
69. Cristmas Holidays

On the day of Ravenclaw vs. Hufflepuff quidditch match, both the teams could be seen supporting completely different expressions. On one side where Ravenclaws were relaxed and confident, on the other side the Hufflepuff's team members all had tense and bitter expression.

Many had seen Harry demonstrating his new broom, they had also heard how good of a flyer Harry was after their flying class fiasco.

Players from both the teams went out and took to sky on their respective sides. First the two bludgers were released followed by the golden snitch. Harry kept his focus on the Quaffle that was going to be thrown by madam hooch but his eyes were on the the snitch all the time.

The moment he heard Lee Jordon, the commentator, announce the start of the game, he flew out of the encirclement easily that the puffs had been planning to stop him from the start.

The snitch had actually flown to the opposite goal post by that moment. Harry accelerated his broom even as he saw the snitch diving straight to the ground.

Harry could already feel someone trying to control his broom but he was not worried. Diving at the top speed Harry made a sharp 90 degree turn parallel to the ground right behind the snitch and easily caught it in his right hand even as his broom made a sudden but stable movement to the side to evade a bludger by one of Hufflepuff chaser trying to stop him.

The game ended in less than 30 seconds after its commencement making the audiance look at everything in bewilderment for a second before the stadium erupted with the sound of loud cheers especially from the Claws.

On the evening of the match, Harry saw the scene of Snape limping and having a confrontation with Quirrell. The next day Hagrid again invite him with the guise of congratulating him for his debut but at last 'mistakenly' said Flamels name in front of him.

Harry played along with all of Dumbledore's plans, making the man believe that Harry was still under his control much to the chagrin of Snape, who still firmly believed that Harry was behind everything going wrong with them even if he had no proof.

But that is not all that happened the next day. The next day there was an article on the front page of the Daily Prophet saying 'Harry Potter -The boy who lived, the genius and the youngest seeker in a century'

In that article, there was a moving picture of the moment he caught the snitch, stating the events of the previous day along with how Harry rode the broom he himself made.

That single news, made Harry doubly famous and directly established his identity as a genius. Harry heared from Mcgonagall and Flitwick that the country's quidditch team's coach wanted to talk to him but Dumbledore stopped him by saying that it would affect Harry's studies.

'as if he can stop me if I really want to join' Harry thaught amusedly.

The cristmas holidays were going to start from 22 December and end on 5th January, nearly 2 weeks long. Mcgonagall asked for students who were going to stay behind in Hogwarts during the holidays which Harry obviously didn't sign.

Of course Dumbledore called him to his office, trying to 'subtly' influence his decision but Harry firmly stood his ground stating that the Dursleys' were his only remaining blood relatives no matter what kind of people they were, which actually did manage to convince Dumbledore.

Soon the day of going back came, Harry and all his friends boarded the Hogwarts express settling in 2 coaches because of their number.

During this time, Harry had not been idle for a moment. He had finally decided on the sets of rituals for his followers and also for himself. He had already trained his legilimency to the level that he could read the surface thoughts of Snape without letting him know, which he believed was an achievement in itself.

Other than that, he also succeeded in inventing a method of restraining Fawkes without Alfred's help but it was only temporary as it only worked for 30 seconds, which was actually not very usefull for him.

This cristmas, he was invited by the Patils, the bones, penny and Jessica, the Greengrass and all the other members of his super 13 except the Hannah and Neville for obvious reasons.

Harry met with the Grangers on the platform before bidding farewell to his group of friends and apparated directly to his family house.

He was mentally tired after his time in the Hogwarts and decided to just let it go and slept like a baby. Waking up in the morning the next day, he first went out for a 30 minutes jog before getting ready for the day.

When he went to the kitchen he found Dobby already working on the breakfast.

"Hey Dobby, when did you come?" Harry greeted patting him on his bald head.

"Miss Hermy told Dobby that sir Alfred is busy. Dobby came to make breakfast for the great and amazing Harry Potter sir after making breakfast for the Grangys." Dobby said happy to receive the attention.

After breakfast, Harry apparated to the training ground where Alfred was sitting cross-legged with closed eyes, focused on restraining Fawkes.

"It's been hard on you Alfred. I'm sorry." Harry said sadly.

"It's alright sir. I'm just feeling bitter for not being able to serve you nowadays."

" Don't worry Alfred. I already have a direction, I'm sure I'll be able to find a permanent solution for this.

By the way, here, keep this powder with you. If you make a border around Fawkes from it, it will stop it for the next 30 seconds. I was not able to make much but it can be used 20 times I think." Harry gave a box filled with blue powder to Alfred.

" And Alfred, I need you to deliver this Amulet and this letter to Sirius Black in Azkaban." Alfred nodded and immediately used the blue power to draw a circle around Fawkes before letting go of his powers.

Seeing that Fawkes was indeed incapable of escaping, Alfred immediately went away to complete the task knowing he only had a few seconds.

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