
Chapter 51: Mo-chan

The now dubbed Mo-chan just opened and closed her mouth like a fish out of water. "This shouldn't be possible." She frowned heavily and Mordred could see her form start to fade.

"What do I do?" Mordred looked at Tiamat and his mom didn't know as well.

"I don't know!?" She looked at the others and they shrugged as well.

"Wait, princesses in stories just need a kiss for everything to be all right, correct?" Lavinia proposed seriously.

Mordred immediately grabbed Mo-chan's face and kissed her. Cycling his mana through mucosal contact, just like how Scathach did it.

"Mwah! What the fuck!?" Mo-chan recoiled immediately, blushing furiously. 'T-that felt good... No! My fucking brother just violated my tongue!' Mo-chan didn't know how to react.

"It worked, but her soul is still unstable." Valerie's eyes were glowing and she saw that Mo-chan would still disappear in a few minutes.

"Isn't it because she's not from this world?" Tiamat theorized, remembering that she came from the dimensional gap.

"Then fusing her with this place's Mordred would be fine right?" Ise raised her hand.

"Good theory, for an idiot." Vali sneered and they butted heads again for the nth time.

"Shut up! Mordred's thinking of a way to stabilize her. She's a pure magical construct right now." Dulio pointed at Mordred who was brooding.

"Uhhh, don't I have a say in this?" Mo-chan looked at them incredulously.

But of course, everybody ignored her. "How about you stick it in her? Give her some more of your DNA and then she'll magically form a body?" Kuroka tried to pitch in.

"What the fuck!? Are you seriously telling Mordred to bang her!?" Ise got angry and everybody else glared at her.

"What!? I don't like it too! But we have to make her stay here. Won't she be like a loyal goon of Mordred? She did call him a master." Kuroka hissed at them for thinking that she would just let him shag the spirit in front of them that easily.

"Nee-samya is right... But I don't think that will work?" Shirone furrowed her brows.

"Why shouldn't we just let her go and think of this as a failure?" Meredith was of the opposite opinion.

"I mean, she's strong... But she won't be of much help to us." Masaomi checked her out. He was sure that even the youngest of them; Shirone would beat the shit out of her.

She's a sage that trains against Scathach of all people. Their master would kick their asses if they lost to Mo-chan.

Shirone might be a small cupcake, but she and Kuroka are close quarter combat specialists that are even more skillful than Mordred with their bare fists.

Though they don't really know Mo-chan's other skills.

"Hah? You saying that this shorty here can beat me?" Mo-chan got offended of course and she pointed at Shirone. Which pissed her off, Shirone is a dragon. And insulting their strength is tantamount to telling them to kill themselves for being useless.

"Mordred-nii... Definitely stabilize this bitch and she'll be catching these hands." Shirone growled. Her fur was standing on end.

"Okay, be quiet... I have an idea." Mordred's hand lit up with mana and he dipped a knight piece into her. He then connected her soul to one of his dragon hearts so she could be anchored to their world.

Mo-chan shivered in pleasure, feeling herself getting connected to Mordred.

He then went wide eyed, seeing her memories from childhood. Raised in the shadows by Morgan Le Fay, brainwashing her to believe that the throne of Camelot was to be hers.

But what surprised him even more is that her so-called father was a teenage girl named Artoria.

"T-that's interesting..." Mordred tilted his head and Mo-chan also learned of his life.

"You... You're a true hero, my father pales in comparison." She learned of his status as a prison. And he's holding them back with sheer fucking will.

Yahweh's runes helped immensely, but one can get corrupted by power quickly. And he is still young as well. But he instead repurposes his power to try and give humanity a helping hand against the supernatural that views them as nothing but trash.

There's only a handful of people that don't view them as resources. Just a race to exploit. Even the angels claim them like products in order to be used.

"It seems that my brother is definitely a person that I can admire." Mo-chan grinned at him and was in awe at his determination.

"Thanks." Mordred nodded at her and they shook hands. "Are you gonna kiss again? She definitely liked that." Lavinia commented and Mo-chan choked on her spit.

"N-no! What the hell is wrong with you!?" Mo-chan glared at her.

"Well, the historical Mordred that rebelled here was Morgan's daughter after seducing Arthur with her fae magic. So incest runs in the family? Mordred also wants to marry Tiamat, she's his mom. But that's debatable if it really is incest." Cleria analyzed their dynamic.

