that punctuated the taunt, his rage surged further. The ordeal of the past week had already left his mind in disarray.

Reinforcements from the Sultan had not materialized, and his pashalik's vassals were conspicuously absent.

Despite the reinforcement of additional troops dispatched as a suppression force, they had vanished from the scene after suffering a crushing defeat on the Constantia-Tekirgol Plains.

"Foul Greek hounds, your destiny shall be sealed by the edge of my blade. In the Name of Allah!"

With this fervent proclamation, Pasha Emir and his forces surged forward, endeavoring to shatter the tightly knit ranks before them.

Yet, this impulsive charge played directly into the hands of John's seasoned and disciplined formation.

Amidst the throes of battle, the clash of John's blade with Emir's rang out, their exceptional skills engaging in a fierce contest. Emir demonstrated his battle-hardened experience, while John countered with his inherent talent.

Their swords engaged in a flurry of exchanges, each strike a testament to their mastery.

In the background, Ottoman and Roman forces grappled in a relentless struggle of strength, yet John's elite men, despite being outnumbered three to one, displayed their mettle.

With precision, they pierced through their adversaries and drove them back in a methodical manner.

With each concerted effort, they breached one defensive line after another, leaving the Ottoman forces defenseless against this resolute advance, a maneuver executed with the precision of a well-practiced football team.

In a state of intense focus, John delivered a decisive blow aimed at Emir, only to have it deftly parried by the skilled adversary.

Seizing the opportunity that followed, the pasha swiftly retaliated with a thrust of his own. In a swift response to the impending danger, John skillfully evaded the attack, simultaneously delivering a forceful kick to Emir's side.

The impact landed with such vigor that it visibly staggered the pasha.

"Your skill in combat is notable, even for a servant of a waning empire," Emir grunted, his teeth clenched as he clutched his side, the area struck by the forceful blow from John.

"Likewise, though I expected greater prowess from the tales I've heard," John retorted, a smile playing on his lips, finding the confrontation with the janissary commander to be a formidable challenge indeed.

Without hesitation, he lunged forward once more, mirroring the charge that Demetrius had once demonstrated during their rigorous training sessions.

Emir, recovering his stance, prepared to fend off John's renewed assault, deeming the charge to be more reckless than strategic. However, what unfolded next caught him completely off guard.

As their blades clashed anew, it was Emir who found himself pushed backward, his attempts to halt John's seemingly reckless charge proved futile.

Stumbling backward, his balance teetering on the brink, he managed to sidestep and regain his equilibrium just in time. Yet, to his astonishment, his grip on his scimitar faltered, the blade slipping from his fingers.

In that pivotal moment of realization, a powerful punch from John landed squarely on Emir's face.

The impact carried substantial force, although for a warrior, such actions were deemed unacceptable.

However, in the life-and-death battle, they were considered fair and square, part of the brutal dance where only the victors possessed a voice, while the vanquished could only moan in defeat, or worse, remained silent if they had crossed the threshold into the realm of the deceased.

Pride and glory held little value when confronted with the ultimate inevitability of death.

This forceful blow caused the pasha to crumple onto the square ground, defeated and utterly vanquished. In that precise juncture, a blade was firmly pressed against his neck, a stark indication of his complete surrender.

"Your pasha stands defeated! Lay down your weapons immediately!" John's voice resounded like thunder across the square.

As the clash of metal subsided in perfect unison and with their pasha sprawled on the ground, John's foot resting atop his chest, the Ottoman fighters ceased their struggle. They comprehended the gravity of this situation well.

They had been unequivocally defeated.

One by one, their swords dropped to the ground, and they knelt in surrender.

Recognizing this, his anger surged, and he bellowed furiously at his men, "Cowards! What manner of treachery is this? Stand and fight, damn you! Are you sullying the honor of our Sultan in this manner?"

His eyes blazed with a feverish intensity, a manifestation of his descent into madness. The blade at his throat bore down with increased pressure, eliciting a single bead of crimson to emerge.

"Twitch even one more time, and you shall sup with Lucifer in the depths of Hell," John's countenance turned unnaturally dark, his words a chilling proclamation.

The air seemed to quiver with the weight of his threat. Stricken by fear, the pasha's resistance faltered, his defiance subdued. Even in the face of his own mortality, he clung to life's tenuous thread.

Thus, the siege of Constantia concluded with victory firmly in the grasp of the combined forces. Mere days after news of the city's fall spread across the lands, a wave of panic swept through the pashalik's ruling lords.

Swiftly gathering their possessions, they fled the province, urgently seeking refuge in neighboring regions.

In the blink of an eye, the united arms assumed command over the once-occupied territory. Their swift actions resulted in the complete liberation of the province, providing them with a formidable foothold—the inaugural bastion for the occupying coalition.

Upon hearing the news, numerous individuals identifying themselves as Bulgarian refugees who had fled the Sultan's dreadful edict emerged from hiding throughout the province, converging on the recaptured city.

Their emotions were a mixture of relief and elation, as they realized that their long days of hardship and uncertainty were finally coming to an end.

Word of the Roman and Bulgarian forces seamlessly capturing the province effortlessly rippled across Bulgaria, gradually permeating its entirety.

Subsequently, this information reached the Ottoman capital, ultimately coming to the attention of both the Sultan and his Grand Vizier in a chain of unfolding events.

This action incited the Sultan's fury. He dispatched an emissary to Constantinople, demanding an explanation from the Byzantine Emperor. In a tense gathering of his officials, anger surged like a tempest, hurling forth curses and insults.

Swiftly, after intense discussions and contemplation, the Sultan issued a decree for the assembly of his forces to reclaim the province.

With the exception of the Anatolian troops currently engaged against the Mamluks in the east, the entire might of Rumelia was mustered.

In the ensuing days, the Sultan achieved the feat of amassing a formidable army of 50,000 soldiers, comprising his entire Janissary Corps and Christian vassals.

The fall of Constantia itself held little strategic significance for the Ottoman's Sultan.

Yet, the source of the Sultan's wrath wasn't merely the method of its capture, but rather the audacity of those responsible – savage peasants of the Bulgarian dogs, and also the ungrateful Roman whom his forefathers had led lived.

This time, the Sultan's resolve burns with an unquenchable fire, driven to eradicate these entities from the very fabric of existence.

Never before has he tasted such bitter humiliation. Just as he ascended to the throne of the Ottoman Empire, he could not have foreseen this shattering blow to his path of grandeur.

And so, a relentless force of 50,000 soldiers marches forth, united by the Sultan's consuming fury. To what end, none can truly fathom.

Yet, this vast assembly is not driven by the desire for dominion, but by the unyielding purpose of annihilation.

If, and only if, he can obliterate the forces responsible for his ignominy, he swears that rest will elude him no more.

In his heart, he binds himself to a vow of vengeance, a pledge to unleash his full might upon those who have undermined his authority.


[Constantia, Bulgaria 'Liberation' Force]

It has been sixteen days since the city fell under occupation, followed by the Ottoman's Sultan forces' march only three days ago.

Despite the tumultuous pace, a series of consequential events continued to unfold, particularly within this freshly acquired territory.

To bolster the triumph and alleviate the plight of the Bulgarian people, Constantinople's ships sailed forth, laden with supplies, weaponry, and crucial reinforcements.

In an unexpected twist, Gavriel dispatched an additional contingent of ten thousand soldiers to augment John's forces.

In a departure from previous standoffs, the Byzantine bureaucracy begrudgingly yielded to the need for support, grudgingly acceding to their co-emperor's cause.

Under Emperor Manuel II's stern command, the order was relayed to the council, utilizing the Emperor's singular authority.

Nevertheless, Gavriel found himself genuinely content with this arrangement.

His profound admiration for the co-emperor's remarkable prowess in this seemingly insurmountable conflict had effectively altered the course of the war, tilting it dramatically in favor of the insurgents.