"Y-you what?" Mo-chan looked at him and at Tiamat. "What? I love mom. We'll be making sweet love later." He shrugged and Mo-chan's view of him through rose tinted glasses shattered into a million pieces.

"Hey, she's fine now right? You and me, let's go." Shirone glared at her and transformed into her dragon form, shocking Mo-chan.

"A dragon..." She thought that was amazing. A phantasmal beast in the flesh. Though the cat ears were cute though. Making her less threatening in her eyes. Which is a huge mistake.

"Awww, the little dragon kitty wants to have a play fight." Mo-chan tried to pat her head. But Shirone gripped her wrist and the bones in her wrist creaked.

"You scared?" Shirone snorted and Mo-chan squinted her eyes.

"As promised Shirone, you can fight with her. Mom, please put up a barrier." Mordred was exhausted and Tiamat nodded, wanting to see how Mo-chan can do.

The two fighters stood in front of each other and Vali was the proctor. She could use divide to negate powerful attacks after all.

"Aren't you a pretty strong kitty? Come on, show me what you're made of." Mo-chan had an arrogant smile on her face.

Shirone ignored her and she clapped. Willing natural energy to enter her body. "Senpou: Tentai!" (Heavenly body)

Using senjutsu, Shirone incorporated natural energy to her whole body. Mixing with her mana, muscles, bones, etc.

Combining a dragon's physique and sage body. It could definitely be called a heaven defying technique. Only made possible due to her draconic and nekoshou nature which can filter nature energy incredibly rapidly.

"Senpou: Nativity of a world of trees!" Shirone slammed her hands to the ground and the earth rumbled.

Super powered trees filled with mana and natural energy sprouted from the ground. Having inspiration from Menma Shippuden.

Mo-chan tried to slash it with her sword, but her hands suddenly felt numb as the trunk of the trees that were sprouting from the ground like geysers stopped her blade halfway through.

"Shit." Mo-chan underestimated her too much and she got trapped in branches that were far harder than steel.

"Dragon... Punch!" Shirone decked her right on the face and Mo-chan broke through the trees, crashing through them that made the others wince.

As a sage, Shirone and Kuroka had the strongest bodies except Ise in her balance breaker and Mordred who fights Scathach one on one all the time.

After the dust settled, Mo-chan stood up. Her nose was broken and her cheek bones were fractured. "Hah, hah... I'm sorry, you're definitely not a cute kitty." She held her blade and shook her head to get rid of her dizziness.

Red lightning sparked on her body and Mo-chan grinned. "I'll show you something good." She reinforced her body with mana.

"Ohh, that's an inefficient way to use that." Mordred noticed as she wasn't using primordial magic yet. It was a farcry to a dragon's way to reinforce their bodies.

"I'll beat the shit out of you nya! Your paltry tricks can't compare to Mordred-nii! Senpou: Buddha's hand of enlightenment!" Shirone clapped and a giant wooden Buddha appeared.

"Clarent... Blood Arthur!" Mo-chan swung her blade and a red beam of energy threatened to swallow everything in its path.

Shirone is a dragon though. And she breathed out a dragon's signature attack. A beam that was filled with natural energy.

The demonic energy coming from Mo-chan's attack weakened considerably. She widened her eyes in surprise. "Shit. I have made a terrible mistake."

She saw a shadow loom over and Mo-chan heard a buzzing noise. And as the technique suggests, Shirone's Buddha gave a hand of enlightenment.

With a palm strike, the ground crunched and Mo-chan's bones cracked as a shockwave coming from the golem's hand focused onto her.

She was flattened to the ground and was in pretty bad shape right afterwards. "Hmph, that's what you get for underestimating a dragon, nya." Shirone huffed.

"Shirone, you didn't need to use that you know?" Kuroka smiled wryly and she checked up on Mo-chan.

"She's got a few ruptured organs and over half of the bones in her body is broken, but she'll live." Kuroka shrugged and they started healing her.

"Good job Shirone, never let anyone insult your strength as a dragon." Mordred nodded at her and she purred, her tails swaying in pleasure.

"Mou... I should have fought for Shirone then! As her big sister, it's my job to protect her honor." Kuroka pouted at them and got jealous.

"No, Shirone's sage arts almost killed her. You would have disintegrated her with your special technique." Mordred chided her and Kuroka got depressed.

She was trying to fish for some headpats too, but got scolded instead.

"Ugh... What happened?" Mo-chan woke up, feeling like she just got hit by a semi.

"You got cocky, you would have put up a better fight if you went all out at the beginning. These kids are raised to fight you know?" Masaomi sighed.

"Right..." She looked at Shirone with newfound respect.

"By the way, how does she scale in your group?" Mo-chan was curious.

"Cleria can cancel her sage arts and magic, so Shirone is in a disadvantage against her. I'm the weakest really, she's ahead of me. But weaker than Meredith due to her barriers that can siphon nature energy away from the place." Masaomi explained.

"So I got bodied by the second weakest member of your team? I didn't even touch a hair on her body." Mo-chan felt vexed.

"Ohh, you definitely don't want to see what Dulio or Lavinia can do. They can destroy entire countries easily with their special techniques." Cleria shrugged. Their balance breakers can cause world disasters if it is willed to spread destruction.

"Aren't you guys amazing? Are you heroic spirits?" Mo-chan thought that they were a similar version of her.

"No, we are dragons." Mordred showed his wings and everybody else followed suit. "And you are too. We will show you the ropes, do not disappoint me. Dragons are at the apex." Mordred gave her a hand.

She took it with a grin and her determination to get stronger blazed. "Sure thing master."

"Umu, well said Mo-chan." Mordred nodded at her and she winced. "C-can you do something about that nickname?"

"No, Lavinia already dubbed you as Mo-chan. And I'm Mo-kun, people will get confused." Mordred shut her down immediately.

"So? You're gonna kiss as a celebration?" Lavinia commented again. Mo-chan felt a headache coming and she massaged her head.


"Hello, how is Akeno and Shuri?" Mordred went to the Gremory estate and he met up with Rias who ended up with the duo.

"She's fine, she still doesn't want to be alone and clings on Shuri-san all the time. But I've been starting them on therapy at the Sitri hospitals." Rias shrugged while drinking some tea.

"Hmmm, she's a friend of mine. So take care of her, did you recruit her yet?" Mordred was curious if she really did turn her into a peerage member.

"I did, told them that they're safer with me than out there." Rias smiled and she was happy that she agreed.

She explained the situation with them. Especially with what Mordred got from the Himejimas through Valerie's interrogation of their souls.

They teamed up with fallen angels. The Himejimas don't know when Barakiel will be gone after all. The Himejimas attacked when he was out on a mission. And they got that info from someone inside Grigori.

"What piece though?" Mordred was pleased that Rias will protect them. The Gremorys were of the duke rank. And not only that, Sirzechs is backing them. The filthy devils of the great king faction will think it's more trouble than it's worth.

"I reincarnated her as a bishop, I thought about using a queen piece. But nah, she's not cut out for it. I want a more experienced individual for my queen piece." Rias wisely waited for an opportunity.

"That's a good choice, back then. You would have definitely made her your queen." Mordred teased her and she pouted at him.

"I might be lonely back then, but now. I've got you guys." She smiled and he patted her head, making her close her eyes pleasantly.

Without Mordred as the bridge, Rias won't be able to interact much with the other heiresses and Sairaorg after all.

And he binded them together as the supposed leader of the budding geniuses that has overtaken all the pillar houses' young children.

"I have a new member of my kin too Rias." Mordred called for Mo-chan and she appeared beside him.

"Hmm? Whatcha called for master?" Mo-chan tilted her head and Rias blinked.

"Are you siblings? You look really similar..." Rias got nervous and thought that was the case after analyzing her.

"Yup." Mo-chan popped her lips and she pointed at Mordred. "We're half siblings, kinda..." Mo-chan still didn't know if that was legit or not.

"H-hello sister-in-law." Rias nodded at her anxiously and Mo-chan glared at her.

"Ope, she is quite sensitive with her gender. Don't worry Mo-chan, even though your chest is small. You've got a nice, toned butt. Can I touch it?" Mordred asked for permission and she nodded subconsciously to his outrageous request.

He then felt her up and Mo-chan screamed weirdly. "Umu, a firm yet still supple butt. As expected of my sister." Mordred gave her a thumbs up and Rias didn't know what to say.


Thanks for reading everyone, and for those that aren't convinced that Shirone would body Mordred. Cu trained with Scathach for 7 years and he can deal with Mordred quite easily.

Shirone's been under her tutelage for 4 years and she is a dragon that is also a sage. Mordred is in a really bad match up against skill types. Being a berserker-like fighter. She isn't Heracles, her durability can't match her style.

The white cat has superior martial arts, it's not even close. Superior mana, magic, resistances, skill, and experience against a bonafide godslayer. Because Scathach doesn't do soft spars, like at all. Anyways, ciao.

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