John received the uplifting news from the emissary of the shipment with elation.

However, the ominous undertone of the Sultan's furious march persisted in his thoughts, a reminder of the pressing urgency that still loomed over their every move.

With this remarkable show of support, John and the Bulgarian forces found themselves bolstered to nearly 40,000 men. You might wonder how they achieved such a substantial increase in just 15 days. The answer lies with Dmitriv and Emil's companions: Stefan, Petar, and Simeon.

These devoted individuals rallied their insurgent groups from hidden strongholds and neighboring regions, uniting every refugee and willing fighter within the newly captured territory.

Their efforts resulted in the inclusion of an additional 15,000 insurgents, which combined with the existing 12,000 soldiers from John's and the Bulgarian forces, formed a formidable contingent of approximately 27,000.

With the timely arrival of 10,000 Roman reinforcements, the combined strength of the troops soared to approximately 37,000 men.

Although the gathered forces were considerable, their numbers alone didn't provide the assurance of victory against the looming Ottoman might that threatened to envelop them.

Permitting the Ottomans to lay siege to the city came fraught with peril. The city's walls offered a sanctuary for the displaced refugees seeking refuge, and initiating an attack during a siege risked their safety.

Such a conundrum would defy the very purpose of protection, potentially turning the vulnerable into unintended casualties—an outcome John was resolute in avoiding at any cost.

If engagement were to occur beyond the city's protective barriers, John was prepared to accept that reality. However, this alternative posed its own set of challenges.

The outnumbered forces were not only lacking in training but also ill-equipped for a full-fledged assault, presenting a significant hurdle that could jeopardize their efforts.

Even amidst the array of weaponry John had introduced, none could guarantee an outright advantage in battle. Even if fully employed, the combined forces would likely still face a pyrrhic victory.

Thus, for reasons at hand, a clear strategy that could significantly tip the scales in their favor eluded him. Though new weaponry might enhance their chances, the endeavor carried substantial risk, regardless of how thoroughly he considered it.

Would he jeopardize victory by arming potential adversaries with the very weapons he had developed? Or should he employ them now, with plans for future refinement to maintain his upper hand?

If he were to choose the latter option, he would not only set in motion irreversible consequences but also alter the course of history by five centuries.

Let's remember that this is the year 1414. If he were to expedite events akin to the historical occurrence of 1914, the onset of the Great War, the cost would far surpass the expenditures of this era. Such a course of action would likely kindle a cascade of similar conflicts.

Yet, would he take that path? Would he accelerate the onset of the catastrophic 'Great War' solely to gain an upper hand against the Ottomans? Was it truly a matter of utmost necessity?

Amidst this moral dilemma enveloping his chambers, a gentle knock reverberated, instantly pulling him from his introspection.

As the door swung open, ushering in the figures beyond, John's gaze alighted on the familiar faces before him: Emil, Stefan, Dmitriv, Petar, and Simeon.

Each of their features held a unique blend of camaraderie and shared experiences, a testament to the bonds forged amidst the trials of war.

"Ah, it's you guys. What brings you here?" John's words carried a trace of weariness, tempered by a genuine smile that conveyed his fondness for these newfound companions.

They were more than comrades; they had become friends amid the crucible of conflict.

John held deep admiration for their unwavering courage, their indomitable tenacity, and the resilience they displayed even in the darkest of hours.

Their presence was a constant reminder of the human spirit's ability to shine brightly amidst adversity.

As they engaged in conversation, their words encompassing the spectrum of their collective journey from the war's inception, John found himself discussing various aspects.

They delved into the intricacies of strategic choices that had culminated in victories against daunting odds. The trio's arrival brought a renewed vitality to their exchange, an eagerness to share insights and revelations.

John's strategic vision and tactical prowess stood as pillars of their successes, each maneuver a testament to his adept leadership.

The discussions wove a tapestry of shared respect, a recognition of the talents that each individual brought to the table.

Yet, within the midst of their discourse, one pivotal question remained unaddressed—the why. John's motivations, the underlying reasons propelling him to willingly engage in this struggle while his empire faced its own challenges, remained shrouded in mystery.

It was a question that lingered, an unspoken curiosity that gnawed at their understanding. As the conversation flowed, John adeptly navigated their inquiries, his responses measured and thoughtful.

"After we secure victory in this war, I promise I will share my reasons with you. While some aspects might already be known to you, your question deserves a complete answer. Consider it a promise for the future,"

John's words held a quiet resolve, an assurance that he would unveil the truth once the present conflict had been resolved.

However, tonight, that answer still eluded them. Instead, the topic of discussion shifted to what their next course of action should be. What should be their plan to deter the 50,000 incoming furious force.

"Your Highness, may I have your ear?" Stefan, the leader of the group, respectfully began.

"In our pursuit of victory, might we consider an alternative approach? Instead of solely relying on foot soldiers, what if we were granted access to horses? It is my belief that mounted units could tip the scales in our favor. After all, did not the Mongols employ a similar strategy with great success?" he continued, acknowledging the audacity of the proposal.

Surprisingly, John found himself recollecting an intriguing historical precedent.

Cavalry. The Siege of Vienna in 1683 echoed with the triumphant charge of Jan III Sobieski and his renowned Winged Hussars. This pivotal event not only halted the Ottoman incursion into Western Europe but also etched itself into the annals of history.

The questions tugged at John's mind: What led to this resounding victory? Was it the valor of Jan III himself or the Ottomans' incapability to counter such a sudden onslaught of potent cavalry?

Regardless, parallels could be drawn between the Winged Hussars and the contemporary Kataphractoi.

Both embodied the concept of heavy cavalry, formidable forces equipped to trample adversaries under the weight of hooves and lances.

But how did this potential lie dormant, waiting to be harnessed? The answer lay in the application of shock tactics.

While the strategies employed by cavalry had evolved through time, the core principle had remained remarkably constant.

Although the Ottomans had transitioned from their initial horseback archery steppe tradition and adopted firearms as their infantry mainstay during the Siege of Vienna, they were not impervious to the potency of well-coordinated cavalry charges.

Thus, the proposal for a cavalry-focused approach, inspired by historical successes and adapted to contemporary circumstances, held the potential to become a turning point in the ongoing conflict.

The shifting tides of warfare might indeed find their course altered through a resurgence of effective mounted tactics against the heavily infantry-based Ottoman forces.

"Oh, dear Stefan! What a brilliant idea you've put forth," John exclaimed, his admiration for the Bulgarian leader growing another notch. "But where would we find enough horses for our men? With our current strength, we could possibly deploy around 10,000 horses at most."

His impression of Stefan's insight deepening, John continued, momentarily lost in thought. "Even considering all my personal retinue who can ride horses similar to my father's royal guards, that would still only amount to 6,000 mounted men."

Stefan interjected with a reassuring tone, "If that's your concern, then worry not. I have 4,000 skilled riders among my men who can handle horses quite effectively."

John's face lit up with a mixture of relief and enthusiasm. He appreciated the co-emperor's openness to considering his suggestion.

"In that case, everything changes. Prepare your men, Stefan. Tomorrow, we shall commence training. And soon enough, we'll stand ready to bring the Sultan and his Grand Vizier to their knees."

And so, a new chapter of intense planning unfolded, even more ambitious than before.

This battle differed significantly from any John had faced so far. It marked his first foray into large-scale warfare. With Stefan and his comrades, John had finally found the solution to his longstanding dilemma.

Surprisingly, he realized that he need not rely on any newfangled technology. The victory had been within reach all along; the missing puzzle piece was cavalry.

Throughout history, the Ottomans had feared heavy cavalry. Even after the downfall of their adversaries, their vulnerability to mounted troops remained unaddressed, lingering even as their empire crumbled.

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